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Generally favorable reviews- based on 365 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 52 out of 365
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  1. Jun 10, 2022
    I'm a Björk fan, and whilst I can appreciate her talent, she has wandered so far into the 'avant-garde' category that her music has become totally impenetrable and completely inaccessible. She has lots of great ideas, but fails to implement them in actual songwriting, and it's reached the point where her work isn't actually enjoyable - it's just really hard work. Great ideas and conceptsI'm a Björk fan, and whilst I can appreciate her talent, she has wandered so far into the 'avant-garde' category that her music has become totally impenetrable and completely inaccessible. She has lots of great ideas, but fails to implement them in actual songwriting, and it's reached the point where her work isn't actually enjoyable - it's just really hard work. Great ideas and concepts but no structure, no melody, nothing to make you stick around till the end of the album, and definitely nothing to keep you coming back for more. Expand
  2. May 1, 2022
    Challenging, beautiful and spellbinding. It feels therapeutic, like dreaming. But unlike dreams which are short and fleeting Utopia is a languid challenging listen that fails to justify it's length. It almost blends into one big song and although that one big song is an indulgent marvel it can much like too much of a sweet thing leave you full and dissatisfied on continuing.
  3. Feb 4, 2022
    É um ótimo album, podendo ser facilmente considerado um dos melhores albuns de 2017
  4. Dec 10, 2021
    It's honestly such a great album, it shows how much the Icelandic pop star has evolved after her harrowing divorce. I think it's a great album but not really her best, i think what's more important is how she feels after that divorce, utopia showcases how happy she was after releasing vulnicura and letting all of the sadness fade away, and focusing on the future, so the idea of this albumIt's honestly such a great album, it shows how much the Icelandic pop star has evolved after her harrowing divorce. I think it's a great album but not really her best, i think what's more important is how she feels after that divorce, utopia showcases how happy she was after releasing vulnicura and letting all of the sadness fade away, and focusing on the future, so the idea of this album is so good like a post-apocalyptic utopia where people and birds emerged to with flutes...creative.
    With Arca's production it totally sounded better but what ruined the album was those bird noises especially in 'The Gate' and generally the rest of the album, as i stated earlier it's a highly creative album but some of the production kind of ruined it, The flutes are so amazing especially in "Courtship", and well lyrically i think it's her third best album when it comes to the lyrics, Those lyrics portrait how she felt post and before the divorce, courtships, people after the apocalypse in the what so called utopia.
    So far a great album not her best.
  5. Oct 30, 2021
    Here we go again, there's more to discover in here than in the whole Reggaeton genre. Guðmundsdóttir did what we were not expecting for, but we already knew she could give us.
  6. Oct 11, 2021
    Its really bad. I feel sorry for her very successful father and boyfriends. She's a conceited and self-obsessed person who flaunts being able to play numerous instruments like it makes her a musical genius. Utopia is just a part of her long discography that next to nobody listens to, that's sampled from time to time by various artists, but almost never listened to alone because of howIts really bad. I feel sorry for her very successful father and boyfriends. She's a conceited and self-obsessed person who flaunts being able to play numerous instruments like it makes her a musical genius. Utopia is just a part of her long discography that next to nobody listens to, that's sampled from time to time by various artists, but almost never listened to alone because of how uninventive her music is. Some of the songs being listenable warrants 2 points from me, but the albums style of art (in the music videos for instance) comes off as boring and too earthy and thus cliche. And there's nothing new overall. Expand
  7. Sep 17, 2021
    Björk’s and Arca’s joint album is actually something that has never been done before. Utopia is not just an album, in my opinion, it is an essence of en vogue sounds which are totally unique and futuristic.
    Of course, this composition has its own pros and cons. The futurism, innovativeness of represented tracks should be called the biggest advantage of the whole album. Besides, “Utopia”
    Björk’s and Arca’s joint album is actually something that has never been done before. Utopia is not just an album, in my opinion, it is an essence of en vogue sounds which are totally unique and futuristic.
    Of course, this composition has its own pros and cons. The futurism, innovativeness of represented tracks should be called the biggest advantage of the whole album. Besides, “Utopia” goes precisely beyond its time, simultaneously fighting with the dystopian world that Arca’s created in her self-titled album. “Utopia” shows us something shimmeringly aesthetic, sometimes it reminds me SOPHIE’s debut album “Oil Of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides” (which was released in 2018 though), especially the end of her most famous song “Faceshopping”.
    Glimmering of all tracks coexists with strange (sometimes worshiping) vocals of Björk. Some songs are suitable for the Björk’s voice, for instance, “Arisen My Senses”. But fabulousness of some songs is deeply connected with weird compositions, and I can’t really understand them. “Claimstaker” is one of the most disappointing tracks of this album. It fills you up with different feelings, but these feelings usually come together, interrupting each other. You expect the song to be mysterious and miraculous, but instead you hear those multiple voices of Björk that are not really connected and constructed.
    Hearing a flute every single time is good, but kind of old-fashioned. I can’t say a flute doesn’t fit the futuristic sound that Arca usually shows, but this instrument reminds me some folk singers, who are not futuristic at all. In my opinion, those songs could be less naturalistic and more synthetic because it actually resembles the future.
    In conclusion I would like to say that “Utopia” is a good album to listen to. Evergreen forests appear in your head when you feel the atmosphere of this album. I cannot say anything bad about the production or the quality of the content, but honestly, this composition doesn’t look like a total avantpop. It sounds rather “earthy” than “cosmic”. That’s why it is 7/10
  8. Dec 15, 2020
    The main problem these days is Björk is predictably unpredictable. The concept for concept's sake included. And whether we relate to absolutely everything-Björk or not, her last three albums make a logical next step each - for some it is a step forward, for others it is walking around in circles.
  9. Nov 20, 2020
    Bjork never misses the opportunity to innovate and show the world how to do truly artistic work, in Utopia she probably delivered her most experimental and challenging work, the sparkling sounds of nature mingle with the murmurs of her voice around self-reflection and rediscovery , after Vulnicura's journey.
  10. Aug 22, 2020
    Uno de los discos mas trabajados de Bjork, pero a su vez uno de los peores, la producción es muy original y auténtica, no suena agradable al oído, pareciera que Bjork rebuscó y rebuscó al punto de que suena muy pretencioso y poco convincente, no le llega ni a los talones a Biophilia y Vulnicura.
  11. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Moderna, llena de vida, una experiencia alucinante. Para mí es musicoterapia. Expand
  12. Aug 4, 2019
    'Utopia' contains some soothing and melodically superior tracks. Although it is Bjork most bloated album running over 70 minutes, the album is "bloated with messages". Songs like "Utopia", "Arisen My Senses" and "Losss" are the album's highlights, but tracks such as "Claimstaker" and "Saint" are rather the typical hard-to-stomach Bjork tracks.
    Strongest Tracks: "Arisen My Senses",
    'Utopia' contains some soothing and melodically superior tracks. Although it is Bjork most bloated album running over 70 minutes, the album is "bloated with messages". Songs like "Utopia", "Arisen My Senses" and "Losss" are the album's highlights, but tracks such as "Claimstaker" and "Saint" are rather the typical hard-to-stomach Bjork tracks.
    Strongest Tracks: "Arisen My Senses", "Blissing Me", "Utopia", "Body Memory", "Features Creatures", "Losss", "Sue Me"
  13. Jun 13, 2019
    There's something about this album that I can't explain. I see the flaws, but at the same time, it's not like they want to hide it: it's the human part n this eccentric album.
    the only thing I really think is off is the name: Utopia. I do not think it represents the album. I could divide the album in 3 different parts: the Utopian Dimension , a vessel of love - from arisen my senses up to
    There's something about this album that I can't explain. I see the flaws, but at the same time, it's not like they want to hide it: it's the human part n this eccentric album.
    the only thing I really think is off is the name: Utopia. I do not think it represents the album. I could divide the album in 3 different parts: the Utopian Dimension , a vessel of love - from arisen my senses up to utopia... then , you enter another dimension: the women vs men in an endless love-pain relation from body memory up to tabula rasa. Then, you enter earth, where you celebrate it, with music that heals and embraces a positive future. The name should give another perspective, more accurate of the 3 topics . Good album, very different in it's 3 dimensions.
  14. Jan 12, 2019
    It is simply astonishing. Her most dazzling and provacotive album to date because it wants you to react to it and have opinions about it. Lyrically it is not strong as vulnicura but it describes a world full of deeply felt emotions and it drives you into that world leaving you to experience it on your own with your own perspective. At the end you learn that a persons utopia can includeIt is simply astonishing. Her most dazzling and provacotive album to date because it wants you to react to it and have opinions about it. Lyrically it is not strong as vulnicura but it describes a world full of deeply felt emotions and it drives you into that world leaving you to experience it on your own with your own perspective. At the end you learn that a persons utopia can include pain and struggle as well as happiness and hope. And it is important to say that, from a soundscape point of view, Utopia outdid Vulnicura’s achievement and made an effort to be beautiful in a different and unique way. It is a long and tiring ride but you have to let is sink in and let it take you to a journey. And do not worry about quality experience because the album becomes a whole slowly, step by step like a piece of puzzle of love, hope, regret and so on. Expand
  15. Jun 16, 2018
    Well, I Think is really good, but Vespertine and Vulnicura are better than this album, but this is one of her best works.
  16. May 10, 2018
    Probably one of her weaker album's but she's set a very high bar. The atmosphere on this album can range from really intriguing to bloated, possibly due to the increased atmospherism found on the album. Nevertheless, her voice is still strong, and she and Arca do work well together.
  17. Apr 19, 2018
    One word: Boredom. Every single song sounds the same, very monotonous. A lot of screaming, the instrumental part is the best part, but nothing out of this word either. The lyrics are just ok. I wish it could be more creative and innovative. I am very disappointed, she is a great artist anyway.
  18. Feb 27, 2018
    Lush and detailed, she is and always will be an innovator. Arca has catered his sound very well to her and together have made a blissful album.
  19. Jan 19, 2018
    What a gem! This is absolutely Bjork coming back with an Icelandic vengeance. I would admit that albums such as Volta didn't really do it for me, and while the last album was an improvement, I was still harping back to 'the good old days' - hate that! But this is for me her finest work - good proof of this is the number of times I get all tingly, the singing is so evocative, and the musicWhat a gem! This is absolutely Bjork coming back with an Icelandic vengeance. I would admit that albums such as Volta didn't really do it for me, and while the last album was an improvement, I was still harping back to 'the good old days' - hate that! But this is for me her finest work - good proof of this is the number of times I get all tingly, the singing is so evocative, and the music just so suits - what a collaboration between these two geniuses.

