• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Jul 31, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 178 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 26 out of 178

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  1. JohnnyT
    Aug 2, 2007
    best KoRn album
  2. TrueH
    Aug 1, 2007
    I admit it.... I was WORRIED. I've been a KORN fan since 1993, and I have blissfully watched them evolve each and every album. However, like any great musican or band of, they have to grow and learn. Their influences are obvious and musically, creatively, it is absolutely AMAZING!!
  3. JoeD.
    Aug 26, 2007
    Absolutely amazing album, I've listened to it about 15 times since i got it last week. Every song is brilliant, except maybe Ever Be, which is still decent. Oh yeah, get the deluxe edition - the DVD with it is class!
  4. Adam
    Aug 6, 2007
    I recently got the deluxe edition, and I have to say that this album rocks. Easily their best in a long time. Buy it, you wont be disappointed
  5. tigsj
    Sep 10, 2007
    Been a long time korn fan and i adore this album. It did take 2 listens through to get used to it but it grew big on me! recommended to all korn fans!
  6. Marky.
    Oct 20, 2007
    Cracking album,does not warrant the critical panning its getting,bands have to progress and move on,some bands do and fail [metallica] for example, korn have moved on matured and have passed with honours, can`t wait for the 2008 uk tour. I'm sure the critics will be silenced.
  7. KevinL
    Aug 13, 2007
    This album is amazing. Wow how can you not buy this album? its just like their old stuff...a lot better than See You On The Other Side. its great its heavy its got amazing lyrics its overall the best album of the year!!!!!!!
  8. Ed
    Aug 3, 2007
    It's fantastic
  9. crystals
    Aug 6, 2007
    I love the new songs!!! killing is my favorite. yet another amazing korn cd!
  10. thoraj
    Aug 6, 2007
    Great new sound for korn. its been on repeat since i got it wensday!
  11. AleksiJ
    Aug 6, 2007
    I think its the best KoRn-album since FTL. All songs are great and I personaly dont like about new albums right away, but this is just perfect.
  12. JasonW
    Aug 8, 2007
    I have all KoRn cds, and even on first listening it was clear that this is one of their best albums, probably only surpassed by the epic masterpiece known as Untouchables. This untitled album is their most diverse and experimental offering to date, with not one filler track. Each track blends into the next perfectly to create the most consistent and polished album of their career thus I have all KoRn cds, and even on first listening it was clear that this is one of their best albums, probably only surpassed by the epic masterpiece known as Untouchables. This untitled album is their most diverse and experimental offering to date, with not one filler track. Each track blends into the next perfectly to create the most consistent and polished album of their career thus far. It's difficult to pick a single favourite track, but if forced I would pick the grand finale, I Will Protect You, which, strangely for KoRn, provides a positive concluding message about Jonathan coming through his near-fatal illness for his children. The choirs add a further epic film-score esque touch to an already grandiose and triumphant closer. And Bozzio's drumming during the bridge is simply the most complex and impressive performance on the record. Expand
  13. DrewL
    Aug 8, 2007
    every songs in the album is amazing...it just keeps getting better and better as you listen to it
  14. FernandoG.
    Sep 17, 2007
    Great album from any point of view. This is mature Korn. Has the same eerie feeling as Untouchables although not as heavy = ( But still great!!! Every song except for Hushabye is amazing!
  15. RaffiK.
    Oct 19, 2007
    I've only heard two songs off of this album, and i already love it. as long as they keep coming out with good music, I'll keep buying their work.
  16. KM
    Jul 31, 2007
    Looking at the critic reviews, you can tell that they are either intentionially trying to sound smart to impress and come off as utterly pretentious OR they never really listened to Korn nor appreciate what they have done in music. I have followed Korn since their inception and I am a realist. I am a true fan and can admit when they release a subpar album (like Take a Look in the Mirror) Looking at the critic reviews, you can tell that they are either intentionially trying to sound smart to impress and come off as utterly pretentious OR they never really listened to Korn nor appreciate what they have done in music. I have followed Korn since their inception and I am a realist. I am a true fan and can admit when they release a subpar album (like Take a Look in the Mirror) or a truly good one. Simply put, their latest outing (Untitled) is Korn at their best since Issues in 1999. MTV Unplugged meant well but their style of music doesn't translate well to an acoustic form. SYOTOS relied too heavily on the electronic sound and while it had some high points, I won't be getting those songs stuck in my head anytime soon. The same goes for Untouchables. If this is Korn's last record, I could live happily as I feel that at least they went out on a great note. Expand
  17. CJB
    Jul 31, 2007
    I just picked this album up today (7/31) at Best Buy and I am just amazed at how much this album has improved over 2005's See You on The Other Side. In my opinion, this album is now my favorite of Korn's entire catalog (My previous favorite was Untouchables; and I'm not saying this because it's new). I highly, HIGHLY suggest that any Korn fans pick up a copy of this I just picked this album up today (7/31) at Best Buy and I am just amazed at how much this album has improved over 2005's See You on The Other Side. In my opinion, this album is now my favorite of Korn's entire catalog (My previous favorite was Untouchables; and I'm not saying this because it's new). I highly, HIGHLY suggest that any Korn fans pick up a copy of this album, its just amazing. Expand
  18. giam
    Jul 31, 2007
    korn 4ever
  19. jasonw
    Aug 1, 2007
    i have been a korn fan since 1994,and i truely think this is there best album ,i am not just saying that b/c its new, i truely mean it, its amazing ......korn has been reborn
  20. GerhardtK
    Aug 2, 2007
    I have been listning korn from 1996 and they only get better with age! Korn 4LIVE.
