• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Uncut
    More structured than its predecessors. [Apr 2007, p.102]
  2. Some may blow off Tongues as too jammy or underdeveloped, but neither is truly the case and, in fact, it's unpolished characteristic is core to it's sound.
  3. It doesn't always work, but there are more than enough explosive moments to pick up the slack.
  4. The underlying problem here seems to be that Hebden still isn't comfortable in his own skin while improvising, with Reid or otherwise.
  5. Tongues is a record of surpassing depth and ingenuity.
  6. 'Tongues' contains some of the most uneasy listening ever.
  7. Hebden and Reid's music is as full of depth and ideas as before.
  8. The reason Tongues works so well is not because the song lengths are significantly shorter, but because both Hebden and Reid interact on the same wave length.
  9. Despite its misfires, Tongues does make for an intriguing listen, and the record is punctuated with the occasional highlight.
  10. Q Magazine
    The pair are so full of ideas, there's scarcely a dull moment. [Apr 2007, p.119]
  11. Spin
    Showcases skittering electronics framed by grounded, dynamic percussion. [Apr 2007, p.88]
  12. Urb
    Tongues is a shorter, tighter set of songs that retains the pair's reckless spirit of improvisation and experimentation. [Apr 2007, p.104]
  13. There are sublime moments here, and occasionally the interplay is breathtaking. This is pretty rare however, which leaves the rest of the record sounding just as you’d imagine it would, which isn’t a bad thing, just not at the levels of creativity we’ve come to expect.

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