
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Treat Ursa Major as an EP, forgetting the second half.
  2. Ursa Major isn't Third Eye Blind's crowning jewel, but it's a welcome return to form after such a lengthy hiatus
  3. Third Eye Blind's fourth album and first since 2003--shows that frontman Stephan Jenkins' way with a hook has dimmed little since the band's mid-'90s heyday. The clunky lyrics are another thing.
  4. Jenkins instead comes on like he never left the scene. In fact, with its pulsating rhythms and crisp guitar fuzz, the new record actually does a better job of extending the band's early work than did its lukewarm previous effort, "Out of the Vein."
  5. One can’t help wish for less social commentary, and more hands-in-the-air/ feet-in-the-moshpit bangers.
  6. Dotted with spry little riffs and Jenkins' pseudo raps, Ursa Major is a slick but heartfelt disc that packs pleasure even if you're not Nineties-nostalgic.
  7. The formula is dependable and timeworn but ultimately successful, as Third Eye Blind follows the paint-by-numbers blueprint with stunning efficiency.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 42
  2. Negative: 2 out of 42
  1. Jul 6, 2019
    ***Revised review nearly ten year later!*** First of all, let me tell you how mind blown I was to stumble across the video on youtube of Steve***Revised review nearly ten year later!*** First of all, let me tell you how mind blown I was to stumble across the video on youtube of Steve Jenkins reading the negative review (below) that I had written nearly a decade ago. First of all, I was twenty-five at that time and lacked some tact in the way in which I chose to speak about others. My words were unthoughtful, and I apologize.

    Secondly, this whole thing is ironic because I actually really enjoyed Ursa Major, but only really started listening to it about two years after I had written this "review". Matter of fact, Ursa Major is my third favorite album after the self titled and out of vein albums!

    I will say, I got a good laugh from the video. LMAO, thanks for the music TEB!

    Original review:
    This album sucked. Sorry to be frank but I don't own TEB anything. I loved their other albums but this one just sucked. Stephen needs to stop smoking and doing drugs and get cleaned up.
    Full Review »
  2. StuieM.
    Sep 10, 2009
    I was a fan ever since the first album and I loved every album they ever made which included Out Of The Vein. This album has a couple good I was a fan ever since the first album and I loved every album they ever made which included Out Of The Vein. This album has a couple good songs. I was so pumped after Red Star EP then this album really let me down. "Don't Believe A Word is" is a terrible song to be a single. Overall not to good. Full Review »
  3. MS
    Sep 6, 2009
    Like Blue and Out of the Vein I you need to listen to the album a couple times through. Top to bottom this is the best album they have put Like Blue and Out of the Vein I you need to listen to the album a couple times through. Top to bottom this is the best album they have put out. The bonus tracks are also good. I may be in the minority here but I love Why Can't you be with Kimya Dawson. Although Bonfire is great, its earlier version as campfire was better. Full Review »