• Record Label: Partisan
  • Release Date: Sep 25, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
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  1. Sep 28, 2020
    Ultra Mono charges into the discourse like a hobbyist at a rally. It’s not listening, just shouting. Not radical but restless. Not bad, just unnecessary.
  2. Sep 28, 2020
    Idles’ third studio album has all of the elements that made Joy As an Act of Resistance such a breakout success.
  3. 65
    Ultra Mono is an enjoyable but ideologically confused record and one in which some of IDLES best material must compensate for some of their worst.
  4. Sep 25, 2020
    It may be easy to write off initially as preachy or reductive but the sharp, self-aware wit and incisive simplicity in the band’s best lyrics make it clear its members are no intellectual slouches. What is more, the band clearly believes in every word Talbot says. That authenticity and openness keep the band as magnetic as ever on its newest record.
  5. Sep 25, 2020
    It’s unsubtle and it’s inconsistent, but Ultra Mono has an awkward frankness to it that isn’t entirely without charm.
  6. Sep 25, 2020
    IDLES are evolving and learning how to create change through a model most accepting. It’s 2020: let’s try the simplicity of hope and clichéd positivity for a change. Maybe this tight collection of high-octane nursery rhymes and simple chants will do the trick.
  7. 80
    It’s smart: acerbic and politically charged in its bleakness.
  8. Sep 24, 2020
    Always on the front foot, bloodied but unbowed, IDLES are a claustrophobic, relentless, airtight and pulverising machine of perpetual motion. That they are able to keep themselves airborne throughout Ultra Mono is testament to the art and skill that lies behind such an unstinting display of brazen contempt.
  9. Sep 24, 2020
    ‘Ultra Mono’’s step towards a more neoliberalistic message of positivity does serve to take some of the wind out of IDLES’ sails. If ‘Ultra Mono’ is their attempt to critique their own pedestal, it might not read as radical as they would have liked.
  10. 80
    It's a one-tone listen. But that shout-in-your-face directness is exactly what makes Ultra Mono so powerful. This is rock music that compels you to pay attention.
  11. Sep 24, 2020
    Without applying any analysis, there is much to enjoy here; their raucous energy shines just as bright, but underneath the surface Ultra Mono lacks the sparkle that made their first two records truly special.
  12. Sep 23, 2020
    While not their best work, ‘Ultra Mono’ takes many leaps forward in terms of songwriting and tunecraft, while blowing a few kisses at their detractors. That’ll be mission accomplished.
  13. Sep 23, 2020
    At its strongest, Ultra Mono offers a fresh set of urgent rallying cries for anyone interested in furthering workers’ rights, dismantling systemic racism, and knocking out a few Nazi teeth. The record’s missteps mostly come when Talbot finds himself on the defensive, a position that finds him turning out poison-pen responses to critics that probably felt better to sing than they do to hear.
  14. Sep 23, 2020
    If IDLES have been known to play with a cliché or two, with a slogan tossed in here or there, it doesn't mean they've been empty lyrics. Sometimes a bunch of overdriven guitars and a sweaty drummer don't need Zizek to get their point across. IDLES get it, offering both catharsis and direction as they struggle for a movement.
  15. Sep 22, 2020
    IDLES are at their best when they know their limits and play to their strengths.
  16. Sep 22, 2020
    Like all IDLES releases, Ultra Mono’s biggest drawback is its lack of variety. Though the guitarists experiment with different tones, each song still has the same feel sonically. Likewise, Talbot’s vocals are monotone with little variety and his lyrics are sometimes simplistic. But IDLES make up for those flaws with its greatest strengths, the band’s passion, unbridled fury, and raw intensity. IDLES wears its passion and anger on its sleeve, delivering infectious rhythms, filthy distorted guitars, and snarling vocals to drive its message home.
  17. Sep 21, 2020
    Unfortunately, most of it sounds like Jason Williamson jogged into a pillar box. The guest musicians include David Yow and Jamie Cullum, a VIP list that draws attention to IDLES' own inadequacy. IDLES' by-numbers rock plod has none of the sensitive jazz swing of The Jesus Lizard nor can it match the unhinged ferocity of Cullum at his most feral. ... Three albums in and the hype has died down. The ideas are drying up. The lack of substance is wholly exposed.
  18. Mojo
    Sep 21, 2020
    Ultra Mono is the almighty sound of the do getting done. [Oct 2020, p.82]
  19. Q Magazine
    Sep 21, 2020
    Their juggernaut third album is the sound of a band becoming ever more defiantly themselves. [Sep 2020, p.104]
  20. Uncut
    Sep 21, 2020
    These are not times for ambiguity. Ultra Mono scours like bleach, its fury a purifier. [Oct 2020, p.31]
  21. 80
    This record fuses the first album’s goofy sense of humour with ‘Joy…’’s brazen manifesto for a healthier society. Despite their imperfections and the often justified criticism, IDLES are ultimately a good thing. The band want to take you on a trip and for you to enjoy the ride, and for the destination to be serene. Hold on tight.
  22. Sep 21, 2020
    No gripes here as IDLES deliver their most consistent album to date with a handful of their most rough-cut diamonds sparkling through.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 56
  2. Negative: 4 out of 56
  1. Sep 25, 2020
    Although it is by far their worst record to date, some interesting ideas, good hooks and inspired performances are to be found. what's trulyAlthough it is by far their worst record to date, some interesting ideas, good hooks and inspired performances are to be found. what's truly disappointing is that in less than 2 years, idles have become what their critics always (wrongfully) panned them to be - slogan thumping few-trick ponies with no real songwriting skills nor lyrical nuance. Full Review »
  2. Sep 25, 2020
    This is Idles’ best album so far. It’s just what 2020 needs. Thank you Idles.
  3. KB-
    Sep 25, 2020
    The album is bold, joe performance is extraordinary, and the guitar work plays more than wonderful, the album is consistent and is about oneThe album is bold, joe performance is extraordinary, and the guitar work plays more than wonderful, the album is consistent and is about one weight, and the production is very good , the melodies are complex, and this is what I liked about it very much Full Review »