
Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16
  1. Though he fits somewhere between R. Kelly and Ginuwine, Foxx has more than enough personality and talent to defend his music against accusations of opportunism.
  2. Unpredictable actually gets rather predictable over the course of 15 songs, too many of which begin to meld into one another.
  3. Blender
    The production feels lethargic and unmelodic... and Foxx's lyrics are all corny come-ons and cheesy sentimentalisms. [Mar 2006, p.113]
  4. It's not that Foxx can't sing.... It's not even really the lack of stunning songs. It's the fact that his super slick, super smooth R&B hasn't been either cool or fashionable for more than a decade.
  5. Whether he makes it all work via his musical skills or chameleonic acting ability, we don't know, but it does work.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    We know that Foxx can actually sing, but this ballad-heavy disc of cliched wordplay and commonplace melodies proves his music career should've ended on screen. [13 Jan 2006, p.78]
  7. Foxx's music and range of vocal techniques are not unique, but perhaps this added touch of genuine, heartfelt realism is what will see the actor make a successful jump into the music industry.
  8. This is a dry affair dominated by standard-issue R&B production monotony, and an egregious misuse of resources.
  9. Paste Magazine
    It's better to be the imitation Ray Charles than the poor man's R. Kelly. [Feb/Mar 2006, p.94]
  10. Foxx shows some real talent on this album, and he doesn't embarrass himself - except for when he embarrasses himself.
  11. Q Magazine
    The voice that set such a spark to West's Gold Digger should be capable of more than this exaggerated comedy sex routine. [May 2006, p.126]
  12. When the album works, it's because of Foxx's easy charm and A-list confidence.
  13. Unpredictable resembles another legendary thespian's venture into pop, William Shatner's 1968 opus The Transformed Man, in that you start to wonder whether Foxx is actually serious or not.
  14. Uncut
    Foxx... is trying too hard. [May 2006, p.114]
  15. Vibe
    Contrary to the disc's title, however, Foxx grinds out by-the-numbers do-me anthems. [Mar 2006, p.188]
  16. Unpredictable is pure product, buffed-and-shined modern r&b.... But Foxx has also created a work geared toward sexual pleasure that will work its way into many a late-night floating-world session.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 27
  2. Negative: 9 out of 27
  1. BorisF
    Sep 24, 2006
    a great voice waisted on boring and sappy love songs, energy lacking up-beats, and upstaging guest appearences. there is one exception to a great voice waisted on boring and sappy love songs, energy lacking up-beats, and upstaging guest appearences. there is one exception to this, the very sexy 2nd single "dj play a love song" is worth a download, but dont waste your time on the rest of the album Full Review »
  2. richardj
    Jun 22, 2006
    I didn't think much of this album atall, the guy has a good voice but it just sounds like every other cliche R & B album(which i'm I didn't think much of this album atall, the guy has a good voice but it just sounds like every other cliche R & B album(which i'm sorry is getting beyond belief people still buy sh*T like this!), Jamie claimed he was coming up with something different, well I don't see it or hear it! (All F*cking hype like Kayne "lets rip old tunes and spit lazy lyrics over it" West) Stick to the acting and stop f*Cking pretending to be Ray Charles, the film's good but stop singing his hooks and then stupid assed people saying "JAmie Foxx sounds like Ray Charles", People hear me now! He doesn;t sound like Ray Charles and he will never be the legend Ray Charles is, get up off your ass and buy the greatest Ray Charles album and listen! And don't buy this heap of sh*T album Full Review »
  3. Mel
    Mar 14, 2006
    This man is just so SMOOTH and FINE... His voice is to make any women melt at the knees ... Great Album ....