    Bjork, always inspirational and proudly different (or just I guess necessarily so, what I mean by that is that this is true art - a itch that needs to be scratched by the artist, no pandering to what may or may not sell). One of my favourite Bjork songs is headphones, and this album needs just those to be fully appreciated.
  20. Jan 13, 2018
    amo el album, es hermoso me cautiva, lo mejor que e escuchado este año, merece grandes permios.
  21. Jan 4, 2018
    Adéntrate a la aterradora atmosfera que este álbum te ofrece, rico en sonidos y rico en contenido lírico. Establecido e inigualable.
  22. Dec 23, 2017
    Bjork again shows that doing his thing is unique. Any other musician can be placed in a specific space, except her. She shows again with this album, full of nuances and much more oppressive than his previous Vulnicura. It is the longest of his career and it really is appreciated that it is so. It has beautiful and soft themes, other aggressive and challenging and a handful that make youBjork again shows that doing his thing is unique. Any other musician can be placed in a specific space, except her. She shows again with this album, full of nuances and much more oppressive than his previous Vulnicura. It is the longest of his career and it really is appreciated that it is so. It has beautiful and soft themes, other aggressive and challenging and a handful that make you cry. Thank you for once again demonstrating that we are not facing someone trying to "shape" the critics and leave their career stagnant. (Sorry my english) Expand
  23. Dec 22, 2017
    The critics are too generous with this. It is not bad and is beautiful in parts and is definitely best listened to as an album, but as the other critical reviews have noted, it is a bit too long, nothing at all stands out in a way that you find yourself remembering it at random unless you listen to a song 10 times in a row and that may stick in your head briefly. This has been a negativeThe critics are too generous with this. It is not bad and is beautiful in parts and is definitely best listened to as an album, but as the other critical reviews have noted, it is a bit too long, nothing at all stands out in a way that you find yourself remembering it at random unless you listen to a song 10 times in a row and that may stick in your head briefly. This has been a negative with Bjork's music for the past few albums though. Just ask anyone their favorite song on the past 3 or so and to hum it or share any lyrics and they most likely can't.