  21. BrittL
    Aug 4, 2007
    best korn cd since issues
  22. TonyB
    Aug 5, 2007
    Definitely different and as an "Old School" fan, I loved the influences from Mr. Bungle. I have loved Korn for longest time and for what it is worth, I am proud of this album. Great Work!
  23. GothedP
    Aug 5, 2007
    Great album. Maybe their greatest. Anyway it's in top 3 of Korn's albums. Critics, go FY!))
  24. korn4lifekorn4life
    Aug 6, 2007
    great cd i really couldnt follow korn since their self titled since i was only 2 but when i did start i quickly bought everyallbum i can and have listened to them a lot i really like this album in particular because of Terry Bozio with his drum kit the ss bozio(its on the dvd) get this album i love it
  25. leey.
    Sep 1, 2007
    Clearly not everyone has been listening have we.
  26. Kevin
    Sep 18, 2007
    Their best album since Issues. I love it, and it sure as hell deserves a much better score than this.
  27. JimmyR.
    Jan 4, 2008
    This is one of their best works and was one of my favorites from last year. I honestly dont get all the bad reviews.
  28. KiernanS.
    Jan 9, 2008
    I am a more recent Korn fan, I didn't ever really listen to them until a few years ago, when I heard some stuff from SYOTOS. I love this band, and that album, as well as Untitled. I think a lot of old Korn fans are missing one key point - that musicians and bands always change over time. I have Korn's greatest hits, and although it's ok, I don't especially like any of I am a more recent Korn fan, I didn't ever really listen to them until a few years ago, when I heard some stuff from SYOTOS. I love this band, and that album, as well as Untitled. I think a lot of old Korn fans are missing one key point - that musicians and bands always change over time. I have Korn's greatest hits, and although it's ok, I don't especially like any of the songs on it (except for the first two, the new ones on the album, and "make me bad"). I think that the old Korn fans need to realize that their day has passed, and that Korn has changed along with it. Is the world exactly the same now as it was 12 years ago? No! It's all point of view - Korn has changed their music to fit new feelings, a new time period, and a new generation of fans. The band is different now than it was before, and it won't be going back - but that;s the nature of music. Old Korn fans need to realize that the band doesn't just all of a sudden suck, but instead they are a new sound for a new audience. Expand
  29. JustinS.
    Oct 28, 2007
    Easily Korns Finest Work. Starting over Rocks!
  30. PatS
    Jul 31, 2007
    best since follow the leader..
  31. EAA
    Aug 13, 2007
    Great album.
  32. gabrielm
    Aug 14, 2007
  33. ireviewthisshitforfunkornreview
    Aug 22, 2007
    well this band has a taste of its own very differrnt from their old albums like ' issues ' but that may be to the miss happs of their old guitarist Brian Head Welch and their drummer who only features in half the album this album is brilliant but not as heavy and has taken a differnt type of croud
  34. Aug 13, 2014
    I know a lot of Korn fans didn't like this album but it was realy creative, they added some new sounds and the album was even better with Terry Bozzio on drums.
    This KoRn album has a little of death metal , it has a 2 or 3 songs with an accoustic guitar and quite calm songs and some heavy intros and they added some new instruments to the songs.
  35. Dec 6, 2022
    Nice album. It's possible to see to inspiration of the band for innovate. I really like this
  36. PaulS
    Aug 5, 2007
    I think that it goes without saying that if you are one who wants Korn to sound like their 1st album every sigle time, this is not the one for you. If you are the type who believes that Korn is "rap metal" or that "they only sing about JD's childhood issues" or that "they always sound the same" than you should give this CD a listen. It is Korn's most mature CD, it is heavy while I think that it goes without saying that if you are one who wants Korn to sound like their 1st album every sigle time, this is not the one for you. If you are the type who believes that Korn is "rap metal" or that "they only sing about JD's childhood issues" or that "they always sound the same" than you should give this CD a listen. It is Korn's most mature CD, it is heavy while at the same time sounding very different from anything the band has done. And it is one of the most catchy albums I have heard in a long time with songs that get stuck in your head for days. I have come to find that anyone who hates Korn will never be swayed from their positions, but if you are a true Korn fan, you will love this album. Expand
  37. Marweii
    Oct 16, 2007
    I find most songs very good and the songs look very different, though there are one or two songs I don't like. Still one of KoRns best albums ever!
