
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Jan 7, 2013
    This kind of remaster campaign is normally reserved for albums that have had decades to sink into the national consciousness as is, introducing a shock-of-the-new, hearing-it-again-for-the-first-time element, and while the oldest of the Trilogy material has only been around for a year and a half or so, the differences in the new mixes can still be jarring.
  2. Mojo
    Jan 3, 2013
    The Weeknd starts here. Jan 2013, p.108]
  3. Dec 11, 2012
    Overall, in fact, it might feel like a little too much of The Weeknd all at once. But then again the music is so good it might just be what the doctor ordered.
  4. Nov 27, 2012
    Even at its most oppressive (in particular the songs from Thursday), every haunted note of Trilogy seems blissful.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Nov 21, 2012
    Each trippy disc holds up remarkably well, though we wouldn't recommend listening to all three while operating machinery. [23 Nov 2012, p.70]
  6. Nov 20, 2012
    The disparate releases are as oil and water as ever, with a new song on each disc that doesn't fit at all, and only the final one, "Til Dawn (Here Comes the Sun)" isn't negligible.
  7. Nov 20, 2012
    Ultimately, Trilogy is more of a sonic landmark then it is a new work.
  8. Nov 19, 2012
    The mixtapes remain practically untouched, giving any new The Weeknd fans a genuine look into what allowed an unknown artist to transform himself into someone who breathed new life into R&B.
  9. Nov 19, 2012
    The Weeknd's emotional range starts at regret and ends at lament, and the new tracks on Trilogy don't do much to change that. Indeed, they sequence so seamlessly into the larger body of his work that they complete it and close it off.
  10. Nov 16, 2012
    Even at Tesfaye's most awkward, it's impossible not to be intoxicated.
  11. Nov 15, 2012
    Whatever its limits, however, Trilogy remains a striking piece of work.
  12. Nov 15, 2012
    The familiar nature of this material takes nothing away from Trilogy. This is a great commercially available introduction to a young RnB talent who's following Frank Ocean into the mainstream.
  13. Nov 14, 2012
    While a gradual refinement is noticeable from House Of Balloons to Echoes Of Silence, a lack of breathing space between the tracks does them no favours. You're better off dedicating yourself to each album's meaty serving of revelry and regret in turn.
  14. 80
    The Weeknd weasels his way queasily into unprotected affections under cover of arrangements whose dark, miasmic synth tones and itchy, sludgy rhythms blend the apparently conflicting worlds of R&B and industrial new-wave.
  15. Nov 13, 2012
    Listen to House Of Balloons, Thursday and Echoes Of Silence in one go and you'll find that the music remains impressive. If there's one quibble, it's that as Trilogy enters its second hour, Tesfaye's lyrical ambivalence begins to sound a bit one-note.
  16. Nov 13, 2012
    Trilogy's triumph is in how it makes its three hours feel necessary to fully embrace it all, to acknowledge its existence inside ourselves and to vicariously live through it as art.
  17. Nov 13, 2012
    The production sounded great to start with, and the new material is unexceptional, but if you didn't pick up the mixtapes when they were going free, and can handle 160 minutes of beautifully crafted nihilism, this is an essential buy.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 268 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 268
  1. N10
    Nov 18, 2012
    Three mixtape's in one album, that truley is raw. Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd) is vocally fantastic, one of the best, if not the best. The soundThree mixtape's in one album, that truley is raw. Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd) is vocally fantastic, one of the best, if not the best. The sound of it is dark and creepy, many consider him as a darker version of Michael Jackson, for me it's just Abel, the storytelling and lyrics is way to diffrent but vocally I can agree to some point. The production is really good and fitting to his voice. A really good artist, while youre in to his music there's no escape. My favourite track's at the moment is (based on three songs of each mixtape) : What You Need, The Morning, Wicked Games, Life of the Party, The Zone, Valerie, Montreal, Same Old Song and Next.
    If you havent heard so much of The Weeknd, listen to this, buy if you like it, and the rest of ous... let's just support it. The Weeknd surely is a big name of our generations R&B, three fantastic mixtape's in one!
    Full Review »
  2. Feb 12, 2016
    If there is an album to describe music that has shaped both the RNB and Hip Hop sound, it is this one. Undoubtedly the single best RNB/PBR&BIf there is an album to describe music that has shaped both the RNB and Hip Hop sound, it is this one. Undoubtedly the single best RNB/PBR&B album of this generation. Is it repeatedly filled with sex,drugs,and darkness? Of course, and for many critics it is what turns them off. But what matters is that Abel Tesfaye, The Weeknd, tells a story in each chapter: House of Balloons, Thursday, Echoes of Silence. The Weeknd came in to fill a gap in the RNB industry, and it worked! His influence is present in any modern RNB artist such as PARTYNEXTDOOR, Bryson Tiller, Drake, TYuS, JMSN, Majid Jordan, Zayn, you name it. Overall, amazing vocals, chilling lyrics, and beautiful production mainly by Illangelo and Doc Mckinney. 10/10 Full Review »
  3. Nov 15, 2012
    As a whole it is a definite buy for someone that enjoys, the other new wave of R&B artists like Miguel and Frank Ocean. and a real ride for aAs a whole it is a definite buy for someone that enjoys, the other new wave of R&B artists like Miguel and Frank Ocean. and a real ride for a album as a debut record. Full Review »