• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jun 5, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 36 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 36
  2. Negative: 7 out of 36

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  1. angelal
    Mar 5, 2007
    This is a pop album. That's right POP. Precious indier than thou comments kind of miss the point really. This isn't meant to be cool or odd or anything other than what it is. You won't get from this what you may get from Aereogramme or Mogwai. It is unashamed, big chorus sunshiney loveliness. Delicious.
  2. KevinS.
    Jul 8, 2008
    Very enjoyable pop music. Feel My Little World in particular is a standout for me. Definitely does not deserve its current mediocre rating. If you actually like to just listen to music, this is an excellent album.
  3. ChrisJ
    Jul 6, 2006
    Great album with some catchy tunes :) What more can be asked. As long as your not a close minded vegetable you will like this album. And yes that is a direct swite at those giving this album bad reviews.
  4. cat=]
    Jun 26, 2006
    omg i LOVED this cd, loike the best cd i ever had =] i think drowned in sound has drowned itself in so many bad reviews it can't hear properly anymore. too bad =]
  5. HannahB
    Jun 30, 2006
    i loved it! is really happy ,easy to listen to music, perfect for summer, and i liked the lyrics, they are really random at parts , so i loved it! Other reviews have been a bit harsh, i saw them live and they were amasing!
  6. MichaelM
    Feb 28, 2007
    I'm in the US and bought this CD on import Spring 2006. It stayed in my car stero for months on end. It's pure perfect pop confection (which is usually not my taste) and a set of songs that I can't stop listening to. Not for tough-guy rockers, but if you want a good, "up" pop-rock album that winks at many predecesors, this is for you.
  7. RobP
    Feb 2, 2010
    I do question why many of the reviewers would even have picked up this album in the first place. It doesn't try to be any thing other than a bunch of hooky and sometimes reflective pop songs, every one lovable in its own way. It surely only appears pretentious to the pretentious! Not cool but it is fabulous.
  8. GeorgeS.
    May 25, 2007
    Amazing album , Great Debut , one of the best albums of 2006.
  9. NeilF
    Dec 31, 2006
    Thoroughly enjoyed - took me back to the days when my dad forced me to listen to the Beatles on long car journeys.
  10. TonyT
    Sep 26, 2006
    Breezy fun soft rock pop. Nothing to set the world on fire, but lyrically fun, hummable melodies, and satisfyingly constructed harmonies. Plus, its great to hear that London accent...
  11. Elin
    Sep 3, 2006
    Great album - especially strange, love it when you call and helicopter. love it
  12. Joey
    Sep 4, 2006
    This is a fantastic album. Not as good as the Panic at the disco album which is my album of the year (with many different kinds of music on there!!! But I'm not talking about them so back to the feeling!!) but vvery good. Tracks you HAVE to listen to: Rose, Fill my little world, Sewn, Never be lonely, and some others but Ican't remember what they're called - oh heck just This is a fantastic album. Not as good as the Panic at the disco album which is my album of the year (with many different kinds of music on there!!! But I'm not talking about them so back to the feeling!!) but vvery good. Tracks you HAVE to listen to: Rose, Fill my little world, Sewn, Never be lonely, and some others but Ican't remember what they're called - oh heck just listen to the whole CD - it's great! Expand
  13. Time
    Dec 13, 2006
    55!!!!!!!! What the hell! This album deserves better than that. Even Paris freakin Hilton got a better score. I know it doesn't sound like your precious Radiohead or Pixies but give this record a chance. It's far better than anything TV on the Radio or Tom Waits would ever put out. Maybe if they had the name "radio" in their name they'd get a passing score. Cheers to the 55!!!!!!!! What the hell! This album deserves better than that. Even Paris freakin Hilton got a better score. I know it doesn't sound like your precious Radiohead or Pixies but give this record a chance. It's far better than anything TV on the Radio or Tom Waits would ever put out. Maybe if they had the name "radio" in their name they'd get a passing score. Cheers to the Radio Feeling!!! Expand
  14. RachelR
    Jul 24, 2006
    theme for the summer
  15. JohnR
    Jan 29, 2007
    Brilliant! A compilation of great songs. I just can't help smiling all day after listening to it. Pop music at its best.
  16. Scott
    Jun 23, 2006
    I think this is a pretty solid album and that the bad reviews above are a little unfair. They do indeed sound like ELO/Supertramp/Travis. The lyrics aren't mindblowing, but the songs are great. Give it a try....
