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  1. Jul 15, 2014
    It's an album that does not have a very wide variety different songs. But lyrically is wonderful and rich.
    Lana could do something to the previous level, but with more mastery. It's a beautiful album and will undoubtedly still far, wait a Grammy nomination, and it deserves a lot. All involved are to be congratulated.
  2. Jun 19, 2014
    I didn't get in to Born to Die but thought Lana Del Rey had potential, then came Paradise and I felt disappointed again but Ultraviolence is so different a direction it just doesn't work. Ultimately it's depressing and dreary, bringing back the 50/60s isn't something new!! it's a rehash and that's exactly what this album sounds like a rehash of the 30s-80s I can here every other song I'veI didn't get in to Born to Die but thought Lana Del Rey had potential, then came Paradise and I felt disappointed again but Ultraviolence is so different a direction it just doesn't work. Ultimately it's depressing and dreary, bringing back the 50/60s isn't something new!! it's a rehash and that's exactly what this album sounds like a rehash of the 30s-80s I can here every other song I've ever heard in there with no passion and all produced in a muffled, slow, snooze fest drone that makes a reply unbearable. I really thought there was more to Lana but there isn't it's not new or genius to rehash old tunes and not make them sound like your own. Very disappointed tbh she hasn't got what it takes she's too shallow and superficial to take me on a mental journey with the music and lyrics it's just painfully boring and so lacking that genius touch. If you haven't got it you haven't got it. Expand
  3. Jun 17, 2014
    this album is a true trash without some, the concept does not exist content, is a typical album to lay musical matter, if we ask what the true identity of the album will not know the answer, it proves that the album has nothing to impress. More garbage thrown in the music industry.
  4. Jun 17, 2014
    Lana wants to be heavy and deeper than she is... Her voice is good and she has some moments here and there, but this album feels rushed and just kinda there. All the songs sound the same (and there are no songs like Born To Die - Summertime Sadness / Blue Jeans) I was hoping for more. Don't recommend the album.
  5. Jun 17, 2014
    Upon first listen, Ultraviolence is a complete musical departure from her debut. Produced by Dan Aurebach of The Black Keys, Ultraviolence has replaced the bombastic string and melodramatic orchestral climaxes with understated, pulsing guitar riffs, echoing drums and various layers of Del Rey’s now totally confident and poised vocals. The album opener, ‘Cruel World’ sets the tone for theUpon first listen, Ultraviolence is a complete musical departure from her debut. Produced by Dan Aurebach of The Black Keys, Ultraviolence has replaced the bombastic string and melodramatic orchestral climaxes with understated, pulsing guitar riffs, echoing drums and various layers of Del Rey’s now totally confident and poised vocals. The album opener, ‘Cruel World’ sets the tone for the rest of the record; a slow burning song featuring purposely-imperfect vocals that forces the listener to experience the hurt and dystopian world that Del Rey does. This is nothing new – Born To Die provided the same offering – however the subdued tone of Ultraviolence is much more fitting with its oppressed and dark thematic nature.

    Elsewhere, lead single, ‘West Coast’ provides a relatively upbeat and gritty sound in comparison to the rest of the album, and ‘Money Power Glory’ showcases Del Rey’s unique and astounding vocal range. ‘F***** My Way To the Top’ demonstrates that – unlike Born To Die – less is more, with Del Rey’s silk-like vocals floating above a pulsing beat and faint guitar strums. ‘Old Money’ is the most Lana Del Rey song that Lana Del Rey has ever made; an absolutely stunning ode 1960s America with herself reminiscing the “sunset, small towns… red racing cars”, and ‘Flipside’, a slow-burning Western-influenced track which – had it been around during the 90s – would have been perfect for the epic yet tragic final scene of Thelma & Louise.

    The album is not without its flaws, however; Del Rey’s cover of ‘The Other Woman’ doesn’t fit whatsoever with the atmosphere the rest of the album has conjured up until that closing track, and provides an incredibly underwhelmed finish to an album that sounded well thought out. Some of the lyrics are questionable and grow irritating, such as Del Rey repeating "dope and diamonds" sixteen - yes, sixteen - times during 'Money Power Glory', and there are certain tracks that beg for more of a climax than they are given.