    I think she crossed the line she has been closely walking between pop and avant-garde and has gotten stuck on the avant-garde side, forgetting that most people, besides her fans who seem to repeat every new album is her best one yet, love her for her late 80s to early 00s songs and that although these are beautiful albums and quite artistic, very few people are likely going to be eager to listen to them again a few years later.

    At this point, she would be shaking things up by releasing an album, or even one song, that has melody and can be replayed in people's heads without having to be actually listening to the song.
  24. Dec 20, 2017
    A stunning, lush, and love-filled album from Björk. One of her best yet and proof that her passionate search for new sounds, ideas, and collaborations is never-ending and ever-rewarding.
  25. Dec 13, 2017
    too much to ask for a melody? c'mon. it's like free jazz but with harps. keep hoping she'll come back to writing songs instead of sound installations. i have a hard time believing that any critic, or high rating fan, will listen to this album more than once. i love bjork and her quirky, beautiful personality; i just don't like her songs. fans: don't review her, review her music.
  26. Dec 11, 2017

    Avant Garde my ass. This album is stacked with the same loopy vocals and pretentious ballads that weighed her last few albums down - rarely changing in pitch, tone, or pace. I commented on the slog that was Vulnicura back in 2015 and got hit with a wave of rabid Bjork fans coming to her aid. My favorite comment read, "Bjork abandoned cliché long ago. You just don’t understand

    Avant Garde my ass.

    This album is stacked with the same loopy vocals and pretentious ballads that weighed her last few albums down - rarely changing in pitch, tone, or pace.

    I commented on the slog that was Vulnicura back in 2015 and got hit with a wave of rabid Bjork fans coming to her aid. My favorite comment read, "Bjork abandoned cliché long ago. You just don’t understand her." That comment pretty much summed it all up for me since claiming Bjork has abandoned cliché IS a cliché.

    Personally, I don’t care who she broke up with last year or who she is **** now. I just wish Bjork could sell her music without the gimmicks and themes.

    “Listen to Bjork sing acapella with the human beat-boxer.”
    "Listen to Bjork hire musicians to beat on a gourd for an hour with Timbaland."
    “Listen to Bjork crawl into a cave and rub herself with crystals and moss.”
    “Listen to Bjork cry about her break-up for an hour”.
    And finally, “Bjork’s in love again.”

    Personally, I’m holding out for, “Bjork emerges from her own ass and re-embraces cliché.”

    Her costumes are just great though, really, just great.
  27. Dec 5, 2017
    At first, Utopia presents itself as a challenging body of work. With time, it unravels into something more accessible than Vulnicura. Filled with vibrant flutes and scattered electronics, it's probably her most sparse album. It demands attention and if you make it to "Future Forever", you'll realize even though it's deeply empty, it's a reflection of the present, the environment andAt first, Utopia presents itself as a challenging body of work. With time, it unravels into something more accessible than Vulnicura. Filled with vibrant flutes and scattered electronics, it's probably her most sparse album. It demands attention and if you make it to "Future Forever", you'll realize even though it's deeply empty, it's a reflection of the present, the environment and learning to love again. Rather than being in Utopia, it's about trying to get there, and it's never what you think it will be. Expand
  28. Dec 4, 2017
    Bjork on autopilot, thought i would never say that but it happened.....don't waste your time here, you wont hear anything new or worth remembering, this is already played and sung many times by lil' Icelandic queen.....i think she fought the melody as such and melody simply decided to surrender.....back in the time Bjork walked that thin line, but now she forgot where the line is....such aBjork on autopilot, thought i would never say that but it happened.....don't waste your time here, you wont hear anything new or worth remembering, this is already played and sung many times by lil' Icelandic queen.....i think she fought the melody as such and melody simply decided to surrender.....back in the time Bjork walked that thin line, but now she forgot where the line is....such a pity for my favorite girl.... Expand
  29. Dec 3, 2017
    A majestic and grand, colourful art pop. There are ways this album could be more dazzling than it already is but it proves quite impressive, as I didn't favour much Bjork albums previous, yet again with some flaws in production and it takes love as a major, major feeling in this album.
  30. Dec 2, 2017
    Transcendental, lírico, produção única, definem o mais novo trabalho de Bjork. Uma resposta para seu antecessor "Vulnicura", em que seu coração fora partido e ela cantava sobre sua luta sentimental para se manter de pé, traçando um cronograma de acontecimentos para o que levou ao fim de seu relacionamento conturbado, Utopia trata a superação desses acontecimentos, onde ela cria umTranscendental, lírico, produção única, definem o mais novo trabalho de Bjork. Uma resposta para seu antecessor "Vulnicura", em que seu coração fora partido e ela cantava sobre sua luta sentimental para se manter de pé, traçando um cronograma de acontecimentos para o que levou ao fim de seu relacionamento conturbado, Utopia trata a superação desses acontecimentos, onde ela cria um personagem de um jardim ninfa que emprega desde a sonoridade do album (Flautas e cantos de pássaros), a suas letras, que não fazem rodeios, são direto ao ponto. A sonoridade pode ser desconexa e fora dos padrões ocidentais, bem comum para as produções do arca, porém o que define sincronia? Ela canta na sincronia que ela criou e quando nos acostumamos com isso passamos a escutar na sincronia dela, formando assim um album muito bem elaborado dentro do seu mundo. Expand
  31. Dec 1, 2017
    This isn't a huge favorite of mine from Bjork, but it's still pretty solid. I enjoy the relatively upbeat tone to this album, acting as a yang to Vulnicura's ying. It reminds me of a less electronic and more baroque and chamber pop version of her breakthrough album Debut. And a lot of the orchestral and organic instrumentation are wonderful in a lot of spots here, like on Tabula Rasa andThis isn't a huge favorite of mine from Bjork, but it's still pretty solid. I enjoy the relatively upbeat tone to this album, acting as a yang to Vulnicura's ying. It reminds me of a less electronic and more baroque and chamber pop version of her breakthrough album Debut. And a lot of the orchestral and organic instrumentation are wonderful in a lot of spots here, like on Tabula Rasa and the Gate. However it does not work all that well with Arca's production where the harsh electro and IDM sounds clash with this majestic tone, particularly on Sue Me. While it can work, for example Courtship being this cool EDM and flute tune, it just sticks out like a sore thumb. But what really kills this project for me is the length. It's over 70 minutes and it certainly feels it! While I felt that the sparse orchestral and electronic tunes are good, it's not very substantial when it comes to filling out the length. But there is a lot here that does work so it is hard not to hate this album. It is good and I will be returning to it, but I don't love it as much as other fans do. Expand
  32. Dec 1, 2017
    Such a beautiful, magical and original album... takes you to a new world as the purpose. Love all that wild-animal-nature sounds... truly beautiful and relaxing
  33. Nov 29, 2017
    This album was a surprise for me, a good surprise. The theme of this album is flutes and stuff, stuff because each song is unique. I really liked this album because most of songs are long and well built.