  38. SnackAttack
    Oct 25, 2007
    The first time I listened to Untitled I was really disappointed, but the more I listened to it the better it sounded. Now I can't stop listening to it and it keeps sounding better. All the haters want Korn to keep rehashing their old sound, which was great back then, but they've gotten older and their music is changing for the better. Great album.
  39. brucew
    Aug 1, 2007
    I was intrigued by the electronic tweaking of their sound on SYOTOS and on this album they seem to have perfected it. One of the reasons I keep following this group is that every time their sound starts to get old they tweak it and subtly reinvent themselves without losing the base sound that put people on to them in the first place. This album is a good example of this.
  40. JustinE
    Aug 22, 2007
    The album moves in more directions than most of the previous, however they are just as creative as they were from day one.
  41. TJ
    Aug 4, 2007
    I've been a fan of korn since self-entitled and I think this is just another great album to add to the list. Most critics just don't get it, they're too busy comparing "Untitled" to the only album they know, "Follow the Leader". Oh well, true fans know a good album when they hear it.
  42. TravisD
    Aug 2, 2007
    great album but zome of the track could have been better
  43. JamesS.
    Aug 24, 2007
    I love this album, It's not my favorite Korn album but great none the less. I am glad they have adopted a new style. For once a band has changed and doesn't sound like the have lost a part of their anatomy. I think it is slightly better than their last release, but still a little way from the likes of Issues or Follow The Leader. Not bad korn, not bad at all!
  44. JeffL
    Jul 31, 2007
    Although I have only heard it about three times so far, it is definately impressive. Certainly not for fans who liked Korn in the 1990s. They are really progressing musically.
  45. Jan 10, 2011
    I don't see why this is so low. The album has the same feel through out which makes it excellent. Its got that circusey feel to it. I think the album has many great songs like Evolution, Hold On, Kiss, and Killing.
  46. Sep 24, 2015
    Korn kicked the experimenting to a new level with their untitled album. To some it seems like a rotting into catharsis, but what seems to be missed is a band that keeps their cool with only three permanent members on roll. A treat for the open-minded.
  47. RafaelM
    Aug 2, 2007
    I've listened to the album a couple times and I can say it isn't the Korn from years ago. They've really grown up and are evolving. I loved the screaming, yelling, and anger in their old stuff but I also enjoy the lighter side of Korn.
  48. JonathanR.
    Aug 21, 2007
    Aside from tracks 9 & 10 this is the most solid album since Untouchables. I think KoRn will only get better at this point.
  49. JimboH
    Aug 3, 2007
    Korn's latest album is best defined by evolution- their best song on the CD and is inevitably the result of mixing in sound from their previous CD to their more traditional, very heavy sound. The result is something I dont think any Korn fan can dislike.
  50. darrenh
    Jul 31, 2007
    it was a good blend. for korn to get back to their roots.
  51. DarrenW
    Jul 31, 2007
    This is a great style for Korn. An excellent album, to go along with their back catalogue of great albums.
  52. jamesl
    Aug 13, 2007
    Untitled is a good album, although it was hard to swallow at first. they have Made an interesting atmosphere with this Album taking a more alternative view on most of the albums tracks. presenting an erly 1920's freak show circus type of sound with it. They lack much of old korn but gain much of new korn heard in the previous album see you on the other side. This album is a must for Untitled is a good album, although it was hard to swallow at first. they have Made an interesting atmosphere with this Album taking a more alternative view on most of the albums tracks. presenting an erly 1920's freak show circus type of sound with it. They lack much of old korn but gain much of new korn heard in the previous album see you on the other side. This album is a must for people who enjoyed their previous release. theres alot of remorsing pain on this album then compared to Jons old Ranting style. you can feel on a deeper level with this album, "kiss" is a good example. the ablum takes a more Harrowing feel this time around with slow Intros and Jon's voice styling is deep and capacative. Munky's guitar whales nicely throughout the album as it screams for foriveness. Thres a couple of songs within the album which stick out like a sore thimb on you hand. "love and Luxury" is a good example, it's got a different vibe from the rest of the album. and in my opinion dosent belong with the rest of the album. The Electronica in the album is very powerful on some tracks. unlike See you on the other side where it is more atmospheric this ablum Presents Strong Warping sounds that go right in with the vocals, Jon's vocals are kind of like how they were presented in Take a look in the mirror. Like all korn albums the whole album has the same atmosphere, Another story writen with music. Expand