    Ultraviolence, then, is an overall winner; the stripped-back, low-key and understated burning progressions of the songs create an intense, unique and totally encapsulating experience. Whilst there are missteps, it is a massive step forward for an artist that is consistently panned for being a one-time act.
  6. Jun 17, 2014
    Lana's new album proved she's alternative music's queen. Her collaboration with Auerbach is just comparable to Adele's collaboration with Epworth. Pure magic. This only shows Del Rey will be around us for a long time, and will be remembered as one of the greatest talents of the century.
  7. Jun 17, 2014
    Ultraviolence is like a rare work of art that everyone should have at home. Never once something seemed so poetic and touching. Lana shows us what some already knew a few years she came to stay.
  8. Jun 17, 2014
    Maybe the songs are really very similar, but it makes her album get a vibe that only Lana can do. Her voice and melodies have perfect sync. She's not the best singer yet, but she does what she knows do better in her work. Anyway, we can't wait something different from her and it's not a big deal if she keep doing songs so good like that album. She made a good work in Ultraviolence albumMaybe the songs are really very similar, but it makes her album get a vibe that only Lana can do. Her voice and melodies have perfect sync. She's not the best singer yet, but she does what she knows do better in her work. Anyway, we can't wait something different from her and it's not a big deal if she keep doing songs so good like that album. She made a good work in Ultraviolence album and I really think she can be the Queen of Alternative Indie Music!! Expand
  9. Jun 18, 2014
    Amazing album! reminds me of Lizzy Grant. It's really quiet and not loud, it's just a masterpiece! I think this would be my favourite Lana Del Rey album. Album of the year!
  10. Jul 8, 2014
    After how much she's been beaten up for her millionaire dad trying to buy success for her, buying back her rights and changing her name after she failed as Lizzy Grant, bombing on SNL anyway, maybe-dating Axl Rose for attention, desperately taking the gig at Kimye's wedding (now that's an instant indie cred killer), etc., I actually started rooting for her -- heck, there are a millionAfter how much she's been beaten up for her millionaire dad trying to buy success for her, buying back her rights and changing her name after she failed as Lizzy Grant, bombing on SNL anyway, maybe-dating Axl Rose for attention, desperately taking the gig at Kimye's wedding (now that's an instant indie cred killer), etc., I actually started rooting for her -- heck, there are a million people trying equally hard to get famous, who are every bit as phony, why single her out to hate? Unfortunately, this record fails to transcend, it's merely mediocre gloom (nevermind her lame quotes about wishing she was dead). It sounds exactly like they hired the latest amalgam of "top producers" to manufacture yet another pose for her -- starker this time, a tad quirkier, but keep it safe, throw in random disjointed radio hooks, refer to Lou Reed, "borrow" from great old songs that will feel familiar to people, but they won't quite put their finger on right away (although even I have a soft spot for the allusion to "Edge of Seventeen" in "West Coast"). The more I hear these songs, the more she annoys me. In sum it sounds like simply one more calculated commercial mishmash, the record company trying to create a darker Selena Gomez to fill another niche. Too bad, she's not entirely untalented, she had a chance to do better than this insincere-ennui snoozer. By the way, the avalanche of absurd 10 posts from people who'd never posted a review before, and say things like "favorite artist of all time," or "one of the greatest talents of the century" -- come on people, if Lizzy's publicity machine extends now to soliciting posts here, at least give her a 7 or 8, that's far more credible. Expand
  11. Jun 17, 2014
  12. Jul 25, 2014
    I'm hoping this will become a grower as BTD is still one of my favourite albums. I do miss the hip hop beats but understand she wanted to explore a different hence the collaborations on this album. Unfortunately her new direction has not resonated with me as yet. Not as good as BTD I'm afraid.
  13. Jun 17, 2014
    Ultraviolence proves that without her fauxchestra and bombastic hip hop beats, Lana Del Rey is a one trick pony. Most songs are drone-like retreads of past material, low on hooks and high on bad lyrical content. LDR was better off as a flawed but unique pop starlet. This is a laughable desperate grab at credibility.
  14. Jun 18, 2014
    Well... I really loved Born To Die style, but this is more in my comfort zone, so deep and sad, dark, guitars and drums... I really really adore every track. For me is PERFECT!
  15. Jun 19, 2014
    First off, I'm a big fan of hers. I tried to get tickets to her concert in Vegas and Frisco but they sold out in minutes. I drove 7 hours to Phoenix just to sit in the second deck. So now that you have some perspective on me..
    I was prepared to be indifferent with this album, because I love Born to Die and I just figured this would not measure up. I was wrong, and I'm so glad.
    First off, I'm a big fan of hers. I tried to get tickets to her concert in Vegas and Frisco but they sold out in minutes. I drove 7 hours to Phoenix just to sit in the second deck. So now that you have some perspective on me..
    I was prepared to be indifferent with this album, because I love Born to Die and I just figured this would not measure up. I was wrong, and I'm so glad.
    This disc opens up with a gem-of-an-anthem called Cruel World that is long and powerful. Ultraviolence is another of my favorites. Shades of Cool and Brooklyn Baby provide a slight/nice change of pace, and some light-heartedness to soften the mood a bit, and then West Coast really puts it into full swing. Sad Girl is a lovely song that you may get lost in. Pretty When You Cry I also enjoy, as well as Money Power Glory. F***ed My Way to the Top is SO satisfying, in the same vein as Cola was, if you're into that type of thing (Lord knows I am). Old Money is a really sweet song and quite emotional, and The Other Woman is a real change of pace, right in time for, in my opinion, the big surprise on the disc: Black Beauty. This is a huge, sweeping anthem. Guns and Roses and Florida Kilos are fine as well, but not at the top of my list. I would have scored this album a 10 but i'm allowing her some room to grow in the next album, which I understand she is already thinking about. God, I hope so.
  16. Jun 17, 2014
    The songs are very similar, and all have an air of sleep. She needs to do more happy songs, this album may depress others. The songs are cloying and all that was written seem lazy. I do not think she has a vocal power, she does not leave her calm and boring style.
  17. Jun 18, 2014
    Não superou Born To Die, mas é um ótimo álbum. Acho que ele não deveria ter usado tanto efeito na voz. Mas ela mostrou nesse álbum que ela é uma verdadeira representante do Indie Music.
  18. Jun 18, 2014
    its another flawed record from Lana in my opinion. Simply for the fact that the songs feel a little samey the further through the album you get.. but that doesn't necessarily mean that the tracks themselves are.
    If it makes sense, I personally feel that every song is well written and put together (if not for the lyrics) and all the choruses are big, powerful and even beautiful at times.
    its another flawed record from Lana in my opinion. Simply for the fact that the songs feel a little samey the further through the album you get.. but that doesn't necessarily mean that the tracks themselves are.
    If it makes sense, I personally feel that every song is well written and put together (if not for the lyrics) and all the choruses are big, powerful and even beautiful at times. but when they're all put together... that's where the sameness feeling comes for me.
  19. Nov 9, 2014
    Lana vërtetë e tejkalon atë në këtë album . Trading hop udhëtim / hip prodhimit me një shkëmb alternative të ndjehen të përzier me disa pop ëndërr nga The Black Keys Dan Auerbach . Vocals Lana janë pasuruar edhe në të gjithë LP përbërë nga këngë të përhershme deri në 6 minuta . Unë do ta quaja " albumin e errët " të këtij Lana ndërsa qenë më të mirë të saj . Nëpërmjet këtyre vlerëson ,Lana vërtetë e tejkalon atë në këtë album . Trading hop udhëtim / hip prodhimit me një shkëmb alternative të ndjehen të përzier me disa pop ëndërr nga The Black Keys Dan Auerbach . Vocals Lana janë pasuruar edhe në të gjithë LP përbërë nga këngë të përhershme deri në 6 minuta . Unë do ta quaja " albumin e errët " të këtij Lana ndërsa qenë më të mirë të saj . Nëpërmjet këtyre vlerëson , Lana ende duhet të punojë për kah lirika e saj . Tracks si **** My Way To The Top dhe Sad Girl janë gjysmë të mirë dhe mund të ketë qenë hedhur larg për versionin luksoz . Gruaja tjetër është edhe një nga këngët më të mira të formuluara nga Lana , pasi ishte shkruar fillimisht për Nina Simone . Në përgjithësi , Ultraviolence mund të jetë një nga albumet më të mira të 2014

