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Universal acclaim- based on 205 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 205

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  1. Jan 5, 2011
    Loud, overbearing guitars, uncreative beats and annoying, playground chant-like vocals. Nothing creative going on in the melodies department either. Nothing to see here, move along.
  2. Nov 12, 2010
    Pretty awful. I heard it before I knew the extent of the hype so my response to the record wasn't a reaction to it's wide-scale adoration. The riffs are **** and simplistic, the vocals are uninteresting and stupidly affected, the drum-machine is thrown in to create the sparse, urgent sound people are cumming over. The emphasis on the drums and the aggressive repetitive riffs get somePretty awful. I heard it before I knew the extent of the hype so my response to the record wasn't a reaction to it's wide-scale adoration. The riffs are **** and simplistic, the vocals are uninteresting and stupidly affected, the drum-machine is thrown in to create the sparse, urgent sound people are cumming over. The emphasis on the drums and the aggressive repetitive riffs get some people off apparently. Yes, it is different. But the songs are half-formed ideas which rely smugly on the novelty of the aesthetic more than actual melodies. They could get better. But for now they are the most over-hyped band of the decade. Expand
  3. Aug 25, 2010
    Nothing more than the Indie version of brokenCYDE. Just a terrible band not even worth one listen. I have absolutely no Idea why the critics like them so much.
  4. Mr.Downer
    Jun 4, 2010
    Saw them live when they opened for Yeasayer and really do not understand the hype. May have been a bad pairing or something, but I honestly hated it. Sorry to the inevitable disagreements. *goes back to listening to Swim*.
  5. DMan
    Jun 2, 2010
    Come on people wake up. This whole album is nothing but teeth chattering drum machine beats and whiny female vocals. This isn't music nor is it art it's just the result of another untalented hipster group getting a bit to lucky. If I could rate this album in negative numbers I would.
  6. JohnS.
    Jun 1, 2010
    It's like metal machine music all over again, plus it's not easy to dance to. Simply annoying.
  7. LuisJ.
    Jun 1, 2010
    Merely noise for art's sake. There is no message. This is candy music. Fast food. Every song sounds just like the last. I regretfully picked this up because the ex-member of Poison the Well is a member and it has some interesting production moments, but as a whole this will be forgotten in 3 years time.

Universal acclaim - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. That their most charming song by far is the straight George Clinton rip "Rill Rill," which leaves open the question of what they can do for an encore. I'll grant that minimalist bands always leave that question open if you'll grant that too often the answer is repeat themselves.
  2. It's the Ting Tings amplified past 11, and the two never stray far from the formula.
  3. Q Magazine
    Abrasive and addictive, the duo have together discovered a chemistry that not only excites themselves, but almost anyone else who experiences it. [Aug 2010, p.122]