  53. WhoThEnNoWBiTcHeS?
    Aug 2, 2007
    I'm greatly pleased on how the true KoRn FaNs received this new album, KoRn PaRt II (As I like to called it) And its that, its a new era, a new chapter in the story of the best metal band since Metallica! Its a great sound if you have on mind that they had lost a great guittarist like Head (I'm sure he will regret forever in hell!) and in other hand David is on hiatus (Got to be I'm greatly pleased on how the true KoRn FaNs received this new album, KoRn PaRt II (As I like to called it) And its that, its a new era, a new chapter in the story of the best metal band since Metallica! Its a great sound if you have on mind that they had lost a great guittarist like Head (I'm sure he will regret forever in hell!) and in other hand David is on hiatus (Got to be kidding, turning his back to the band in such important time for them!?). So is to admire the great sound, art work that KoRn has gave us! KoRn forever and ever bitches! Expand
  54. ClausW.
    Mar 8, 2008
    This album, is a step up from 2005's "See You On The Other Side" and it's quite sad to see people complaining all the time, about how the band has gone downhill and I have to disagree with all of you. Expect to hear good quality music from Korn in the near future.
  55. TylerR.
    Jan 4, 2009
    I gotta say right now, I find this album to be very underrated. I love Korn's work, they're an awesome band. Just because this album sounds different from their other ones, doesn't mean it sucks. Now I won't say this album is perfect by any means. I'm not particularly fond of the last two songs, but the rest of the album has nice rifts and a cool atmospheric sound I gotta say right now, I find this album to be very underrated. I love Korn's work, they're an awesome band. Just because this album sounds different from their other ones, doesn't mean it sucks. Now I won't say this album is perfect by any means. I'm not particularly fond of the last two songs, but the rest of the album has nice rifts and a cool atmospheric sound that I find pleasing to listen to. "Hold On,""Do What They Say,""Killing," and "Starting Over" are my favorite tracks on the album and a majority of the others work for me as well. Compared to their other albums, this album sounds a lot more experimental, but the sound works for me, personally. Expand
  56. GeeHoneyBee
    Feb 19, 2008
    This album is a risky, yet terrific creative turn for the band.
  57. Feb 8, 2022
    Korn literally evolves into pop on this album. Korn's softest album. Of course, it has Metal songs such as "Killing" and "Hold on". Still, I liked the album overall.
  58. Alex
    Aug 1, 2007
    while Korn's newest album is nothing overly impressive, it does have a few pretty good songs scattered among the more-or-less average track list. See You on the Other Side was better, but this album does have that distinct Korn flavor to it, and therefore doesn't dissapoint. much.
  59. RudzdeW.
    Aug 20, 2007
    Korn has been my favourite band since i was 4. I am very dissapointed in there latest album however.. it has the same alternative sound as "see you on the otherside" which lacks the pain an torment in jonathans voice and lyrics.I dont like the way it sounds so commercial. Fieldy, ure bass is as excellent as always. James, ure guitar playing rocks. But it seems that jonathan isnt as angry Korn has been my favourite band since i was 4. I am very dissapointed in there latest album however.. it has the same alternative sound as "see you on the otherside" which lacks the pain an torment in jonathans voice and lyrics.I dont like the way it sounds so commercial. Fieldy, ure bass is as excellent as always. James, ure guitar playing rocks. But it seems that jonathan isnt as angry and hurt as he use to be and i think thats what attracted the old school Korn fans. i just feel that the old Korn is gone and the new one isnt close to what the band i loved use to be. Expand
  60. NathanT
    May 6, 2008
    This is probably Korn's weakest album. My favorite songs on this were Bitch We've Got A Problem and Starting Over. I own this album along with 9 other Korn albums.
  61. jims
    Jul 21, 2008
    This album is not the best cd in the world but there are good songs on it like Evolution, Innocent Bystander, Killing and others and I got it for 10$ at Wal-mart and i think its worth it but if you want to buy a KoRn cd their other ones are better
  62. JoshS.
    Jan 28, 2009
    This album puts korn into a direction that they had not yet travelled into the semi-industrial rock arena. Though it is a far cry from the powerful aggression and disturbing themes of years past its easy to tell the loss of band members and the ever ageing remainders, the sound is more mature and respectful. But the empire that is KoRn seems to be losing ground on what they used to be, This album puts korn into a direction that they had not yet travelled into the semi-industrial rock arena. Though it is a far cry from the powerful aggression and disturbing themes of years past its easy to tell the loss of band members and the ever ageing remainders, the sound is more mature and respectful. But the empire that is KoRn seems to be losing ground on what they used to be, fans should only start being worried when it becomes obvious that records are being made for money and not out of cretive influences Expand
  63. Jim
    Aug 2, 2007
    Good. Not as good as past stuff but i like the new sound. Best album ever was the first album.
  64. Toms
    Aug 22, 2007
    Ouch, Korn were doing well with see you on the other side, but this is just depressing, i think korn should stop making shoddy album covers and go back to whatever they were on when they made follow the leader or issues cos those were their best albums ever!
