• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: May 15, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. May 14, 2012
    Even if these songs never grace the charts, they sound like inevitable hits and prove that Lambert is a genuine pop star who has now left American Idol far behind.
  2. Jun 28, 2012
    The first half of Trespassing offers a smorgasbord of succulent up-tempo pop. There are a couple of derivative cuts, but the highlights are tasty enough to compensate.... The album's second half is less entertaining.
  3. May 15, 2012
    Trespassing continues the work of the underrated "For Your Entertainment" and allows the singer to keep unveiling his character in broad, colorful strokes.
  4. 67
    Trespassing's first half is a study in fabulosity....Too bad the ballad-heavy second half is so laughably over-the-top.
  5. Jun 14, 2012
    For all their talk of trespass and release and lock-popping, Glambert's songs unleash very little Glambert.
  6. Q Magazine
    Jul 27, 2012
    Trespassing is magnificent is its competence, but sadly, it doesn't appear to have an actual beating heart in it anywhere. [Aug 2012, p.102]
  7. May 15, 2012
    Trespassing delivers, with a mix of tinsel disco-club sleaze and leather-boy love ballads.
  8. May 14, 2012
    Trespassing marks a strutting step forward for Lambert.
  9. Jul 6, 2012
    If few of the songs are classics, his octave-leaping voice is often a showstopper.
  10. 60
    Trespassing isn't a totally cogent statement. Lambert suffers from a lack of restraint, while the second half of the album lags. But you have to admire Lambert's ability to go over the top and then ratchet higher still.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 169 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 169
  1. May 15, 2012
    This album is everything I hoped it would be. The dance tracks make me want to shake my ass and the ballads make me want to weep. PerfectThis album is everything I hoped it would be. The dance tracks make me want to shake my ass and the ballads make me want to weep. Perfect blend of emotion and delivery and Adam's voice is out of this world as usual. best album I've purchased all year. Full Review »
  2. May 15, 2012
    Hands down the best pop album to emerge since The Fame. Like Gaga, Lambert shows that he not only possesses a killer instrument in his voiceHands down the best pop album to emerge since The Fame. Like Gaga, Lambert shows that he not only possesses a killer instrument in his voice but also has the musicianship and musical know-how to turn out really intelligent pop and make this album a cut above. The combination of grinding, funky, dirty club beats, fresh, vibrant dance-your-ass off tunes and heart wrenching ballads that strike a knowing blow to your heart somehow flow together as seamlessly as you could hope for. A welcome return to form for N.E.R.D's Pharrell Williams on title track Trespassing. Best track: Shady. Chic's Nile Rodgers lends a helping hand to make this Lambert and Sam Sparro penned track the stand-out on an album of, for the most part, superbly crafted tracks. Full Review »
  3. May 15, 2012
    This album is a true work of love and artistry. The pop banger's on the front half are dance party tunes, and the back half is loaded withThis album is a true work of love and artistry. The pop banger's on the front half are dance party tunes, and the back half is loaded with ballads , some will grab your heart and make you cry, you can feel the pain. There is something for everyone on this album. It's fresh and current, and let's you hear Adams vocals upfront. There is no other artist like him in music right now. The album is totally cohesive and takes you on a journey to trespass into his soul. Full Review »