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Generally favorable reviews- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 26
  2. Negative: 5 out of 26
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  1. May 9, 2015
    I'm in love with Estelle right now thanks to this album. Somethin' bout her voice... Just made me blown away. And the tracks are great too. Right now, I'm really hooked on "Silly Girls" and "All That Matters".
  2. Feb 22, 2015
    Quite versatile album sounding relaxing and rhythmic at the same time. Here Estelle goes a bit more into personal, but a bit more into limpness too. This isn't the same girl who sang 'American Boy'. This is a woman. A woman with good vocal skills, but maybe with nonexistent verve.
  3. Feb 17, 2015
    It is an average album that tells a little about the feelings of Estelle after the four-year relationship, on the conquest of it to have the own label and showing various rhythms that she can sing.

    Estelle is a great British artist, but this album turns out to be a little more of it she's ever done, maybe a souvenir or clarification, and this makes it all a bit boring. But still has
    It is an average album that tells a little about the feelings of Estelle after the four-year relationship, on the conquest of it to have the own label and showing various rhythms that she can sing.

    Estelle is a great British artist, but this album turns out to be a little more of it she's ever done, maybe a souvenir or clarification, and this makes it all a bit boring. But still has great songs like "Time After Time", "Time Share (Suite 509)," "She Will Love" and "Conqueror".
  4. Feb 17, 2015
    After the end of a lasting relationship, Estelle brought the world this extremely personal album telling how she felt.

    The most remarkable is the optimal her ability to cover all genres that she used in his career at her other albums. This is one of the strengths of having their own independent label without anyone else says what should or should not do. Songs like "Time After Time"
    After the end of a lasting relationship, Estelle brought the world this extremely personal album telling how she felt.

    The most remarkable is the optimal her ability to cover all genres that she used in his career at her other albums. This is one of the strengths of having their own independent label without anyone else says what should or should not do.

    Songs like "Time After Time" and "Something Good / Devition" has a more Pop Dance style, while "Conqueror" and "Silly Girls" show how good Estelle may be singing Soul. But what really stands out on the album is the Hip-Hop "Time Share (Suite 509)" and the Reggae of "She Will Love", showing how good she is in the compositions.

    It's a very personal album that may end up being understood in a wrong way to bring various genres over a history of love and loss, but it still shows that Estelle is a great songwriter, singer and artist by the way.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Apr 20, 2015
    As an album, it feels complete but transient: True Romance has the capacity to lift and inspire, but that feeling doesn’t linger.
  2. Apr 6, 2015
    As it stands, the album shows us our heroine at her most malleable and, while it’s an enjoyable listen, there’s nothing as joyfully buoyant as Estelle’s 2005 Kanye West-assisted single “American Boy”.
  3. Feb 20, 2015
    Patched together and seemingly out-of-character as it is, the singer's fourth album does have more going for it than her third one did.