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  1. Mar 17, 2015
    Run the Jewels 2 + Black Messiah + Random Access Memories + Yeezus + Run the Jewels + good kid, m.A.A.d city + London Zoo + Geogaddi + Amnesiac + Things Fall Apart + Aquemeni + Music is Rotted One Note + The Chronic + Loveless + Laughing Stock + Sign "☮" the Times + Aja + Physical Graffiti + Expensive **** + Innervisions + Exile on Main Street + Superfly + Maggot Brain + There's a RiotRun the Jewels 2 + Black Messiah + Random Access Memories + Yeezus + Run the Jewels + good kid, m.A.A.d city + London Zoo + Geogaddi + Amnesiac + Things Fall Apart + Aquemeni + Music is Rotted One Note + The Chronic + Loveless + Laughing Stock + Sign "☮" the Times + Aja + Physical Graffiti + Expensive **** + Innervisions + Exile on Main Street + Superfly + Maggot Brain + There's a Riot Goin' On + Electric Ladyland + The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady = To Pimp a Butterfly

  2. Oct 17, 2015
    This album is more akin to a novel or a rigorous study of a persons character, views, and ambition under the divisive American system of "all lives matter," when policy often deviates from that "rule." It's dense, it's deep, and dark, but it ends not only with a glimmer of hope and realness, but with a call for true change. Is this Kendrick's magnum opus, currently yes, but this albumThis album is more akin to a novel or a rigorous study of a persons character, views, and ambition under the divisive American system of "all lives matter," when policy often deviates from that "rule." It's dense, it's deep, and dark, but it ends not only with a glimmer of hope and realness, but with a call for true change. Is this Kendrick's magnum opus, currently yes, but this album suggest we may be witnessing the greatest rapper not only of his generation, but of all time. Expand
  3. Sep 12, 2015
    Probably the best hip-hop album of this last decade, one that ought to be remembered.
    Incredible production, original and sometimes requiring more than one listen to be appreciated at its true value.
    Deep lyrics, with a real protest message which is terribly missing in the actual us rap industry, and that fits remarkably to the time in which it has been released (awareness of the still
    Probably the best hip-hop album of this last decade, one that ought to be remembered.
    Incredible production, original and sometimes requiring more than one listen to be appreciated at its true value.
    Deep lyrics, with a real protest message which is terribly missing in the actual us rap industry, and that fits remarkably to the time in which it has been released (awareness of the still existing racism in the us).
    Great concept albums, impressive live performances, beautiful music videos; it feels like Kendrick Lamar couldn't possibly release anything that isn't a masterpiece lately. The only way he could release something bad is if he teamed up with Taylor Swift.
  4. Aug 29, 2015
    To Pimp A Butterfly is an incredible album, filled with incredible sounds and real meaningful content. All tracks tell a different story and never fail to entertain. An incredible entry into an outstanding and very aware artists career and into hip hop history. The jazzy and classical sounds may steer fans of the more mainstream good kid, m.A.Ad city away, but a true hip hop listener willTo Pimp A Butterfly is an incredible album, filled with incredible sounds and real meaningful content. All tracks tell a different story and never fail to entertain. An incredible entry into an outstanding and very aware artists career and into hip hop history. The jazzy and classical sounds may steer fans of the more mainstream good kid, m.A.Ad city away, but a true hip hop listener will understand and appreciate the message being given out that Kendrick Lamar has gifted us with. From the west coast sounds in "King Kunta", to the boom bap styled "The Blacker The Berry", this record truly shows the creative genius of Hip Hop's current number 1. Expand
  5. Sep 29, 2015
    This album is exclusive in my daily life. Is the only album that I hear everytime, literally everytime, I hangout with my friends. We can't get enough of it, and me and my friends have different tastes. In between the indie rock bands, and psych bands, and pop artists, we always listen, we enjoy at least half of this album, and enjoy it equally. Is like it is built, first, musically toThis album is exclusive in my daily life. Is the only album that I hear everytime, literally everytime, I hangout with my friends. We can't get enough of it, and me and my friends have different tastes. In between the indie rock bands, and psych bands, and pop artists, we always listen, we enjoy at least half of this album, and enjoy it equally. Is like it is built, first, musically to entertain everyone who has an affection for this art, and second, lyrically to really make you think about all these important contemporary issues that everybody should think about. Kendrick Lamar is really an artist, and, in my opinion, we all should keep paying attention to his music, his work and, redundantly, his art. Expand
  6. Apr 15, 2017
    The best rap album ever made. The lyrics, the instrumental, the metaphors, everything in the production of this album is so good that when we put it together to listen, it is nothing but a masterpiece, definitely an album that if you like it, you won't hear one time. Contributors such as Thundercat and Flying Lotus made the instrumental become so good as the singing. This is just anThe best rap album ever made. The lyrics, the instrumental, the metaphors, everything in the production of this album is so good that when we put it together to listen, it is nothing but a masterpiece, definitely an album that if you like it, you won't hear one time. Contributors such as Thundercat and Flying Lotus made the instrumental become so good as the singing. This is just an wonderful album. Nothing less than that. Expand
  7. Jul 5, 2017
    This album has everything, old vibes, new vibes, experimental stuff, nice lyrics, i just got overwhelmed with that many good ideas expressed in their tracks.
