
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Mojo
    Jun 28, 2016
    The only problem is that her lyrics are sometimes relegated to back-drop status as Jarosz creates an array of enchanting sounds, set against harmonies provided by back-up musicians Jedd Hughes and Luke Reynolds. [Aug 2016, p.92]
  2. Jun 23, 2016
    Undercurrent might not be her best work, but she's set herself up to go wherever the music takes her, and those following along are sure to revel in the adventure.
  3. Uncut
    Jun 21, 2016
    Undercurrent is an enthralling journey from source to mouth. [Aug 2016, p.72]
  4. Jun 20, 2016
    This fourth release from the Texas native is in a singer-songwriter mode; four songs feature just Jarosz and acoustic guitar, while others are tautly arranged progressive-folk gems with backup from guitarists Luke Reynolds (Guster) and Jedd Hughes (Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell).
  5. Jun 20, 2016
    Though darker than her previous albums, Undercurrent is also more resilient. Jarosz reaches through her musical and personal histories with vulnerability and willingness. She comes out on the other side with songs that possess narrative savvy, melodic invention, and a refreshing sense of self-assuredness.
  6. Jun 20, 2016
    There’s a looseness to the album that prevents her from ever being pretentious. She just looks at the world around her, the people she knows, her thoughts and feelings, and turns these into song.
  7. Jun 20, 2016
    Spaciously produced, it’s a classy piece of modern Americana.

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