    Album Highlights: Saint and Paradisa: That uses flutes and frogs that we've seen on trailers, nice combination, vocal is delightful a special start to the album 8/10. Body Memory:
    This album was a surprise for me, a good surprise. The theme of this album is flutes and stuff, stuff because each song is unique. I really liked this album because most of songs are long and well built.

    Album Highlights:

    Saint and Paradisa: That uses flutes and frogs that we've seen on trailers, nice combination, vocal is delightful a special start to the album 8/10.
    Body Memory: This one reminds me of Medulla era, the middle of the track is stunning and final it shows more flute tones 8/10.
    Arisen my Senses: This seens like a mix between much tracks on Vespertine, reminds me so much of the album 7/10
    Sue Me: One of the staples of this album, is the complete utopia style =] my ears, I can't believe 10/10.
    The Gate: Deffinetelly show a different style and is the core of the album, very catchy and emotional 9/10.
    ClaimStalker: Did Arca helped to build this? It's nice. 7/10
    Loss: My favorite of the album, give me both sadness and happiness 11/10.

    This album is definitely a different brick on the björk's wall built along the time, a beautiful one! The albuns starts with flutes and stuff and ends a bit too electronical at the end, and, It's kind of strange see so much of other albuns on some musics, I would score this album as 8 for so, but, there some songs that kicked the drums and my score is 9/10.
  34. Nov 29, 2017
    2015 saw a great light in the dark with the release of Vulnicura. Sure, ten songs with nine of them in the length of more than five minutes sure looked tiring. In surprise, we got amazing, easy-to-enjoy lovables that can be as everlasting as heck, at least for five years from the release.

    2017, there is the eclectic electro singer with her new album, Utopia. It's kind of amazing that it
    2015 saw a great light in the dark with the release of Vulnicura. Sure, ten songs with nine of them in the length of more than five minutes sure looked tiring. In surprise, we got amazing, easy-to-enjoy lovables that can be as everlasting as heck, at least for five years from the release.

    2017, there is the eclectic electro singer with her new album, Utopia. It's kind of amazing that it is released in the length of 71 minutes, with a lot, and a lot of songs. The minutes I spent away with this song, let's be honest.

    I love Bjork.
    But this album is too much and unbalanced, it lets me down.

    I would blame it pretty much in the arrangements. The music arrangements felt a little too much, the songs become hard to be enjoyed and interpreted. In a lot of the songs, Bjork's voice was as intriguing and beautiful as usual, but tends to be overshadowed by the music . As example the song 'Courtship' is actually a neat song, just if the arpeggio of flutes doesnt go too pitchy and then blurred the lyrics; 'Losss' are actually CATCHY AS HECK ( yes, in capital ), but the metallic bangs and booms overmixed the song, it becomes an uneasy listen. And other songs, as example 'Sue Me' (with the screams) and 'Utopia' (with the flutes) faces the same fate.

    Some of the songs felt too dark to be called 'full of love'. This might only be my far-fetching, but it is kind of true. 'Features Creatures' aren't that lovely to be listened to, 'Body Memory' is a no, and 'Future Forever' is also, eventhough it's not as dark, and a warm tune when looked at other perspective.

    While that is some of the problems in the music, some song also contain too much of Bjork's voiced layered into a series of multiple, delayed voice. Not something too problematic in aestheteic, but it becomes harder to interpret than Vulnicura. Somehow, half of the songs ('Arisen My Senses', 'Utopia', 'Courtship', 'Claimstaker', 'Blissing Me', 'Saint', 'Sue Me') is experiencing this.