  20. Jun 23, 2014
    A well crafted affair that seems like if it was made in another era. Lana del Rey keeps her way into make the industry and mainstream public believe that there´s more possibility for music if we look at the past rather than the future.
  21. Jun 24, 2014
    This is an excellent album and much better than I thought it was going to be. It's hard to top an album like Born To Die but somehow Lana did just that. I find that most albums have a few good songs in the beginning and then fizzle out with a lot of filler. This does not happen on Ultraviolence. Yes, there are one or two songs I could probably do without but, as a whole, there are just soThis is an excellent album and much better than I thought it was going to be. It's hard to top an album like Born To Die but somehow Lana did just that. I find that most albums have a few good songs in the beginning and then fizzle out with a lot of filler. This does not happen on Ultraviolence. Yes, there are one or two songs I could probably do without but, as a whole, there are just so many damn good songs here.
    If you are a fan and loved BTD, you will love Ultaviolence. It's a little slower and lacking some of the up tempo beats of BTD, but that is not a bad thing. Lana Del Rey makes beautiful and emotive music that is intoxicating and she is in peak form here. If anything, Ultraviolence has an equal or even more amount of feeling and emotion than BTD. I would highly recommend Ultraviolence to anyone who is a fan of Lana and her type of music. I think this album will catapult her to a whole new level of success. I ordered the deluxe mp3 with three extra songs and was glad I did. Buy it, you won't be disappointed.
  22. Jun 25, 2014
    Amazing album. My favorites songs are 'Sad Girl', 'Old Money', 'Money Power Glory' and ****** My Way Up To The Top. Lana is amazing. I can't believe that some reviews are a **** I love the album, The album of 2014. But I still wait Adele's new album.