    You get that soul sound perfectly mixed with Kendricks’ voice and every tracks has something to say and an epilogue of some sort.
    Songs for every mood, and that everybody can enjoy, rap speed that varies from track to track and adds
    This album has everything, old vibes, new vibes, experimental stuff, nice lyrics, i just got overwhelmed with that many good ideas expressed in their tracks.
    You get that soul sound perfectly mixed with Kendricks’ voice and every tracks has something to say and an epilogue of some sort.
    Songs for every mood, and that everybody can enjoy, rap speed that varies from track to track and adds a great atmosphere.
    I find this album so interesting that i couldn’t imagine myself without having listened to it, it just has that much to give.
  8. Dec 1, 2015
    This is easily the best hip hop album of 2015, and one of the best albums overall. Kendrick lyrical ability to talk about so many issues including social, political, personal, etc., is just incredible and the production on the album is on point all of the way through. This was an instant classic and something we will compare other albums to in the future.
  9. Nov 21, 2015
    To Pimp A Butterfly is a legendary album. This one record ensures that Kendrick Lamar will go down as one of the greatest rappers of all time. It's a beautifully artistic and musical project, one that is also a snapshot of America's current political atmosphere. Kendrick has completely abandoned any and all mainstream tendencies that he has demonstrated at times in the past. We've goneTo Pimp A Butterfly is a legendary album. This one record ensures that Kendrick Lamar will go down as one of the greatest rappers of all time. It's a beautifully artistic and musical project, one that is also a snapshot of America's current political atmosphere. Kendrick has completely abandoned any and all mainstream tendencies that he has demonstrated at times in the past. We've gone from Section.80 to good kid, m.a.a.d city to TPAB.. I'll be waiting anxiously to see if K-Dot can progress even further with his next album. ~ 9.5/10
    Best track: "Hood Politics"
    Other notable tracks: "King Kunta", "These Walls", "u", "The Blacker The Berry" & "i"
  10. Feb 12, 2016
    Kendrick Lamar’s major-label albums play out like Spike Lee films in miniature. In both artists’ worlds, the stakes are unbearably high, the characters’ motives are unclear, and morality is knotty, but there is a central force you can feel steering every moment. The "Good and Bad Hair" musical routine from Lee’s 1988 feature School Daze depicted black women grappling with colorism andKendrick Lamar’s major-label albums play out like Spike Lee films in miniature. In both artists’ worlds, the stakes are unbearably high, the characters’ motives are unclear, and morality is knotty, but there is a central force you can feel steering every moment. The "Good and Bad Hair" musical routine from Lee’s 1988 feature School Daze depicted black women grappling with colorism and exclusionary standards of American beauty. Mookie’s climactic window smash in 1989’s Do the Right Thing plunged its characters into fiery bedlam, quietly prophesying the coming L.A. riots in the process. In these moments, you could feel the director speaking to you directly through his characters and their trajectories. Lamar’s records, while crowded with conflicting ideas and arguing voices, have a similar sense of a guiding hand at work.
    Lamar’s new album, To Pimp a Butterfly, doesn’t explicitly bill itself as a movie like good kid, m.A.A.d city did, but the network of interlocking dramas explored here feels filmic nonetheless, and a variety of characters appear across the album’s expanse. The opener, "Wesley’s Theory", turns the downfall of action-star-turned-convicted-tax-dodger Wesley Snipes into a kind of Faustian parable. Snoop drops by on "Institutionalized"; Dre himself phones in on "Wesley". The mood is wry, theatrical, chaotic, ironic, and mournful, often all at once: On "For Free? (Interlude)" an impatient woman ticks off a laundry list of material demands before Kendrick snaps back that "This dick ain’t free!" and thunders through a history of black oppression, spoken-word style, as if to say, "This money you crave, it’s blood money." The album is dotted with surreal grace notes, like a parable: God appears in the guise of a homeless man in "How Much a Dollar Cost", and closer "Mortal Man" ends on a lengthy, unnerving fever-dream interview with the ghost of 2Pac.