  17. RobB.
    Sep 25, 2007
    Pure pop pleasure. It's cheesy and it's not sufficiently "cool" (whatever that means) for the critics but it's delectable. It makes me smile, sing, get a bit wistful and not care anymore. It's lovely.
  18. DanO
    Dec 14, 2006
    If I was worried about what other people thought of my musical tastes, I'd give this a one. Thing is, I don't give a crap, so it's a big fat eight. Fun tunes, perfect for those dull, dull days.
  19. paulj
    Jun 26, 2006
    pleasant mix of old and new.Sewn' is a classic.hidden track is a nice bonus.A tap too much keyboard vamping at times and lyrics syrupy on ocassion but overall my fave LP this year.
  20. MattV
    Jul 27, 2006
    A fantastic album. Clever lyrics and rythems. 'Helicopter' and 'Never be Lonley' are stand-outs.
  21. RyanH
    Aug 19, 2006
    A mixture of excellent and ordinary, weighted towards excellent. The poor reviews by so called critics are clearly made by pretentious fools more interested in making a name for themselves than making an honest appraisal.
  22. EarlyStorm
    Aug 24, 2006
    The 70's pop all over again. I like it. :-)
  23. NapoleonDynamite
    Jun 28, 2006
    This album is not heavyweight. It is an immediate impacter - not always the best sign - and won't hang out in your CD player for months but... It is a fun 45 minutes with some beautifull crafted and immensely enjoyable pop songs. I suggest the people that label it as dire and weak remove their heads from their backsides and listen to it without a microscope and ideas above their station.
  24. RichardT
    Jun 26, 2006
    Weak Weak Weak. Surrounded by Orson-esque commercial hype these guys are destined to be a flash in the pan with weak songs and incredibly bad lyrics. Almost as bad as Blunt.
  25. Muz
    Sep 4, 2006
    I was looking forward to hearing this album when I read some reviews comparing it with good 70's pop/rock such as ELO or Supertramp. Although I can hear a few similarities here and there, the difference is...this album is boring. The lyrics are laughable in parts and vocals are pretty average. Most importantly, the melodies are neither clever nor memorable, which is something I was looking forward to hearing this album when I read some reviews comparing it with good 70's pop/rock such as ELO or Supertramp. Although I can hear a few similarities here and there, the difference is...this album is boring. The lyrics are laughable in parts and vocals are pretty average. Most importantly, the melodies are neither clever nor memorable, which is something ELO/Supertramp et al excelled at. Expand
  26. RSkells
    Jun 26, 2006
    its pretty dire, honestly. its just bursting with cliches and has a very annoying predictability.
  27. DaveE
    Sep 26, 2006
    Unlistenable. It's the musical equivalent of a lobotomy.
  28. will
    Jan 9, 2007
    I would rather roast my testicles over a blazing inferno than listen to Twelve Stops and Home. Possibly the worst compilation of crap going, and theres pleanty of that going around at the minute. Never be lonely is also one of the most unimaginative, relentlessly repetative and fucking appaling songs I have ever heard in my life.
  29. RupertS.
    Apr 15, 2008
    this is quite simply the worst excuse for a band I have ever heard, the songs sound like they were written by a tone deaf 12 year old who listened to a few too many nursery rhymes as a child, I love it when you call sounds like it is a novelty record such is my surprise that anyone would actually buy it. I am staggered they have fooled so many people into thinking that this can even be this is quite simply the worst excuse for a band I have ever heard, the songs sound like they were written by a tone deaf 12 year old who listened to a few too many nursery rhymes as a child, I love it when you call sounds like it is a novelty record such is my surprise that anyone would actually buy it. I am staggered they have fooled so many people into thinking that this can even be passed off as music let aloone something emotional or inspiring. who buys this shit? I would rather rip off my own ears and replace them with salted peanuts than be forced into listening to this shite - this sort of crap sums up what is wrong with the music industry at the moment Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 2 out of 7
  1. Relentlessly bland and bourgeois, "Twelve Stops And Home" sounds like the product of focus-group analysis.
  2. Quite simply, this record is the devil's spawn incarnate.
  3. New Musical Express (NME)
    [They] are so busy trying to be Supertramp they've forgotten to add anything of themselves. [3 Jun 2006, p.35]