  65. ArthurD
    Aug 7, 2007
    This FAR from Korn as it was used to be and as every one knows them - but maybe experimenting will lead to some new things - better ones than they are for now - green one :/
  66. Jul 7, 2011
    At this point of Korns career, many argued they should have shut up shop, Losing two fulltime band members and having a replacement in the band. But the core was still there, so why bother?
    David Silveria left after the SYOTOS world tour on 'Hiatus' which then became retirement, Korn enlisted Terry Bozzio (most notably from Frank Zappa) and he only featured on half the songs on the
    At this point of Korns career, many argued they should have shut up shop, Losing two fulltime band members and having a replacement in the band. But the core was still there, so why bother?
    David Silveria left after the SYOTOS world tour on 'Hiatus' which then became retirement, Korn enlisted Terry Bozzio (most notably from Frank Zappa) and he only featured on half the songs on the Untitled effort.
    The result? The Untitled album was a step better than SYOTOS but was stil unimpressive and uninspiring. But as a Korn fan, I am used to constant experimentation and effects. This album is packed to the brim full of effects using pro tools. There are endless layers to the songs with perhaps the exception of 'I Will Protect You' 'Ever Be' and 'Killing' Which are all the least complicated and most impressive 'Korn-esque' Tracks on Untitled.
    The album doesnt deliver ANY knock out blow tracks, and there are no epic closing tracks as featured on most of their albums. Even the deluxe EP edition doesnt have a notable b-side.
    BUT this is from the point of view comparing it to the rest of their discography.
    As a stand alone album from an experimenting band re-finding their feet, it is quite an enjoyable album, the effects and pro tools fill any weaknesses and holes left by absent band members and gives the Korn sound an almost Goth/Industrial edge to it.
    Lyrically Jonathan expands into new topics with a song or ttwo venting frustration at Head Welch and war of words that emerged between himself and the band post breakup.
    All in all the album lacks the generic Korn charm but is a good attempt at a new sound and once again pushes boundaries not previously attempted by the band. But not overly succesfully so.
  67. Jul 6, 2016
    Barely a Korn album, this one is like a poorly made version of See You on the Other Side. It´s industrial and experimental, which is good, but it fails to capture the classic Korn sound unlike its predecessor. Even then, songs like "Evolution" and "Hold On" are good enough for me. Maybe not for other Korn fans. I really feel this is their career-low, but it doesn't mean it's a bad record.Barely a Korn album, this one is like a poorly made version of See You on the Other Side. It´s industrial and experimental, which is good, but it fails to capture the classic Korn sound unlike its predecessor. Even then, songs like "Evolution" and "Hold On" are good enough for me. Maybe not for other Korn fans. I really feel this is their career-low, but it doesn't mean it's a bad record. It isn't, it's just that... it doesn't sound like Korn too much. Expand
  68. Jul 25, 2018
    When Korn released "See You" in 2005, I hated it so much that I've stopped listening to the band all together... then when they announced "Korn III" in 2010, I've decided to check out this album sometimes called "Korn II", "Evolution" or "we're so uninspired that we don't know how to call this". The album was a big surprise to me, because I didn't hate it. I've actually liked what I'veWhen Korn released "See You" in 2005, I hated it so much that I've stopped listening to the band all together... then when they announced "Korn III" in 2010, I've decided to check out this album sometimes called "Korn II", "Evolution" or "we're so uninspired that we don't know how to call this". The album was a big surprise to me, because I didn't hate it. I've actually liked what I've heard. Untitled is an experimental album but not sh**** experimental like "See You" was. We get a couple of amazing songs here like "I Will Protect You", "Killing", "Starting Over", "Evolution", "Hold On" and the bonus track "Sing Sorrow". There's also a calm song called "Kiss", which I actually really like. There's one song on Untitled that was written with the s*** pop producers from See You and that's "Love and Luxury"... this song is wack and hard to listen to. Also another b-side from this "Overture or Obituary" is a nice song... it should have been included on the standard version of the album. All in all this album is not a tragedy... it's a good piece of music... it's not a full on nu-metal record, but it has nu moments and the experiments for most of the album actually work... I wish "See You" never existed and this was the album Korn would release in 2005... then I wouldn't have to stop listening to the band for 5 years... Pickens approves! Expand
  69. Feb 20, 2019
    When Korn released "See You" in 2005, I hated it so much that I've stopped listening to the band all together... then when they announced "Korn III" in 2010, I've decided to check out this album sometimes called "Korn II", "Evolution" or "we're so uninspired that we don't know how to call this". The album was a big surprise to me, because I didn't hate it. I've actually liked what I'veWhen Korn released "See You" in 2005, I hated it so much that I've stopped listening to the band all together... then when they announced "Korn III" in 2010, I've decided to check out this album sometimes called "Korn II", "Evolution" or "we're so uninspired that we don't know how to call this". The album was a big surprise to me, because I didn't hate it. I've actually liked what I've heard. Untitled is an experimental album but not sh**** experimental like "See You" was. We get a couple of amazing songs here like "I Will Protect You", "Killing", "Starting Over", "Evolution", "Hold On" and the bonus track "Sing Sorrow". There's also a calm song called "Kiss", which I actually really like. There's one song on Untitled that was written with the s*** pop producers from See You and that's "Love and Luxury"... this song is wack and hard to listen to. Also another b-side from this "Overture or Obituary" is a nice song... it should have been included on the standard version of the album. All in all this album is not a tragedy... it's a good piece of music... it's not a full on nu-metal record, but it has nu moments and the experiments for most of the album actually work... I wish "See You" never existed and this was the album Korn would release in 2005... then I wouldn't have to stop listening to the band for 5 years... Pickens approves! Expand
  70. Sep 26, 2019
    Yeah a lot of people hate this album, and I imagine the reasons are because 1) it's not traditional Korn, and 2) they went from heavy nu metal to expiremental-metal on this one.

