
Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
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  1. Nov 10, 2014
    What we find with Tough Love is an album just as conceptually focused as Devotion, yet too willing to waste Ware’s sophisticated emotionality on tracks with no depth or purpose to them.
  2. Mojo
    Nov 6, 2014
    Gorgeous minimalist songs are punctuated by Prince-like synths and Ware's impressive vocal range. [Nov 2014, p.102]
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Oct 29, 2014
    Pensive, silken R&B. [24 Oct 2014, p.63]
  4. Oct 28, 2014
    Her off-kilter stance on traditional soul-pop helped her stand out from the crowd. Now, it's hard not to think she's content playing the part of another pretty, predictable voice.
  5. Oct 27, 2014
    Where Devotion contained only three or four songs with big, traditional choruses, Tough Love is built on them.
  6. Oct 22, 2014
    All in all, Ware has gone the correct route with Tough Love.
  7. Oct 22, 2014
    What she's lost in subtlety she's gained in star power, off the back of two years of touring and a slow-burning hit album.
  8. Oct 21, 2014
    The only significant misstep on Tough Love is the plodding “Kind Of... Somtimes... Maybe,” which is just as hesitant and wishy-washy as its title suggests. In other words, it’s unlike the rest of Tough Love, which is sure-footed, propulsive, and breathtakingly confident.
  9. Oct 21, 2014
    For all its vulnerability, Tough Love is tenacious, too, brimming with R&B grooves and a whole lot of soul.
  10. Oct 20, 2014
    Ware continues to express a multitude of emotions with superb elegance. The material, unfortunately, is on a lower plane.
  11. Oct 20, 2014
    These radio-ready confections teem with smart hooks and fuller choruses.
  12. Oct 20, 2014
    You get the sense that pretty much any style could be Ware’s if she commits to it, but for now it’s nice to hear her explore a level of sophistication as her star continues to rise.
  13. Oct 20, 2014
    Tough Love relies more on gravitas, allowing more space for overly serious numbers like the Emile Haynie-produced “Pieces”. Sometimes sweetness works better.
  14. Oct 17, 2014
    Tough Love is a tour de force album, one that nails heartache with sophistication and class.
  15. Oct 16, 2014
    It’s the most chart-friendly songs, such as the swaying Ed Sheeran co-write Say You Love Me--still whispery-smooth, but a bit more “there”--that immediately register; the rest of this intriguing album takes its time to blossom.
  16. Oct 14, 2014
    It’s a record that masks its lack of content under swathes of super-hip production tics.
  17. 70
    Twinkly epic 'Cruel' is especially outstanding, while collaborations with Dev Hynes (‘Want Your Feeling’) and Miguel (‘Kind Of… Sometimes… Maybe’) save the latter half from drifting too far into languid MOR ballad territory.
  18. Oct 7, 2014
    She imparts yearning with such controlled restraint and lightness of touch it’s sublime.
  19. Oct 7, 2014
    For the most part, it is an assured collection of songs that exudes the confidence of an artist at the peak of her powers.
  20. Oct 7, 2014
    Actually listen to Tough Love and you’ll realise that Ware has made a record that is totally ready for chart success, should her label promote it accordingly, but also deeper and more thoughtfully-considered than any British pop album that lingers in recent memory; the fact that it seems so reserved is nothing more than an indicator of Ware’s confidence in the potency of its sensuality.
  21. 80
    A genuinely superior slice of small hours electro-pop.
  22. Q Magazine
    Oct 6, 2014
    It's mainly successful: co-written with Ed Sheeran, new acoustic single Say You Love Me may ebe a relation of Extreme's More Than Words, but elsewhere stories are told more vividly, with non-showboating vocalist Ware infusing the songs with restrained emotion. [Nov 2014, p.114]
  23. 80
    It’s not an album that fights for your attention, but one that knows it doesn’t have to try.
  24. Oct 6, 2014
    It’s this confidence that really shines throughout the album. Ware’s vocals are at the forefront, no longer hidden amongst a cloud of heavy electronics.
  25. Oct 6, 2014
    Tough Love is an album that reveals itself gradually, reducing this ever-beguiling artist down to her essence, while offering ample opportunity for her to develop her technique.
  26. 60
    It is tempered and classic-sounding. But the sounds are as itchy and oppressive as they are tasteful.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 88 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 76 out of 88
  2. Negative: 8 out of 88
  1. Oct 21, 2014
    "Tough Love" is one of the best albums of the year, of course! Jessie Ware's voice sound so great and powerful, in the same time, sounds quiet"Tough Love" is one of the best albums of the year, of course! Jessie Ware's voice sound so great and powerful, in the same time, sounds quiet and hopeful.

    "Say You Love Me", "You & I (Forever)", "Kind of...Sometimes...Maybe", "Pieces" and "Desire" are the biggest songs of the album, that give the best moments, with beats and lyrics so pretty and creative that can make the listener fall in love for the album.

    Jessie Ware really gave her best and did an album that is with na upper level far from her first, "Devotion". This is amazing!
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 21, 2014
    Ms. Ware once again proves that having poise, taste and talent will win out over cheap shock tactics. Working with a number of differentMs. Ware once again proves that having poise, taste and talent will win out over cheap shock tactics. Working with a number of different songwriters has diversified her sound ever so slightly. She is more confident and even seductive her. A highly polished, enjoyable sophomore effort. Full Review »
  3. Oct 21, 2014
    With amazing lyrics, produtions and vocals, Jessie Ware did the best Pop album of the year. She is so creative and is really awesome. I reallyWith amazing lyrics, produtions and vocals, Jessie Ware did the best Pop album of the year. She is so creative and is really awesome. I really fell in love with it and I'm addicted. Full Review »