    If i have to pick the songs that I like and enjoy, my personal picks would be:
    1. 'Blissing Me' - Beautiful, minimalistic, not over the top, romantic.
    2. 'The Gate' - Simply a silent sound, and it felt nurturing.
    3. 'Arisen My Senses' - Because of its generously packed arrangemet.
    4. 'Future Forever' - Eventhough it's kind of dark, another approach would be said as love.

    The album 'Utopia, felt good as an instrumental album, rather as a Bjork song album. It is worse than 'Volta', to be honest. If all of her voice was removed, we got a solid instrumental album. But no, we are hearing Bjork singing, and that's just a total loss of her voice; the instrumentations beats her voice to death, it hurts. The blood is everywhere. If Bjork built her utopia with this formula, sure it becomes a beautiful city really fast, but it also becomes a dystopia really fast. It just felt like we need another Bjork album immediately this year. I love Bjork, but i would only give four.

    [EDIT : 30/11/2017]

    Okay, i'll just tell you, it actually grew on me slowly and carefully. It tends to be a slowburner album. If you only listened to the album 2-3 times, the songs doesn't make sense. When you actually hear them like for 7-8 times, it turns into such vulnerable, delicate experience. The sounds built their way in part per part. Like, if you are trying to decipheran original Arca album. It takes a lot of digestion process, you know.

    I changed my list of favorite songs:
    1. 'Loss' - The beat BOOMS through my ears.
    2. 'Courtship' - Its arrangements are funny, i just can't.
    3. 'Utopia' - Soft, confusing, holistic.
    4. 'Tabula Rasa' - PLEEEEEEASEEEEE

    From the score of four, i changed my scoring on giving at least seven. While this is actually a delightful album, the slow-burner aspect is inhibiting the effort.
  35. Nov 29, 2017
    'Utopia' is one of Björk's most majestic and revealing albums yet, a little long but the beauty is infinite and the production is disturbing. Resolutely avant-garde!
  36. Nov 29, 2017
    Simplesmente um álbum lindo! Com toda uma história para contar, Björk nos surpreende mais uma vez com seu talento musical e artístico. Todos esses sons de flautas, pássaros, harpas e a produção conjunta invejável com seu amigo Arca (e Rabit em losss) deixaram esse trabalho ainda mais belo, é uma pena que ainda há quem prefira o venezuelano longe dos projetos da islandesa.
  37. Nov 29, 2017
    For me there is nothing fresh or new. Sounds are more musically than on the previous album and that's the biggest positive for me, but only that one. It's good that the every track of Utopia is like from an utopian place.
  38. Nov 29, 2017
    excelente propuesta de Bjork sus sonidos experimentales con una estética exquisita , alejada de los sonidos comerciales , denadonos un aura llena de magia ya naturaleza a través de sus tracks definitivamente una UTOPIA
  39. Nov 28, 2017
    Perhaps being the most sonically beautiful album I’ve heard all year, this work creates one connected, alien world through important transformations and daring experimentation in the timbre with switches of unique synthesizer and flute dominance, and while there wasn’t a strong balance in quality between the sound and the less spirited melodic layer, the balance of musical priorities wasPerhaps being the most sonically beautiful album I’ve heard all year, this work creates one connected, alien world through important transformations and daring experimentation in the timbre with switches of unique synthesizer and flute dominance, and while there wasn’t a strong balance in quality between the sound and the less spirited melodic layer, the balance of musical priorities was perfect, shaping an experience that those not intimidated by music as an art will love. My Score: 145/180 (Great) = 8.1/10 Expand
  40. Nov 28, 2017
    Eargasm!! this record takes you to magical places, I feell her emotions, she is healing from a dark Vulnicura journey, the birds and the flute are the perfect match to this original masterpiece.
  41. Nov 28, 2017
    Is not better than 'Vulnicura', but is a success for the optimistic traumas, typical of singleness and an escape to the electronic spring of the femininity. It's a telephatic journey to the "hidden place".
  42. Nov 28, 2017
    First listen i really hated this, after a coupple more lsitens and i still don't like it, i think Arca is ruining bjork's music for me, Blissing Me was amazing with a vespertine vibe. There's no track that make me listen it on repeat exept Blissing Me, maybe it will grow on me but im sure it will take a while.
  43. Nov 27, 2017
    The low reviews are from people who don't understand it. That's fine. I don't like their music most likely. This is one of the best releases of the year IMO and if you don't agree you don't agree. For the record this isn't pop music. It's experimental electronic music. Stop confusing the two because you're a sexist with preconceived notions.
  44. Nov 27, 2017
    It is not a good album, Bjork has better jobs in her past as a musician There is a lack of creativity. Repetitive music with mostly boring arrangements. The lyrics are good, the best part of the album.
  45. Nov 26, 2017
    Can you believe bjork invented flutes? Also she took my wig and I don't think she's ever giving it back because I saw her pawning it for rent money. Bjork is eating good this era ladies!
  46. Nov 26, 2017
    We have been blessed by yet another creative rocket from the artist, launched into the sky to show off unseen before colors to all of us. Björk is infamous for using a combination of strings + beats + vocals to produce her music as we've witnessed before on records like "Homogenic" and her recent "Vulnicura". For "Utopia" she trades her beloved strings for a flute orchestra and someWe have been blessed by yet another creative rocket from the artist, launched into the sky to show off unseen before colors to all of us. Björk is infamous for using a combination of strings + beats + vocals to produce her music as we've witnessed before on records like "Homogenic" and her recent "Vulnicura". For "Utopia" she trades her beloved strings for a flute orchestra and some magical harps, however she keeps the feeling of her own music and songwriting - an instantly recognizable Björk record. She has done it again - reinvented herself, evolved and presented something brand new and fresh on the table while still appeasing her fans and what they are here for.