  23. Jul 8, 2014
    Ultraviolence has done something music for the last twenty years has failed to do. Become a masterpiece in it's own sub-genre. Stripped back from the lush strings and heavy beats of Born To Die, Ultraviolence focuses on the dark, seedy underbelly of the West Coast, delivering vintage rock and roll drums to the back of the sound field and reverb drenched vocals and rhodes arrangements toUltraviolence has done something music for the last twenty years has failed to do. Become a masterpiece in it's own sub-genre. Stripped back from the lush strings and heavy beats of Born To Die, Ultraviolence focuses on the dark, seedy underbelly of the West Coast, delivering vintage rock and roll drums to the back of the sound field and reverb drenched vocals and rhodes arrangements to the front.

    Lana has developed far more vocal confidence and hit the ground running on this second album. I have a feeling it will achieve Cult status in time and critical acclaim. The lyrical content is both sombre and playful, it is deliciously dark and the freedom in musicianship invokes a band feel reminiscent of the 70's.

    Ultraviolence is her best work yet.
  24. Jun 27, 2014
    Really this is just bad. And dull. I first heard West Coast on the radio, and almost kinda thought it started out kind of cool. But then it spun off into disconnected styles and nonsense. When I heard the full album, it just got worse from there. She's done.
  25. Jun 17, 2014
    I like it. This album is moody and has clear identity, we know this is Lana! Altough it lacks obvious hits and might be forgotten soon. I think this is a best release from artistic view. Less hype, less industry influence.
  26. Jun 18, 2014
    'Ultraviolence' is truly a great album that comes together very, very well. The track listing flows nicely and it's definitely a step up in sound from Born To Die. Personally, I love Born To Die - I didn't think she could top that, but she did. This is a by far more mature album, and Auerbach and her did a great job at making it come together. For me, Guns & Roses could've been left out,'Ultraviolence' is truly a great album that comes together very, very well. The track listing flows nicely and it's definitely a step up in sound from Born To Die. Personally, I love Born To Die - I didn't think she could top that, but she did. This is a by far more mature album, and Auerbach and her did a great job at making it come together. For me, Guns & Roses could've been left out, but just like any Lana song, it will grow on me. Standouts of the album would include Shades of Cool, Old Money and Cruel World. Lana Del Rey hit a home run with this album, and I can't wait to see what she has in store for her next. Expand
  27. Jun 17, 2014
    A long time fan of Del Rey's music (from the Ray Days to all the unreleased and leaked tracks), I am proud to say that Ultraviolence does not disappoint. Ultraviolence has the scope of a cinematic western movie that has been dreamed up in the dark hours of night when we are left to our own devices and forced to reflect, and this album is obviously a deeper reflection on Lana than in BornA long time fan of Del Rey's music (from the Ray Days to all the unreleased and leaked tracks), I am proud to say that Ultraviolence does not disappoint. Ultraviolence has the scope of a cinematic western movie that has been dreamed up in the dark hours of night when we are left to our own devices and forced to reflect, and this album is obviously a deeper reflection on Lana than in Born to Die, and what is more, it is beautiful in it's ambition as it aspires to overcome the shortcomings of it's predecessor. The record is a mix of low rock melodies and anticlimaxes, which short bursts of exuberant outcries that break through the shades of gray in a brilliant fire that makes even the worst songs on this album so brilliant. Inspired by the classic 'A Clockwork Orange', Lana creates her own modern classic as the voice of the album resounds long after the song has finished.

