• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: May 13, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Mojo
    Jul 24, 2014
    Punchy, seductive, surreal. [Jul 2014, p.92]
  2. Magnet
    Jun 18, 2014
    Amos delivers another set of stirring songs tempered and emboldened by years of experience. [No. 110, p.53]
  3. Under The Radar
    Jun 6, 2014
    All the usual thematic motifs make an appearance, for good or ill. [Jun/Jul 2014, p.84]
  4. Jun 4, 2014
    Unrepentant Geraldines has an irresistible lightness of touch about it: its charms initially seem modest next to the towers of ambition Amos has previously created, but the generosity of melody and sheer prettiness of the sound wins through in the end.
  5. 83
    Folks will either freak out over this album or abhor its very existence, and that is exactly what makes it so good.
  6. May 29, 2014
    With a smooth, olde worlde sound, appealing melodies and impressionistic imagery, the album, at best, conjures up affecting vignettes and, at worst--Giant’s Rolling Pin, about the NSA/Edward Snowden affair--borders on the twee.
  7. May 16, 2014
    What emerges is undoubtedly her strongest record since the post-9/11 opus Scarlet’s Walk, several tunes even managing to best that album’s preoccupation with Americana, and our relationships to each other culturally and to the land itself.
  8. May 15, 2014
    Amos manages to weave her own mythology into larger fantastical stories, and fight societal norms in the process, all with a fierceness that will please old fans and likely win over new ones.
  9. May 13, 2014
    Her fans will be glad to hear the muse has finally led Amos back to making the type of carefully crafted but pleasingly quirky pop music that helped make the singer-songwriter’s name in the ’90s.
  10. 70
    In the end, Unrepentant Geraldines goes far to re-establish the sense of intimacy that won Amos her audience’s unwavering devotion; there’s a level of honesty characterizing the project that should jibe well with them, and she’s in confident voice throughout without ever sounding canned or over-calculated.
  11. May 13, 2014
    Despite the nods to “Strawberry Fields Forever” on opener “America,” Unrepentant Geraldines bridles and bristles against the constraints of pop music.
  12. May 13, 2014
    Despite the serious subject matter, Unrepentant Geraldines has a lightness--and even creative joy--that makes it a thoroughly enjoyable listen.
  13. May 12, 2014
    his has long been Amos' calling card, this shimmering space between comfort and pain, but Unrepentant Geraldines trumps its predecessors by accentuating its polarity; it either seduces with its sweetness or it provokes with its pain, and either extreme is compelling.
  14. May 12, 2014
    If Unrepentant Geraldines is indeed visual art, it's more of a polite Norman Rockwell than a vomit-stained Sherman. The former goes great with dinner, but I await the gastric upset of the latter.
  15. May 9, 2014
    Unrepentant Geraldines is personal and political and refreshingly void of marketing gimmicks or befuddling collaborations. Rather, Tori just comes bearing songs straight from the heart/head/hands/Hell.
  16. 80
    Like most of Ms. Amos’s albums, her new one revels in multiplicity and mannerisms; she’s not afraid to warble. The lyrics wander between myth and realism, the personal and the political.
  17. May 9, 2014
    Geraldines is still rife with the inevitable “bad” Tori songs that seem to be a mainstay for Tori records lately.... The bright spot is that there are only four of these songs, one of which is still fairly salvageable, making the number of great tracks far outweigh the bad ones.
  18. May 9, 2014
    Unrepentant Geraldines is more likely to thrill old fans rather than win new ones, but her voice has rarely sounded as powerful or pure.
  19. Uncut
    May 9, 2014
    Stripped back to voice and piano, it's difficult not to recall early Kate Bush, but Amos' lyrics maintain a multi-layered depth that is uniquely hers. [Jun 2014, p.71]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 134 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 7 out of 134
  1. May 13, 2014
    This album is back to basics for Amos, and we are all better for it. Gone are the overwrought concepts, and sparse but clever arrangementsThis album is back to basics for Amos, and we are all better for it. Gone are the overwrought concepts, and sparse but clever arrangements are front and center. Her voice has never sounded better, sometimes performing gymnastics. There are truly many gorgeous moments on this album, such as "Wild Way" and "Oysters." The up-tempo tracks are a bit clunky at times, and don't rank with her best; sadly, her more obtuse and cerebral poetic style is missing as well. Two tracks could easily be cut to make a more perfect album, but we are in abundance of fine selections from her here. Full Review »
  2. May 13, 2014
    This is an absolutely amazing album and a total return to form for Tori, and the fans seem to be responding accordingly. She is back to makingThis is an absolutely amazing album and a total return to form for Tori, and the fans seem to be responding accordingly. She is back to making emotional and powerful songs from the heart. Despite her post-Scarlet's Walk albums being passable, this one takes her back to her brilliance of her old days. Long-time Tori fans won't be diss appointed, nor will new fans. Full Review »
  3. May 14, 2014
    The album as a whole is excellent, and yes, a few of the songs are just okay (I would have replaced Giant's Rolling Pin with the b-side WhiteThe album as a whole is excellent, and yes, a few of the songs are just okay (I would have replaced Giant's Rolling Pin with the b-side White Telephone to God), but this is a solid Amos album, and the journey to get here has been exciting.

    Each song on Unrepentant Geraldines harkens back to something from her past, and my favorite is the line you can draw from "Crucify" straight to "God" and then up the hill to "Pancake" and end with "Unrepentant Geraldines." You see her emotionally insecure on Crucify, and God she begins to challenge this construct, and by Pancake she is staring him right in the face, and then she ends up here, with Unrepentant Geraldines, saying I'm finished, I'm unrepentant, I am strong. It's a beautiful journey to see where she started and where she has finally reached.

    I look forward to her future output.

    Full Review »