    Björk isn't someone who listens to opinions, she's as unapologetic as they come and this is one of her best qualities as it contributes a great bit in her musical work. - " Urban didn't tame me" as she sings in one of the highlights of the album "Body memory". Björk sings about a new beginning and chapter of not only her own life, but the lives of all of us. "Tabula Rasa" finds her wishing on a star for a better beginning for children, she mourns all the bad things that children have to face in today's world ( Cough the trump administration cough ) and wishes to make it easy on everyone, giving her own children " the least amount of baggage" . Other highlights for me are the single "Blissing me" , "Claimstaker" and the track where she calls out her own ex-husband "Sue Me"

    Sound-wise the production does not dissapoint - Arca knows his beats and he collaborates 50/50 with Björk to create the feeling and atmosphere of the record for which they obviously share the same, strong vision.

    My only criticism is that vocally, it is missing Björk's infamous vocal runs, screams and rawrs, however I respect her honoring the fact her voice has aged and she no longer wishes to show off vocally the way she used to back in her "Bachelorette" days.
    Overall, one of my favourite Björk albums, right after "Vespertine" and "Vulnicura" - she's on top of her game. I bet you didn't see Björk going all Enya on your ass, huh?
  47. Nov 25, 2017
    Utopia is somehow complex and simple in its presence. On the one hand we have an intimate orchestral sound, produced by the brilliant Arca with Björk's voice effortlessly waving in and out; on the other we have easy-going positive and love filled lyrics. At times this can feel slightly tedious and more like a caricature of Björk and at others be a gorgeous piece of meditation andUtopia is somehow complex and simple in its presence. On the one hand we have an intimate orchestral sound, produced by the brilliant Arca with Björk's voice effortlessly waving in and out; on the other we have easy-going positive and love filled lyrics. At times this can feel slightly tedious and more like a caricature of Björk and at others be a gorgeous piece of meditation and self-reflection. Download: The Gate, Claimstaker, Future Forever. Expand
  48. Nov 25, 2017
    Like with every album Bjork ever did, Utopia also needs to be on repeat. It's like listening classical music, a very slow process -- trying to capture a vision of one artist was always a treat. Especially when that vision has eyez looking into the future. A step ahead of Vulnicura & Biophilia.
  49. Nov 25, 2017
    After listening to the poignant Vulnicura, Bjork's Utopia became a highly anticipated release for me. I must say that it did not disappoint. Having collaborated with Arca for the second consecutive album, the Icelandic singer decided to explore a different, folkier sound on this record, as opposed to the classical route taken on her previous one. The result is a work simultaneously organicAfter listening to the poignant Vulnicura, Bjork's Utopia became a highly anticipated release for me. I must say that it did not disappoint. Having collaborated with Arca for the second consecutive album, the Icelandic singer decided to explore a different, folkier sound on this record, as opposed to the classical route taken on her previous one. The result is a work simultaneously organic and forward-thinking in its production. While somewhat of a follow-up to Vulnicura in terms of topics addressed, Utopia is markedly more optimistic and empowered (occasionally of a feminist nature) than its cousin album. This record finds the artist open to new love and an overall fresh start for both herself and her children, and is characterized by its lyrical and sonic expansiveness. Bjork succeeds in striking the balance between poetic and plain-spoken expressions, seamlessly treading that line. My only complaint is that the production sometimes strays from the songs' existing structural elements, essentially functioning as a separate entity on 'Sue Me'. Also, 'Features Creatures' failed to resonate with me, and I thought 'Paridisia' to be sonically redundant within the body of work's greater context. All in all, though, this release is a worth-the-wait gem and another strong addition to Bjork's already impressive discography.

    Highlights include 'Blissing Me,' 'Body Memory,' and 'Tabula Rasa'.
  50. Nov 25, 2017
    Clearly the album of the year 2017. It's the closing for what can be considered "the love trilogy", composed by Vespertine, Vulnicura and, now, Utopia. The birth, the death and the reflourishing of love.
  51. Nov 25, 2017
    How marvelous is this record.
    Utopia is here. In this record, beautifully gloomy (even the purpose not being this), Bjork seems to laugh on the love’s back after has seen an exit in her heartbreak (Vulnicura), a new ambience and aesthetic were created. Along the 14-tracks, powerful flutes, birds singing and Bjork singing softly above Arca’s production, the whole message that can empower
    How marvelous is this record.
    Utopia is here. In this record, beautifully gloomy (even the purpose not being this), Bjork seems to laugh on the love’s back after has seen an exit in her heartbreak (Vulnicura), a new ambience and aesthetic were created. Along the 14-tracks, powerful flutes, birds singing and Bjork singing softly above Arca’s production, the whole message that can empower us to struggle against suffering make “Utopia” more next to a reality than a miserable ideology. Very different from “Vulnicura”, Bjork showed us new possibilities to face our past with heartbreak relationships and overcome it filling the pain with renascence and turning it into a gorgeous manifesto. Well-composed and rhythmically wide open, Utopia embrace and take us to a new place where there is no suffering and respire is possible.
    “Utopia” is a parallel world that many people would enjoy to pass after suffer.

    Fav tracks: Arisen my Senses, Blissing Me, The Gate, Utopia, Body Memory, Features Creatures, Courtship, Loss, Sue Me, Claimstaker, Paradisa.

