
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jul 19, 2013
    Subtlety and finesse are the watchwords here, two elements that deliver artistic intrigue.
  2. Mar 13, 2013
    Us Alone feels like a life coming into focus and meaning as the songwriter rolls into his forties with patience and appreciation.
  3. Feb 26, 2013
    Call it a cliché, if you must, but Us Alone proves that Hayden isn’t remotely dead, creatively or otherwise. At least, it’s safe to say, not yet.
  4. Feb 8, 2013
    He still sounds like Hayden, but he’s stripped down the production to better approximate the sound of a band in a room. That bare-bones intimacy works perfectly with his delicate voice and melancholic songs.
  5. Feb 8, 2013
    Even with fewer hands playing fewer instruments, the songs nevertheless sound leaden, ponderous, drowsy. Still, there are some inspired flourishes.
  6. Hayden has arguably crafted his finest album to date.
  7. Feb 8, 2013
    Stripped down but nonetheless gorgeous for it, the album is an inviting combination of heavy themes and unassuming delivery, and easily some of Hayden's most colorful and intriguing songwriting.
  8. Feb 8, 2013
    In creating a warm, intimate sound emphasizing piano and organ over acoustic guitar for the first time, Hayden sounds content even when talking about mortality.

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