
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Oct 3, 2014
    Gauthier’s detailed, insightful lyrics and powerfully emotive delivery makes one want to hurt.
  2. Sep 3, 2014
    With songs as downcast and despondent as “False From True,” “Worthy” and the title track, the steady ache doesn’t abide all that quickly. That said, Trouble & Love does find some cause to break the stranglehold of sadness and despair.
  3. Mojo
    Jul 2, 2014
    Her band is spare and empathetic, and she's a smart enough writer to avoid mawkishness and dramatics. Which just makes it grab you harder. [Aug 2014, p.93]
  4. Jul 1, 2014
    Trouble & Love is perhaps her most thoughtprovoking set since 2005’s Mercy Now, full of literate musings and believable characters.
  5. Jun 19, 2014
    Like 2010's The Foundling, this seventh studio LP draws marrow from Gauthier's bones, cauterizing the wounds of a relationship into one of the most devastating breakup albums of all time.
  6. 80
    The eight songs, culled from a crop of 30 that came in the wake of a difficult breakup, become dirge-like if you put them on in the background. Shut out the distractions and bring them in close, and they become razor-sharp reflections of the long road out of purgatory.
  7. Uncut
    Jun 9, 2014
    It's all gracefully wrought. [Jul 2014, p.73]
  8. Jun 9, 2014
    rouble & Love is unlike any other "heartbreak and healing" album; its hard-won, experiential, Buddhist-like wisdom borders on the profound.
  9. Jun 9, 2014
    She's a straight shooter, and Trouble & Love hits right to the heart.
  10. 60
    It’s a break-up album that’s perhaps a touch too unremittingly bleak for the closing resolution of “Another Train” (“I’m moving on, through the past, through the pain, waiting on another train”) to completely convince.

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