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  1. Jun 17, 2014
    Ultraviolence brings depth and beauty lyrics mixed with resonant and unique melodies. Although an melodic album, Lana give us quite a relaxing and natural time. There's a truly sense of emotional experience at Lana's new album that rings clear in her voice and her simple but solid songs.
  2. Jun 17, 2014
    Lana's new album proved she's alternative music's queen. Her collaboration with Auerbach is just comparable to Adele's collaboration with Epworth. Pure magic. This only shows Del Rey will be around us for a long time, and will be remembered as one of the greatest talents of the century.
  3. Jun 17, 2014
    Lana Del Rey is not more the same, is not one that tried success [achieved] in indie pop with Born to Die. The sound here is another, we have guitar, bass, drums, Lana now arrived in indie rock, or any other subgenre of '60s rock. The next album it can now be titled the Evolution of Lana Del Rey. Apparently she did not want to stay in sameness music forever, so the what will the nextLana Del Rey is not more the same, is not one that tried success [achieved] in indie pop with Born to Die. The sound here is another, we have guitar, bass, drums, Lana now arrived in indie rock, or any other subgenre of '60s rock. The next album it can now be titled the Evolution of Lana Del Rey. Apparently she did not want to stay in sameness music forever, so the what will the next work? One thing is certain, though the sounds change in Ultraviolence, the letters make clear which were written by Del Rey. It is a indescretível album, Undoubtedly deserves to be a success.

    Featured: Sad Girl, Cruel World, Baby Blooklyn and West Coast.
  4. Jun 17, 2014
    this album is a true trash without some, the concept does not exist content, is a typical album to lay musical matter, if we ask what the true identity of the album will not know the answer, it proves that the album has nothing to impress. More garbage thrown in the music industry.
  5. Jun 17, 2014
    It's solid, consistent and has a obscure vibe that fills you up from the beginning to the end. More cohesive than her debut, Ultraviolence presents us a less confusing Lana Del Rey that has found her sound and created an album that can surprise you and captive you at the same time.
  6. Jun 17, 2014
    Lana wants to be heavy and deeper than she is... Her voice is good and she has some moments here and there, but this album feels rushed and just kinda there. All the songs sound the same (and there are no songs like Born To Die - Summertime Sadness / Blue Jeans) I was hoping for more. Don't recommend the album.
  7. Jun 17, 2014
  8. Jun 17, 2014
    I like it. This album is moody and has clear identity, we know this is Lana! Altough it lacks obvious hits and might be forgotten soon. I think this is a best release from artistic view. Less hype, less industry influence.
  9. Jun 17, 2014
    Ultraviolence proves that without her fauxchestra and bombastic hip hop beats, Lana Del Rey is a one trick pony. Most songs are drone-like retreads of past material, low on hooks and high on bad lyrical content. LDR was better off as a flawed but unique pop starlet. This is a laughable desperate grab at credibility.
  10. Jun 17, 2014
    Oh she is so mysterious and beautiful! I like this so much because it is not as boring as Born To Die. It has more focus and she doesn't just mumble on this album. It is well produced and beautiful.
  11. Jun 17, 2014
    Getting Auerbach on this record was the best thing she could have done. This is a very confident, bold album. Dan has managed to draw a little more intensity from her and she actually sings - like really sings - on Ultraviolence. It's a near flawless album. "Sad Girl" is a throwaway track imo, however. But otherwise it is brilliant.
  12. AA2
    Jun 17, 2014
    This album is one of those albums that are/must be considered a masterpiece (like Madonna's Like A Prayer). It's like a fairytale. Lana takes us to a different time. The songs are emotional and beautifully composed with dark tunes -- "Lana Del Rey style". They are actual poems by Lana Del Rey turned into songs. Her voice is seductive and sad at the same time. Something about this albumThis album is one of those albums that are/must be considered a masterpiece (like Madonna's Like A Prayer). It's like a fairytale. Lana takes us to a different time. The songs are emotional and beautifully composed with dark tunes -- "Lana Del Rey style". They are actual poems by Lana Del Rey turned into songs. Her voice is seductive and sad at the same time. Something about this album makes you feel like waking up after a good dream. During he day you'll ask yourself "was I dreaming or was it reality". Expand
  13. NOD
    Jun 17, 2014
    Even though the album doesn't contain big hits like Summertime sadness or Born to die, there is no question that Ultraviolence is a masterpiece. One of those rare albums where most songs are amazing and providing something special.
  14. Jun 17, 2014
    "Lana Del Rey's 'Ultraviolence' is more of a completed album than 'Born To Die', an album for which I felt was equally compelling as a new take on the pop genre but equally overly produced, this new album feels like a more personal biography of this sultry sexy singer's life. The tracks all feel thematic in sound but doesn't over crowd Del Rey's voice, over production, a frequent"Lana Del Rey's 'Ultraviolence' is more of a completed album than 'Born To Die', an album for which I felt was equally compelling as a new take on the pop genre but equally overly produced, this new album feels like a more personal biography of this sultry sexy singer's life. The tracks all feel thematic in sound but doesn't over crowd Del Rey's voice, over production, a frequent distraction in her debut album which shocked audiences when they heard a more different, more deeper voice whenever this pop star performed live. Lana Del Rey has a unique voice; this singer doesn't belt out her songs like the pop singers you see nowadays; she sings her highs beautifully like she does when she lays her hand on a cigarette, the light and free feeling one would get once the smoke is released from your lips. She sings her lows like she does when she's swaying her head, her hips and staring deep into your eyes with her pouty lips. Lana Del Rey's live performances at concerts are the real deal, this girl can sing, compared to her performances at open bars and quiet talk shows. Her tracks for 'Ultraviolence' are dark, unique, inspired and, most of all, filled with thematic elements making her whole album feel rich and authentic. She sings her tracks as if she sings to her live audiences at a concert; confident, assured and loved by all. My personal favorites are 'West Coast' (instead of building to an upbeat chorus, it takes a slow tempo turn making this track feel different), 'Shades of Cool' (James Bond, anybody?), 'Brooklyn Baby' (doleful sound, changes the tone of the album just a shade bit lighter), and the two tracks; 'Guns & Roses', 'Cruel World'. The one thing that I have with this album is the fact that her songs are so walloped in a deep dark world of the singer's depression (controlling men, being a mistress, waiting on love, long distance relationships, 'Drugs, Money & Glory), some tracks should be a bit more lively and perfectly timed like 'Brooklyn Baby' instead of delving into an enjoyable listen to sleep fest. Overall, Lana Del Rey at her ripest. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 35
  2. Negative: 1 out of 35
  1. A shake up in the lyric department would be nice to see next time around, but on this outing Lana Del Rey is able to sell it with striking vocal performances and breathtaking compositions.
  2. Mojo
    Aug 20, 2014
    While her David Lynch qualities remain, there's also something of the masochistic Lars Von Trier heroine in the resigned drowse of these songs. [Sep 2014, p.92]
  3. Aug 4, 2014
    Underwhelming ending aside, it’s fair to say that Del Rey (and her collaborators) have more than risen to the challenge of keeping her a part of the pop culture conversation, for all the right reasons.