    The leading singles of this album underwhelmed, yet songs such as 'Old Money', 'Black Beauty', 'Money Power Glory', and 'Cruel World' shine brightly in the dark night Lana has constructed with her vocals and the unique sound of this album; yet, the album becomes tiresome in it's constant use of heavy background vocals that sound much more freshman than junior in that, they tend to wash out the power of her main vocals. What is more, this album features much less chorus than Born to Die, and much more narrative, original and inventive storytelling that allows for a much finer experience all together I think, this is not to say that the chorus is no longer the main mode of transport for the delivery of this album, but it does take somewhat of a backseat in Ultraviolence.

    The lyrics of each song, though, do tend to fall into Old Paul's (Video Games) in that, while these lyrics are far less fantastical than those in Born to Die, they do tend to become airy and overly dark and cliche. What is more, for all of it's opulence, this album is repetitive in it's songs as Lana presents the same story in some form or fashion in every other song, such as loving an older man in 'Shades of Cool' and 'Brooklyn Baby'. This causes Lana to become self-cliched as she continues to use the same ideas as though to invent a Lanaverse akin to that of Stephen King and James Joyce as she continues to build on and construct the artificial history of Lana Del Rey which is veiled with created experiences as well as subtle references to her very own life, yet it is much less obvious in comparison to Born to Die which was 'The Hobbit' to her 'Lord of the Rings' as she introduced us to her persona that we have fallen in love with. Multiple tracks on the album also tend to borrow the style of West Coast the first single from this album and could easily be the title track, and this becomes somewhat bothersome because it creates a very easily tired musical experience that could cause some to continuously bounce between this album and Born to Die as I have.

    Overall, fans of Del Rey will enjoy this sequel which shows that Lana has become both more confident in her work and much more adept in her conception and creation, even so, if you are much more use to her vocals and sound in Born to Die, the sudden shift to an even moodier and darker Lana will take some getting used to. Ultraviolence is beautifully dark and hauntingly magical in it's artificial realism, and that's what makes it so great.
  28. Jun 18, 2014
    Ultraviolence is beautifully compiled and with the help of Dan Auerbach, this album has feels much more complete compared to her preceding album, Born to Die. She takes on a persona in this album, a heartbroken but sultry girl and encapsulates them into each song. Each song is idiosyncratic in some way, however it is amazing how Lana Del Rey maintains the theme throughout each song toUltraviolence is beautifully compiled and with the help of Dan Auerbach, this album has feels much more complete compared to her preceding album, Born to Die. She takes on a persona in this album, a heartbroken but sultry girl and encapsulates them into each song. Each song is idiosyncratic in some way, however it is amazing how Lana Del Rey maintains the theme throughout each song to deliver an accomplished album. The extra songs within the deluxe album are a great treat for Del Rey fans, adding something extra, especially Florida Kilos where she take the undertone of innocence and allows a breath of fresh air to flow into her dark album. However, some songs were repetitive, but they should not ruin the adventure she takes you through when listening to this album. Overall, Lana have outdone herself and created a masterpiece that will not be forgotten. Expand
  29. Jun 18, 2014
    Wow! I didn't think Lana could do Born to Die again, and you know what, she didn't! and I'm kind of surprisingly relieved. To be honest, I WANTED BORN TO DIE AGAIN! I mean, I liked the simplicity and melancholy of her first album but here with Ultraviolence Lana hasn't just dished out more of what she thought we'd all like, No! she's taken her shtick of morose pop but sprinkled just aWow! I didn't think Lana could do Born to Die again, and you know what, she didn't! and I'm kind of surprisingly relieved. To be honest, I WANTED BORN TO DIE AGAIN! I mean, I liked the simplicity and melancholy of her first album but here with Ultraviolence Lana hasn't just dished out more of what she thought we'd all like, No! she's taken her shtick of morose pop but sprinkled just a little bit of sophisticated, hopeful colour throughout it, partly, due to some great floating vocals during a lot of the choruses. But does Lana lose her apathetic sound from this little spark of brightness? I don't think so at all, if anything it makes the comedown feel so much lower. That and each song seems to either slow down during the chorus(Brooklyn Baby, Shades of Cool) or speeds up (West Coast). It's this constant change in pace which TELLS the listener how to feel, and it’s exactly this constant flux in mood which I wasn't expecting!

