• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jan 27, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. It's often catchy and kinetic in the moment, yet it still feels like Franz Ferdinand has the potential to do more with their music than just slightly tweak and polish a sound they established several albums ago.
  2. Alternative Press
    At its best, the disc forges a middle ground where trebly guitar power is fortified by the electronics, resulting in a new propulsion. At its worst, the disc is as meaningful as "superstar DJ" sets, designer drugs and having your picture taken by the Cobrasnake. [Feb 2009, p.99]
  3. While it would have been interesting to hear a further evolution of the band's sound, the album offers plenty of adrenaline, pheromones and stealthy sophistication, thanks to Bob Hardy's driving bass, Alex Kapranos' expressive crooning and the band's unusual ability to make every song sound like a single.
  4. 80
    As usual, Franz Ferdinand pack a greatest-hits album’s worth of melodic tricks into each tune, while Kapranos purrs the sort of pick-up lines that would earn a lesser man a gimlet in the face.
  5. While hardly the evolutionary leap forward that the band had suggested was afoot, Tonight is still, inarguably, fine for now.
  6. What Franz Ferdinand have proven is that not only do they make impressive albums but that they are capable of trying out new sounds with great skill. It’s still the same band we fell in love with, only they have incorporated more sounds into their arsenal and with songs as good as these, it’s a welcome addition.
  7. Tonight is a resounding success, and the first essential pop record of 2009.
  8. They’ve defied compartmentalisation again, managed to avoid crippling themselves in their dramatic reduction of outright 'singles' material, and left the door open to a number of future experiments. Unfortunately it just means that Tonight becomes a makeweight.
  9. The mix of Alex Kapranos' louche croon with the band's disciplined racket is still a knockout, and they've switched things up enough to keep it interesting.
  10. Filter
    The lurching rhythms, slick hooks and stomping choruses are still everywhere you turn, but the Fraz lads have branched out, with seemingly mixed results. [Holiday 2008, p.90]
  11. A subtler, smarter album with a considerable capacity to get you moving.
  12. Four middle-aged men discover a dance element to their music... and it’s good!
  13. Mojo
    While Tonight: Franz Ferdinand might not take all the chances those early reports suggested, it shows the band examing their world from all angles, from the unflattering profile in the mirror behind the batr to the long hard look into the soul. Life in three dimensions suits them very well indeed. [Feb 2009, p.102]
  14. Tonight... isn't a bad album by any means, and it's certainly an improvement on their last effort, but at the same time you can't shake the feeling that they missed a trick.
  15. This might not be the ‘music of the night’ that rotund talent show type Lloyd Webber and his phantoms had in mind, but based on the majority of this album Messrs Kapranos, Hardy, McCarthy and Thomson can definitely take us out tonight.
  16. Does Tonight satisfy what we were all hoping for after three years between albums, along with the lofty expectations that are by definition bound to accompany a concept album/rock opera? Probably not. But, is it better than "You Could Have It So Much Better?" Definitely, if not only for the points on the record where Kapranos and company get it oh so right.
  17. Rather than risk experimenting with anything radically new, they’ve cautiously tried tweaking their tempos and varying instrumental textures here and there in hopes that listeners won’t notice that they’ve written the same song about romantic frustration in 12 slightly different ways.
  18. Now they sound less like they're playing to their strengths and more like they're admitting their limitations; they'll keep trying to move your hips because they know they'll never win your heart. Tonight is fine, but will you still love them tomorrow?
  19. Truly, the four dapper Scotsmen that constitute this group should be ashamed of their tuneless, thoughtless, meaningless new offering, which distorts the proud legacy of a band that once mattered.
  20. More so than stoking the band's current commercial prospects, Tonight is an exciting record for what it could potentially spell for Franz Ferdinand's future.
  21. All in all, the band just isn’t as melodically inclined this time around, and it’s a damn shame, too, because by and large, this still remains the band’s most adventurous outing to date--just not their most memorable.
  22. Q Magazine
    There's plenty of evidence on Tonight... of attempts at broadening their palette, but it's usually by substituting jerky guitar for jerky synthesizer as the lead instrument. [Feb 2009, p.110]
  23. Franz Ferdinand mainly stick to their small, intensely flavorful basics, packing songs with tempo changes and propulsive guitar riffs.
  24. While not all of those risks pay off, what works about Tonight speaks to the band's greater maturity and vision.
  25. 70
    Even at just 42 minutes, Tonight is relentless, yet the comedown is exquisite.
  26. It will be bettered, as surely as night follows day, but there might not be another album released in the next 12 months that offers the same delirious, sugar-coated enjoyment, let alone one that matches it with Kapranos' casually whip-smart lyrics.
  27. As usual, their guitar interplay is well-lubricated and dirty when appropriate, but in spite of the reheated disco tropes and skronky electronics, much of Tonight feels like it's been forged with the same stale, trademarked chorus in hand.
  28. Here the band, with producer Dan Carey (Hot Chip, CSS) at their side, dip their big toe into electro-pop, Afrobeat (sorta), new-wave seizures, and all manner of groove that bespeak body-rockin' pleasures.
  29. You sense that compromises have been made between the desire to do something artistically challenging and the desire to retain both continuity and fanbase, and that, often, the compromise reached is the wrong one.
  30. There’s still enough innovation and experimentation among the banalities here to suggest that they might have a great fourth album in them.
  31. 60
    For all their adroitness, most of the songs on Tonight sound too similar to each other (and to existing Franz Ferdinand songs).
  32. Under The Radar
    Taken as a whole, it’s the rare album that flirts with enough styles that it renders notions of classification irrelevant, and ultimately more of a Franz Ferdinand album than a dance album. [Year End 2008]
  33. 40
    A group this weird and quirky should be able to produce dozens of albums that never loose their delicious twee taste. Perhaps what FF should try next is trying nothing at all.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 138 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 138
  1. JeroenH
    May 1, 2009
    According to some of the critics this album must be boring and by far not the best they can do. Luckily the critics as usual have no clue, as According to some of the critics this album must be boring and by far not the best they can do. Luckily the critics as usual have no clue, as the difference in the rating between critics and users on this site shows. Franz Ferdinand actually managed to make an album that is timeless and addictive and becomes better every time you hear it. It's their best album yet and one of the very best albums yet released in 2009! Full Review »
  2. Aug 28, 2013
    Critics are dull and often wrong. This is the most adventurous album the band has ever done, where every risk has payed off. It sounds likeCritics are dull and often wrong. This is the most adventurous album the band has ever done, where every risk has payed off. It sounds like the band we have always loved, matured and a bit rough around the edges, which is a nice change. Gritty synths dominate the album. It has guts and plenty of them. Never a dull moment on this one. Full Review »
  3. PierreB
    Mar 5, 2009
    This album gets better and better, though its not really inovating it is more musical and less loud then the album before.