    Highlight: Tabula Rasa, Saint, Future Forever
  52. Nov 24, 2017
    Cantora que esta além do seu tempo, incompreendida pelo publico e pela critica, exaltada por um publico selecto de ouvintes que amam sua arte, que entende sua mensagem, uma cantora ATEMPORAL, a nota por mais grande que seja e insuficiente de descrever o talento incalculável da Björk, apenas estou sem palavras.
  53. Nov 24, 2017
    álbum do seculo.
    florence enterrada, humilhada, massacrada e esmurrada pelo utopia. diria o mesmo da lana, mas essa daí ja nasceu morta e em decomposição.
  54. Nov 24, 2017
    espere un poco mas de bjork , es un album bueno pero se quedo muy corto... la verdad,canciones buenas , otras muy neh y aburridas, la vos de bjork hermosa pero se quedo muy cruda a comparacion de sus anteriores álbumes
  55. Nov 24, 2017
    I’ve been a Bjork fan for a long time, but I really just didn’t like this album. It starts off with two promising songs in a row. Arisen My Senses and Blissing Me are beautiful, but unfortunately that’s about where the good songs end. After that, we have The Gate which I didn’t like to begin with. It felt unfinished. And after that every song has loud noises whether with animals orI’ve been a Bjork fan for a long time, but I really just didn’t like this album. It starts off with two promising songs in a row. Arisen My Senses and Blissing Me are beautiful, but unfortunately that’s about where the good songs end. After that, we have The Gate which I didn’t like to begin with. It felt unfinished. And after that every song has loud noises whether with animals or recorders or flutes. It’s a style that gets old and fast. Bjork voice seems to be low and washed out in the mix while the loud and abrasive electronics and animal noises take precedence. It’s hard to tell where one song ends and another begins because it all sounds the same. The last song on here is good too, but unfortunately only 3 great songs out of 14 is very unusual of Bjork. I can’t think of a Bjork album this bad since Volta, and honestly this might be worse than even Volta. Arca is a great musician on his own right and I think that Bjork’s influence on him for his newest album was a nice mix, but I don’t think the reverse was necessarily the way to go. A 4 seems generous from me considering I love Bjork, but I hope she learns from this mistake. Expand
  56. Nov 24, 2017
    Of course Björk fanatics absolutely love this. Then again, they'll love anything this woman puts out. I mean, these are the same people who think Madonna and Lady Gaga are great musicians, so it doesn't shock me that whenever they encounter music that doesn't sound like the conventional pop they're used to consuming, they think it's genius. But truthfully, this album is far from beingOf course Björk fanatics absolutely love this. Then again, they'll love anything this woman puts out. I mean, these are the same people who think Madonna and Lady Gaga are great musicians, so it doesn't shock me that whenever they encounter music that doesn't sound like the conventional pop they're used to consuming, they think it's genius. But truthfully, this album is far from being impressive. In fact, it's Björk's weakest record up to now: a hollow, artificial work by an artist who has forgotten how to write interesting music and desperately resorts to over-the-top electronic production and orchestral arrangements to try to counterbalance her absolute lack of good melodies. She sings in the sense that there is a succession of notes -- but there is not one single moment where she is able to craft an actually captivating tune. None. Björk once said she did not appreciate Bob Dylan because his music "serves as a bed for words." That's, of course, disputable, but anyway, it's kind of funny that that's exactly what she is doing on Utopia: with no good vocal melodies in sight, Björk focuses tremendously on enunciating every word perfectly, on dragging out each syllable. It's clear that she spent a lot of times on these lyrics, which are all very awkwardly written and attempt to come across as intelligent by ridiculously and unnecessarily referencing literature, religion and history. I actually think her gibberish singing on Medúlla is a lot more engaging than what she has to offer here. Maybe she should go back to scatting.

    Many people are mentioning how gorgeous this sounds. Well, of course. Björk employs the same old techniques in order to make her music seem grandiose and epic, but the difference is, her songwriting was actually good until very recently, so all those orchestral and bombastic arragements felt complementary; they added to her already great vocal tunes. Here, they reek of pretense. They want to fool the listener, to trick them into thinking the music is more important than it actually is. I, for one, was not misguided at all by the "transcendental" flutes, harps, choirs, strings and birdsong that kept coming in and out of songs for no reason at all, attempting to impress. Those are artifices any rich musician can use. The actual hard work is writing an interesting and memorable melody, but Björk runs away from that, maybe because she really doesn't have any ideas or maybe because she simply doesn't care, which is just lazy for a songwriter. Oh, how lush this music sounds! Give me a break. I'd rather listen to a well-written acoustic song than to a vacuous but highly orchestral one. The disjointed industrial/glitchy beats (courtesy of Arca) are just there for the sake of it. She is an electronic musician after all, right? We need the beats! How bored I am.

    There are some okay moments in this thing: the incredibly euphoric Arisen My Senses is nice to listen to and Paradisia is a pleasant little interlude. But that's it. This is by far her most inconsequential and forgettable release, an album full of cliches and gimmicks but not a single good composition. I pray that Björk will find some inspiration again. She is lucky to have such a loyal fanbase.
  57. Nov 24, 2017
    It's already one of my favorite Björk's albums. So touching, inspirating, very contemplative and ethereal. If Vespertine sounds like winter, Utopia is completely like spring for me.
  58. Nov 24, 2017
    It´s different to everything she has done before, but at the same time it gives me some homogenic, vespertine, selma songs vibes. she is already tired of making pop, radio friendly music. It needs more than one listen to get the point. Not new in her.
  59. Nov 24, 2017
    Curious, creative, baffling.

    The album has a unique sound and at the same time refers to other previous works of the singer.


    One of the best releases of the year.
  60. Nov 24, 2017
    One hell of an amazing sensory experience. The productions here are sublime. Maybe not everyone will get it per se, but the essence of this album lies in the discordance of the harmonies; the way that the harsh electronic sonic landscape crashes with the airy and heavenly soundscape. Both of these elements are constantly fighting for dominance in many songs, most notable is 'Losss' andOne hell of an amazing sensory experience. The productions here are sublime. Maybe not everyone will get it per se, but the essence of this album lies in the discordance of the harmonies; the way that the harsh electronic sonic landscape crashes with the airy and heavenly soundscape. Both of these elements are constantly fighting for dominance in many songs, most notable is 'Losss' and 'Courtship'.

    For those without the patience to process it, many songs seemed to fall apart in discord, but for those patient enough to process a lot of things going on in many of the compositions, they will find unexpected harmony in the dissonance; amidst the clashing of the harsh beats and airy flutes, the songs worked in unexpected ways.

