• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 20, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Feb 21, 2016
    I only liked 5 songs on the whole album, but those 5 songs is what makin it from not havin a bad score. Synergy, First 48 which had the best beat imo, Rain, Jason, and Aint nothin new. All these songs went insane but the other songs sounded like some mixtape radio friendly trash. Worst song was easily the Future song. I wouldnt say this is his best album but it aint his worst either. HopeI only liked 5 songs on the whole album, but those 5 songs is what makin it from not havin a bad score. Synergy, First 48 which had the best beat imo, Rain, Jason, and Aint nothin new. All these songs went insane but the other songs sounded like some mixtape radio friendly trash. Worst song was easily the Future song. I wouldnt say this is his best album but it aint his worst either. Hope this review was good peace. Collapse
  2. Dec 30, 2015
    A decent effort from the rap veteran, only held back from it's full potential by some lackluster guest appearances (Swizz Beatz almost ruined a great track, and Diddy was pretty much nonexistent) and a second half that couldn't quite compare to the first one, but still had some standout tracks, like "Critical" ft. Jeezy and "Cutlass"

    Top 5 Dead or Alive can be shortly summarized as a
    A decent effort from the rap veteran, only held back from it's full potential by some lackluster guest appearances (Swizz Beatz almost ruined a great track, and Diddy was pretty much nonexistent) and a second half that couldn't quite compare to the first one, but still had some standout tracks, like "Critical" ft. Jeezy and "Cutlass"

    Top 5 Dead or Alive can be shortly summarized as a grimey album, with grimey production by a grimey rapper that has one of the best rap voices ever.
    If you like that, you are going to enjoy it.

    Fav Tracks: Jason (Even with the bad Swizz verse), Kill, Synergy, Critical
    Least Fav Tracks: So High
  3. Dec 9, 2015
    Mythical album, finally comes to release. T.5DOA has been in rumor and a topic of quite a few jada hints. And, for the most part, it doesn't disappoint. Love the grimey, NYC feel of the album-staying true to his style (remincient of the the L.O.X). Although having Puffy and Nature on it fully degrade the quality, Jeezy and Nas supplement them nicely on other tracks. I also liked Sheek andMythical album, finally comes to release. T.5DOA has been in rumor and a topic of quite a few jada hints. And, for the most part, it doesn't disappoint. Love the grimey, NYC feel of the album-staying true to his style (remincient of the the L.O.X). Although having Puffy and Nature on it fully degrade the quality, Jeezy and Nas supplement them nicely on other tracks. I also liked Sheek and Swizz Beats making appearances too. Jada does reach with trying to incorporate Ne-yo and Akon but fail. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Dec 15, 2015
    Older heads will appreciate the nods to earlier records but simultaneously be underwhelmed at the new takes on them. New listeners will enjoy the solo tracks that showcase Jada's lyricism and unique, nasal flow, but there just aren't enough of them.
  2. The Source
    Dec 9, 2015
    T5DOA is a fine body of work, but falls short of the "classic album" tag that has eluded Kiss throughout his career. [Dec/Jan 2016, p.89]
  3. Dec 9, 2015
    After the first initial play through, this album definitely translates as Jadakiss’ most celebratory to date. The beats are more grandiose, less gutter horror story and more hustler’s celebration. The whole theme plays out like his very own victory lap.