    Funny enough, I got into Korn around 2008 and this was the latest release at the time so it's the first album I heard (besides Follow the Leader). Never thought it was perfect, but always admitted that, at
    Yeah a lot of people hate this album, and I imagine the reasons are because 1) it's not traditional Korn, and 2) they went from heavy nu metal to expiremental-metal on this one.

    Funny enough, I got into Korn around 2008 and this was the latest release at the time so it's the first album I heard (besides Follow the Leader). Never thought it was perfect, but always admitted that, at times, the electronic and expiremental collaborated quite well the METAL. That being said, I came into this album without previous standards/expectations, and without disliking expirmental electronic music. For those reasons I always thought it was pretty good.

    "Starting Over", **** We Got A Problem", "Hold On", "I Will Protect You" are true works of art, creativity, originality. I have not heard anything done in this style before and think it's done great. People give Korn too much hate for expanding their sonic creativity and boundaries, without really sacrificing any heaviniess. They actually sound more Veteran on this album that any other one in my opinion. What happened after is they were desperately trying to regain the "old Korn" sound since all the fans were complaining, although this direction was not a bad one at all.
  71. TylerG
    Aug 6, 2007
    I think that this album is not for old school Korn fans, but I also dont think the "new school" will like it either. I just wasnt impressed.
  72. RichardF.
    Apr 1, 2008
    It's a solid album overall, which grows with each listen. Guilty of being slightly overproduced, and there's a distinct lack of ass-kicking riffery, but the band do manage to incorporate an eerie progressive feel to a number of tracks. This ensures that, while it may not be their finest album and they've yet to find a comfortable niche outside of their trademark "nu-metal", It's a solid album overall, which grows with each listen. Guilty of being slightly overproduced, and there's a distinct lack of ass-kicking riffery, but the band do manage to incorporate an eerie progressive feel to a number of tracks. This ensures that, while it may not be their finest album and they've yet to find a comfortable niche outside of their trademark "nu-metal", Korn are a band who are willing to push their boundaries and evolve. Expand
  73. AdamK
    Apr 2, 2008
    I would have to agree with Richard on the topic of their new album. While it has more depth to it, there's not many catchy riffs or choruses. I found the emotion in this one lacking. I enjoy Korn for being able to bring out my aggressive side and let loose, this album was lacking in that respect. While I do acknowledge the band's growth, I also miss the heavier sounds that came I would have to agree with Richard on the topic of their new album. While it has more depth to it, there's not many catchy riffs or choruses. I found the emotion in this one lacking. I enjoy Korn for being able to bring out my aggressive side and let loose, this album was lacking in that respect. While I do acknowledge the band's growth, I also miss the heavier sounds that came from David Silveraa and Fieldy as well as Head's talent for creating a heavy riff. Don't get me wrong, I do believe Munky is a fabulous guitar player, but totally on a different level of style when compared to Head. While this is not a bad thing, it is like the band starting over, they have to find their new voice since the changing and loss of members. While I won't ever bash the album, I will not put it into my CD rotation over previous albums. Expand
  74. ShaunT
    Aug 1, 2007
    See You On The Other Side was a masterpiece - KoRn's best work since Issues and a bold, inventive new direction for the band. Untitled, on the other hand, sounds like a rushed, hollow cousin to SYOTOS that lacks most of the punch and, frankly, sounds unfinished. Be that as it may, this is KoRn - it's just KoRn without the memorable hooks and overall consistency that made albums See You On The Other Side was a masterpiece - KoRn's best work since Issues and a bold, inventive new direction for the band. Untitled, on the other hand, sounds like a rushed, hollow cousin to SYOTOS that lacks most of the punch and, frankly, sounds unfinished. Be that as it may, this is KoRn - it's just KoRn without the memorable hooks and overall consistency that made albums like SYOTOS and Issues in constant rotation in my music library. KoRn fans should check out Untitled, but it's by no stretch their greatest album. Hopefully the band will return to the amazing style of SYOTOS with future records because overall, this sounds like two steps backwards for one of the most sonically creative and powerful bands of our time. Expand
  75. MikeA.
    Sep 2, 2007
    Yep...Pretty bad. Oh yeah and I'VE been listening to Korn since before I was born and I'm 10 now so I'm a real Korn fan! I know better than all of you! When do we get a new Bizkit album cuz they're classic too! And did I mention I know more than all of you?!