    Outstanding tracks: Utopia, Losss, Saint, Body Memory
  61. Nov 24, 2017
    Absolutely wonderful, but I expected more. The fresh/experimental aspect of the album can't make up for the lack of melodies, and the repetition of the existing melodies. The album is too long, and most of it is filled in with reciting, not singing. It's
  62. Nov 24, 2017
    First of all, **** YOU THE INDEPENDENT UK. Now, Just an absolutely piece of art. The way Björk mix different elements from her past albums it’s just amazing. Such a brave woman standing against the hate, the Trump government and standing up for the women and the love. Every song is connected to each other and the animal and flutes sounds make a whole new experience in bjorks music.First of all, **** YOU THE INDEPENDENT UK. Now, Just an absolutely piece of art. The way Björk mix different elements from her past albums it’s just amazing. Such a brave woman standing against the hate, the Trump government and standing up for the women and the love. Every song is connected to each other and the animal and flutes sounds make a whole new experience in bjorks music. Definitely one of her best jobs. Expand
  63. Nov 24, 2017
    Que CD lindo. Ainda bem que existem artistas como Björk e ainda com destaque na indústria musical, se não estariamos perdidos. Ótimo CD, politizado, relaxante e nostálgico (mesmo sendo tão atual).
  64. Nov 24, 2017
    Less inspired, breathtaking and cohesive than its predecessor ''Vulnicura'', this 9th studio album feels too long, dispersive and there's a lack of depth in melodies. Overall it's a fascinating and immersive journey, and sometimes we find songs where Bjork comes back to the ''pop'' formula, as in ''Arisen My Senses'', ''Losss'', ''Sue Me'', ''Blissing Me'' and ''Tabula Rasa''. This albumLess inspired, breathtaking and cohesive than its predecessor ''Vulnicura'', this 9th studio album feels too long, dispersive and there's a lack of depth in melodies. Overall it's a fascinating and immersive journey, and sometimes we find songs where Bjork comes back to the ''pop'' formula, as in ''Arisen My Senses'', ''Losss'', ''Sue Me'', ''Blissing Me'' and ''Tabula Rasa''. This album is a transitional one and i hope she will get back in shape sooner or later, moving on with her life. Expand
  65. Nov 24, 2017
    This is clearly he album of the year, outstanding in every single aspect. Incredibly rich in sounds, ranging from birds, to alien sounds to harp, flute and beats. It's a natural continuation of Björk's latest's projects Vulnicura and Biophilia. Very honest and hypnotic.
  66. Nov 24, 2017
    What a great album, magnificent from start to finish, every song floats into the next, and it truly creates a sense and atmosphere of utopia and paradise.
  67. Nov 24, 2017
    Com certeza esse é o melhor álbum de 2017. Björk nunca decepciona em seus trabalhos, principalmente este em colaboração com o Arca. Composições e produção musical incríveis, que nos fazem ir além do nosso plano, chegando assim em sua Utopia.
  68. Nov 24, 2017
    Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show stopping. Spectacular. Never the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before.

  69. Nov 24, 2017
    Alien opera music at its best! Her voice hasnt sound so cocoonish like 15 years now.. The sonic landscapes she creates are so futuristic and brilliant!
  70. Nov 24, 2017
    Conceptually and musically, Utopia is like the twin sister of the Björk's previous record "Vulnicura" and the album as a whole -with arrangements, themes, motives-, Björk's takes us on a wonderful journey which she discovers love in her life again. With her unique vocals and the music, she describes what Utopia really is in an excellent way. This record is one of the most inspiring andConceptually and musically, Utopia is like the twin sister of the Björk's previous record "Vulnicura" and the album as a whole -with arrangements, themes, motives-, Björk's takes us on a wonderful journey which she discovers love in her life again. With her unique vocals and the music, she describes what Utopia really is in an excellent way. This record is one of the most inspiring and wonderful pieces of hers. Expand
  71. Nov 24, 2017
    An inspired work full of amazing moments and wonder. A truly captivating journey with Bjork as our guide, who imbues the album with a sense of humor and heart throughout. Don't miss out on this masterpiece!
  72. Nov 24, 2017
    "Utopia" comes at the right time, as a sequence of "Vulnicura", without necessarily putting a stone in what happened. Described as the "Tinder album," the new record comes as a resurgence of breath after the gale, as if the singer sought shelter in her own music to create a fantastic world, and in times of Trump and Temer, in which humans need to act to turn the world into a better place"Utopia" comes at the right time, as a sequence of "Vulnicura", without necessarily putting a stone in what happened. Described as the "Tinder album," the new record comes as a resurgence of breath after the gale, as if the singer sought shelter in her own music to create a fantastic world, and in times of Trump and Temer, in which humans need to act to turn the world into a better place to live, it becomes even more urgent. It is from the junction of an emotional and political reality that the concept of "Utopia" arises. This practice is not something new for the singer who composed "Declare Independence" that at the same time encouraged oppressed in a relationship, encouraged civilizations to rebel. BRIGHT, YEAR'S ALBUM! Expand
  73. Nov 24, 2017
    "Björk is full of love again". "Utopia" feels like a mix of her previous musical identities to create a place everyone must go - full of birds, tiny little creatures and flute sounds creating the soundtrack to the listeners' imaginary landscapes.

Universal acclaim - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 35
  2. Negative: 1 out of 35
  1. Jan 5, 2018
    It’s an album you’ll want to return to again and again.
  2. Magnet
    Dec 22, 2017
    Utopia is the perfect whooshing winter record, just in time for the bitter chill. [No. 149, p.53]
  3. The Wire
    Dec 19, 2017
    The Icelandic icon moves ever closer to the Platonic ideal of what it means to be Bjork. [Dec 2017, p.50]