    Lets be honest with ourselves, we all think we know Lana's sound and we listen to her precisely because we like to indulge in our own fantasies of self pity, of which Lana's previous album Born to die did so well; Self Pity and apathy. But even Lana is thoughtful of the fact that there is so much self pity we can come to accept from a multi million dollar star. because really, an artist whose theme is based on woe and sadness eventually loses there creditability once they start to become (even more) wealthy.

    Instead of treating myself to the self induced moody state I've come to expect from Lana, I was instead forced to prick up my ears, and then suddenly calm down as each song on Ultraviolence constantly shifted from lull to high. This is an album that demands your attention in its own subtle way as it unexpectedly turns from hope to sorrow, constantly teasing the listener from one state to another. And this is exactly what this album is all about, that is; you have to be prepared to listen to it. It's not an intense album per se, but it's more thoughtful than her last, so just be prepared (and you'll be rewarded!) Lana still has that washy jazzy Twin Peaks sound that can be heard in the percussion and groaning cello, but there is a brightness in the guitar and light strings that is slightly more noticeable and which adds a great bitter sweet contrast. I think this is especially pronounced in "Old Money" or "Shades of cool" which almost sounded like it was going to burst out into a bond song with those opening chords, but then her angelic vibrato voice kicks in with that hint of contrived imperfection and really hits the spot in the way we've come to expect from her previous work, but with a little extra. Lana is really coming into her own with this second album (third? if you count Paradise) and she is by no means a one trick pony.

    I really think Lana is pushing her passive listeners with this one. I mean, the fanbase with grow to like it, they're just committed that way. But I'm not too sure if any of these songs stick out as radio friendly. Which leads me to my overall summary, and that is; Ultraviolence doesn't have the instant wow factor of Born to Die, but really, how could she ever make an album that sounded even sadder, yet at the same time still retain the pop elements that helped establish her unique, accessible sound? Anything else would just be venturing into experimental jazz territory, which might be applaudable, but it's not what people expect from Lana. For those who take the time I think this album might provide a longer and more rewarding listening experience than Born to Die with its more sophisticated production and thoughtful music composition, as well as Lana's obviously developing vocal talent.
  30. Jun 17, 2014
    Oh she is so mysterious and beautiful! I like this so much because it is not as boring as Born To Die. It has more focus and she doesn't just mumble on this album. It is well produced and beautiful.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 35
  2. Negative: 1 out of 35
  1. A shake up in the lyric department would be nice to see next time around, but on this outing Lana Del Rey is able to sell it with striking vocal performances and breathtaking compositions.
  2. Mojo
    Aug 20, 2014
    While her David Lynch qualities remain, there's also something of the masochistic Lars Von Trier heroine in the resigned drowse of these songs. [Sep 2014, p.92]
  3. Aug 4, 2014
    Underwhelming ending aside, it’s fair to say that Del Rey (and her collaborators) have more than risen to the challenge of keeping her a part of the pop culture conversation, for all the right reasons.