  76. TimO
    Mar 30, 2009
    Something happened to Korn after Issues. #1. Guitars that sound like guitars. #2. Jon wailing instead of moaning #3. Simplified, more shallow soundscape. Based on the above, I don't think I'll ever listen to a post-Issues album with anything but distaste in my mouth. All of the 'tasteful, powerful aggression' has gone (esp. in his voice). All of the "You've never Something happened to Korn after Issues. #1. Guitars that sound like guitars. #2. Jon wailing instead of moaning #3. Simplified, more shallow soundscape. Based on the above, I don't think I'll ever listen to a post-Issues album with anything but distaste in my mouth. All of the 'tasteful, powerful aggression' has gone (esp. in his voice). All of the "You've never heard a guitar sound like this before" has gone. All of the "No band sounds like this" is gone. Instead they sound like a copy of themselves. I don't want it to sound like old Korn, but I feel the direction they went conflicts with the reasons I liked them in the earlier work. My guess at why? They became too big and stopped listening to their producers. Partial blame on the Queen of the Damned soundtrack. Ross Robinson FTW! Expand
  77. JoshuaS.
    Nov 3, 2007
    rate this album what you like, but Raffi...why the french did you give this album 10/10 on the basis of hearing two out of it's thirteen tracks? I think this album is pathetic to be honest.
  78. Mr.West
    Feb 9, 2008
    All of the other albums are important to my collection. Some of the tracks on those albums weren't very good but I liked them anyway. This album .. it wouldn't really bother me if it got scratched. Doesn't catch my ear like the other albums. Maybe next time?
  79. Sep 2, 2013
    Maybe the softest Korn album (not a bad thing). The overall sound of the album is very cool, however the problem is that while it is a cool sound, there are very few tracks that stand out.

    "Starting Over", "Evolution", "Hold On", "Innocent Bystander" and "Killing" are the only songs that really make me want go back for another listen. 5 out of 13 tracks (not very good). The rest of the
    Maybe the softest Korn album (not a bad thing). The overall sound of the album is very cool, however the problem is that while it is a cool sound, there are very few tracks that stand out.

    "Starting Over", "Evolution", "Hold On", "Innocent Bystander" and "Killing" are the only songs that really make me want go back for another listen. 5 out of 13 tracks (not very good). The rest of the songs are dull and the Intro to the album is very cliche.

    I really wish they would've been able to come up with more memorable songs with this album because the album was a good idea and had potential, just poor execution.

    Anyhow I would still suggest picking it up, maybe you'll find more memorable tracks then I did.

    FYI: There is a bonus track on some editions called "Sing Sorrow" and that is a very good song. I'm surprised it didn't make the regular album.
  80. reMARKableH
    Sep 22, 2007
    Get rid of the keyboards, stop over producing and mastering, bring back David. Korn have completely died now, 'See you on the other side' made it clear that the band have lost focus and they now want to sound like every other 'nu metal' band just to sell records. Seen Korn at least 15 times over the last 14 years, I would consider them as one of the worlds greatest Get rid of the keyboards, stop over producing and mastering, bring back David. Korn have completely died now, 'See you on the other side' made it clear that the band have lost focus and they now want to sound like every other 'nu metal' band just to sell records. Seen Korn at least 15 times over the last 14 years, I would consider them as one of the worlds greatest bands but now? Retire guys, bow out gracefully. Expand
  81. CodyP.
    Jan 28, 2008
    This is Ko?n's worst album so Far. I like the solo's, but everything else is Completely Mainstream.
