
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Though it lacks their star power and radio-ready hooks, it offers instead songs that are written and sung with a heartfelt authenticity neither McGraw nor Hill can rival.
  2. Unglamorous clearly shows that the 36-year-old has graduated.
  3. Her vivid miniatures of complicated intimacies and everyday inadequacies slip between the cracks of country, folk, and rock, and they're as graceful as they are unflinching.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    'Witness to Your Life' and the title track are two of the most engaging pop paeans to mature, married love you've ever heard. [24 Aug 2007, p.71]
  5. Tim McGraw's country-radio-friendly production weighs down the disc.... McKenna sounds best stripped down and rough around the edges. Both her voice and writing deserve more modest frames.
  6. Even this seasoned songstress occasionally gets stuck in unglamorous midtempo muck.
  7. Folk and rock collide in happy fashion as McKenna celebrates the commonplace on the rugged title track, setting vocal grit alongside flowing organ and a punchy backbeat.
  8. The sound is noticeably sweeter, with strings and synthesizers, and so are the lyrics.
  9. Blender
    The tracks are catchy, meaty and modern. [Sep 2007, p.131]
  10. There's no denying her eye for out-of-the-way details or her ear for a decent tune.
  11. The title cut is the best of the lot, an anthem about the beautiful chaos of family life where wine is sipped from a jelly jar and “peanut butter is everywhere.”

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. PeterW.
    Sep 13, 2007
    Fantastic album, despite, rather than because of, the Nashville treatment. Title track, Falter, Drinking Problem - all great great songs - Fantastic album, despite, rather than because of, the Nashville treatment. Title track, Falter, Drinking Problem - all great great songs - but would be even better if it was just Lori and her guitar. Then I would have given it 10. (by the way, I reckon her best 10 songs are among the best I have ever heard) Full Review »
  2. MattD.
    Aug 28, 2007
    Production gets a bit too mid tempo at times, but fortunately, it is not overproduced. Those who liked the treatment Faith Hill gave to her Production gets a bit too mid tempo at times, but fortunately, it is not overproduced. Those who liked the treatment Faith Hill gave to her songs will like this. Her vocals are decent, and her lyrics are her strongest point. Full Review »
  3. KevinF.
    Aug 24, 2007
    The songs speak for themselves on this need for an over-glossed studio production...Lori McKenna is one of the best songwriters The songs speak for themselves on this need for an over-glossed studio production...Lori McKenna is one of the best songwriters I've heard in a long time, and her songs sound best when she sings them. Although Faith Hill did a fantastic job with three of McKenna's songs, I have to give the kudo's to the writer of those songs (Fireflies, If You Ask, Stealing Kisses) off of her Fireflies Album, Lori McKenna. Full Review »