
Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Dec 24, 2020
    Rise’s “You Know It Ain’t” expands the spoken-word interludes of Black Is into a full song. While these moments can feel heavy-handed at other times, here the humor is welcome and specific.
  2. Dec 2, 2020
    This group's most striking and affecting work yet.
  3. Oct 26, 2020
    The fact that Sault seduces listeners, drawing them in with beautiful sounds, and then hits them with uncompromisingly direct lyrics and messages that startle them into thinking about things they might not normally think about, especially when grooving to music, is perhaps the greatest triumph. Sault’s music is definitively 2020, by, for and about these times.
  4. Oct 15, 2020
    SAULT force us to focus our attention instead on the music itself and the messages that come with it. More than writing simple protest songs, they are creating what is arguably some of the most life-affirming and confrontational music released in recent years – and all of it comes at a much-needed time.
  5. Oct 15, 2020
    It’s a phenomenal record, undoubtedly one of the finest to be released this year – in its mood, kineticism, and an adorned darkness, ‘Untitled (Rise)’ captures something truly remarkable about this chaotic era.
  6. Oct 15, 2020
    It manages to be as lyrically unflinching as the music is compelling – not the easiest balance to achieve, as acres of terrible protest songs historically attest. You’d call it the album of the year if its predecessor wasn’t just as good.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Dec 15, 2020
    Richfull arrangements, sometimes with marching sounding with some beautiful layered harmonies and vocal. In fair world this album shoud got 9Richfull arrangements, sometimes with marching sounding with some beautiful layered harmonies and vocal. In fair world this album shoud got 9 Grammy nominations instead of annouyng Beyonce who relead just one song Full Review »
  2. Mar 2, 2021
    ( 95/100 )

    SAULT tiene mucho que presentar de si mismo. Se me hace injusto que un colectivo con el tamaño de su voz sea tan poco
    ( 95/100 )

    SAULT tiene mucho que presentar de si mismo. Se me hace injusto que un colectivo con el tamaño de su voz sea tan poco reconocido, distribuido y hablado en estos días. El público que se merece y la marca que dejará en la historia de la música es gigante, simplemente es necesario voltear a ver a SAULT y todo lo que está haciendo por el mundo, por contar su historia y ofrecer un momento de introspección y expresión espiritual. En el 2020 SAULT publicó dos albumes, el primero fue "Untitles (Black Is)" en Junio, una urgente voz de ayuda desesperada y autoestima totalmente necesaria ante los actos cometidos a George Floyd y el movimiento generado, que muy bien podría ser uno de los himnos del activismo. Más tarde en Septiembre publicarían la segunda parte de esta voz con una intención de liberación y fuerza compartida a través de un sonido Afrodisiaco y carnavalesco con una energía pura que se usará para los próximos gritos de victoria y éxito en los movimientos sociales. Si "Untitle (Black Is)" es el presente, "Untitled (Rise)" es el futuro, lleno de paz, armonía y verdad. Este proyecto, el colectivo completo y el movimiento musical se le agradece a Inflo, o Dean Wynton Josiah, quien dirige y produce estas hermosas e increíbles obras. En ambos albumes se desenvuelve un Psychedelic-Soul con divertido Funk, una deliciosa samba Samba y hermosas texturas de Istrumental que agregan sensibilidad al arco narrativo y discursos del proyecto todo encerrado en un R&B inteligente. En pocas palabras, un precioso proyecto tan original que este podría ser el comienzo de una nueva corriente musical.
    SAULT has a lot to present of themselves. It’s unfair that a collective with the size of their voice is little well known, distributed, and spoken these days. The public they deserve and the mark that it will leave in the history of music is big. Simply it’s necessary to turn and see SAULT and all they are doing for the world, for telling its story and offer a moment of introspection and spiritual expression. In 2020 SAULT released two albums, the first one was “Untitled (Black Is)” in June, an urgent voice of desperate help and very needed self-esteem upon the committed acts to George Floyd and the movement generated that it might be very well one of the activist hymns. Later in September they would release the second part of that voice with an intention of liberation and shared strength through an aphrodisiac and Carnaval pure energy that will be used for the next shouts of victory and success in social movements. If “Untitled (Black Is)” is the present “Untitled (Rise)” is the future, full of environment, harmony, and truth. This project, the whole collective, and the musical movement are thanks to Inflo or Dean Wynton Josiah, who directs and produces these incredible and precious pieces. In “Untitled (Rise)” can be heard a Psychedelic Soul with fun Funk, a delicious Samba, and beautiful textures of instruments that add sensibility to the narrative arc and the speeches of the project. All inside of an intelligent R&B. A gorgeous project, so original, this might be the beginning of a new musical wave.
    Full Review »
  3. Jan 12, 2021
    This was my album of the year, coupled with the earlier released Untitled (Black is) it strikes a perfect balance of creative musicalThis was my album of the year, coupled with the earlier released Untitled (Black is) it strikes a perfect balance of creative musical expression and literary relevance. It's the soundtrack for 2020. Full Review »