  82. J-Rod
    Aug 1, 2007
    This sucks! Doesn't anyone yearn for the raw agreesive power of the first 3 albums? Why do bands feel like they must "evolve," when most of the time this "evolution" makes the band sound like crap. I am a true Korn fan since the beginning...so I'm giving it a 2/10 for recognizing the effort and layering that went into this album and "Innocent Bystander" reminds me of why I This sucks! Doesn't anyone yearn for the raw agreesive power of the first 3 albums? Why do bands feel like they must "evolve," when most of the time this "evolution" makes the band sound like crap. I am a true Korn fan since the beginning...so I'm giving it a 2/10 for recognizing the effort and layering that went into this album and "Innocent Bystander" reminds me of why I started to listening to this band in the first place. Expand
  83. FenwickT
    Aug 6, 2007
    I see no reason to listen to the other user commenters on this page. Obviously most of the previous posters have a vested interest in Korn and can't be trusted to provide an impartial review. I consider my self to have a wide range of musical tastes. That said, I've listened to this album and it is terrible. It's simple music for depressed teenagers written by emotionally I see no reason to listen to the other user commenters on this page. Obviously most of the previous posters have a vested interest in Korn and can't be trusted to provide an impartial review. I consider my self to have a wide range of musical tastes. That said, I've listened to this album and it is terrible. It's simple music for depressed teenagers written by emotionally stunted (or just market-savvy) 40-year-olds. I would be surprised that Korn is still around, but the market they target is large and will lap up pretty much anything you throw at them. Expand
  84. DavidL
    Aug 15, 2007
    Utter shit.
  85. Feb 20, 2012
    'Untitled' is a truly loathsome album, abandoning completely what the band and the fan base long for. Poorly constructed NIN songs and even worse lyrics leave us with the hate-inducing 'Hushabye' and 'Hold On'.
  86. WillM
    Aug 1, 2007
    It gets 1 mark beacuse its a rock CD (ie : not awful hiphop). I'm sorry Jonathan Davis, this is just utter crap. None of the songs have any sort of tune, it's just a lot of noise. The intro sounds like a dying elephant. Its CDs like this that give rock a bad name. The album cover art, both inside and out, is psycotic. WTF ? Why is Davis so obsessed with little boys. I think It gets 1 mark beacuse its a rock CD (ie : not awful hiphop). I'm sorry Jonathan Davis, this is just utter crap. None of the songs have any sort of tune, it's just a lot of noise. The intro sounds like a dying elephant. Its CDs like this that give rock a bad name. The album cover art, both inside and out, is psycotic. WTF ? Why is Davis so obsessed with little boys. I think someone had a fetish, what a weirdo. Most metal fans would wince at these images, who wants to look at a decapitated hen up a sealions anus or something. Or Davis tapping a little boy on the head and looking suggestivley. I just don't get it and frankly I don't want to. The vocals are awful, it's just whispering tbh. It sounds like someone imitating the vocals on Guns N Roses (not a good thing). What happened to Korn ? What happened to crisp metal tracks like Here to Stay, or Twisted Transistor ? This is just garbage, and it's going straight back to the Virgin shop tommorow, at the crack of dawn. (Yes, I kept the receipt Jonny. You're not getting any money out of this pile of poop). If you're into metal, then I strongly suggetst you pick up Sehnsucht by Rammstein whilst taking this shite back. If, you have truly good taste in music, pick up the untilted blink 182 album or angels and airwaves or +44 instead. Expand
  87. Andyk
    Aug 2, 2007
    This was by far the worst korn disc to date! I thought that see you on the other side was bad, but this new takes it. Life with out head is a bad one!
  88. HiM
    Aug 14, 2007
    Listened through it once, and have never had a desire to listen to a single track again. None of the songs are even remotely heavy or catchy. An utter bore and even bigger disappoinment.
  89. JaymesP
    Aug 14, 2007
    wow does korn suck. first of all their name is korn. with a k. think about that for a second and then try to justify anything this aboslutely awful dump of a band has ever done. at first i thought it was a joke that korn had a new record out. but somehow they managed to find a deaf guy to produce this garbage. if you wasted your money on any of their garbage then you're supporting wow does korn suck. first of all their name is korn. with a k. think about that for a second and then try to justify anything this aboslutely awful dump of a band has ever done. at first i thought it was a joke that korn had a new record out. but somehow they managed to find a deaf guy to produce this garbage. if you wasted your money on any of their garbage then you're supporting terrorists. if you like korn you are either a) deaf or b) living in a trailor. i feel bad for the air sometimes when korn's soundwaves go through it. the only reason i gave it a 1 and not a 0 is because this is a great record to make fun of and laugh at. korn wil always have a special place in my heart as one of the worst bands ever...right next to limp bizkit. Expand
  90. SavaK.
    Aug 25, 2007
  91. Devin
    Aug 2, 2007
    More pointless, banal tripe for the under-18 set by a cynical group of talentless fools who have managed to maintain a consistent image. This is the opposite of art.
  92. TheCritic
    Jul 30, 2007
    wow this sucks
  93. DeclanM.
    Aug 27, 2007
    They have so lost the plot there last good album was there debut
  94. ArmenS
    Aug 7, 2007
    This album is just about the worst thing ever!
  95. michaelc
    Jul 30, 2007
    Their music has always been cold and soulless and this is no exception.
  96. korns
    Aug 1, 2007
    nuff said

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. This album sounds like his band's final aria--the death scene.
  2. In setting aside its trademark sound, Korn hasn’t yet replaced it with something of its own, but at least the band is working on it.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Their best since 1999's "Issues."