    The music, meanwhile, follows a long line of genre-busting freakouts (The Roots’ Phrenology, Common’s Electric Circus, Q-Tip’s Kamaal the Abstract, André 3000’s The Love Below) in kicking at the confines of rap music presentation. There’s half a jazz band present at all times; pianist Robert Glasper, producer/sax player Terrace Martin and bass wizard Thundercat give Butterfly a loose, fluid undertow every bit as tempestuous and unpredictable as the army of flows at Kendrick’s disposal. The rapper’s branching out, too, exploding into spastic slam poetry on "For Free?", switching from shouty gymnastics to drunken sobs on "u" and even effecting the lilt of a caring mother on "You Ain’t Gotta Lie (Momma Said)". It turns out Kendrick’s new direction was every direction at once.
    Despite all this, he’s still toying with a narrative on the sly: Just beneath the surface lies a messianic yarn about avoiding the wiles of a sultry girl named Lucy who’s secretly a physical manifestation of the devil. Kendrick refuses to dole out blame without accepting any, however, and on the chaotic free jazz excursion "u" he turns a mirror on himself, screaming "Loving you is complicated!" and suggesting his fame hasn’t helped his loved ones back home. Kendrick’s criticisms, as they did on good kid, come with powerful, self-imposed challenges. As Bilal quips on the chorus to "Institutionalized": **** don’t change until you get up and wash your ass, ****
    Kendrick’s principle of personal responsibility has treaded dangerously close to respectability politics lately, especially after a prickly remark about the Mike Brown shooting in a recent Billboard interview that seemed to pin the death on the victim, but To Pimp a Butterfly avoids that trap. (Mostly.) "Complexion (A Zulu Love)" is a tender note of appreciation for women of all skin tones with help from North Carolina rapper Rapsody (whose slickly referential guest verse contains a nod to "Good and Bad Hair"). This is an album about tiny quality of life improvements to be made in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. It might not be the message we want in a year where systemic police and judicial inequality have cost many the ultimate price, but that doesn’t bankrupt it of value.
    To Pimp a Butterfly pivots on the polarizing lead single, "i". Upon release last autumn, the sunny soul pep talk came off lightweight and glib. When it appears deep in the back end of Butterfly, though, "i" plays less like the jingle we heard last year and more like the beating heart of the matter. To push the point, the album opts for a live-sounding mix that ditches out midway through, giving way to a speech from the rapper himself. In tone, the speech is not unlike the legendary 1968 concert where James Brown waved off security and personally held off a Boston audience’s fury after news broke that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated. "How many **** we done lost, bro?" Kendrick shouts over the crowd. "It shouldn’t be **** for us to come out here and appreciate the little bit of life we got left." - Pitchfork
  11. Sep 26, 2015
    If you had a bottle, and you managed to capture the very essence of brilliance in it, then it would be called To Pimp a Butterfly. This album is the best record of 2015, and makes J. Cole's album look like mere crap by comparison. Also, this record is the best album of the decade, and the grandest statement ever made by a rapper in years. It's up there in the ranks of Madvillainy orIf you had a bottle, and you managed to capture the very essence of brilliance in it, then it would be called To Pimp a Butterfly. This album is the best record of 2015, and makes J. Cole's album look like mere crap by comparison. Also, this record is the best album of the decade, and the grandest statement ever made by a rapper in years. It's up there in the ranks of Madvillainy or Illmatic. You are doing yourself a disservice if you do not buy this album. Expand
  12. Oct 27, 2015
    This is an album that both takes the old school of hip-hop and blends with neo-funk, and true spoken word, and modern electronica. This is easily one of the greatest albums of the decade so far (written in 2015) and this album will definitely be established as one of the greatest rap albums of all time.
  13. Jan 2, 2016
    March 15,2015 was when my perspective of rap and music as a whole changed,hell my persepcive of the world was sorely shifted. In The Blacker The Berry Kendrick spites:"been felling this way since i was 16" but thanks to TPAB im feeling this way when im 15 years of age. a little over 8 months since the album dropped and im still finding myself percieved and absorbed to its masterpiece whenMarch 15,2015 was when my perspective of rap and music as a whole changed,hell my persepcive of the world was sorely shifted. In The Blacker The Berry Kendrick spites:"been felling this way since i was 16" but thanks to TPAB im feeling this way when im 15 years of age. a little over 8 months since the album dropped and im still finding myself percieved and absorbed to its masterpiece when i listen to TPAB i think to myself,what nostalgia because im feeling the same way he is Expand
  14. Nov 24, 2015
    Kendrick Lamar is a lyrical genius full of soul and passion. Listening to this album like I do many times, going back to most artist's music is impossible. His flow and creative style and the amount of deep analysis he puts into the music is unmatched. KENDRICK LAMAR IS KING KUNTA.
  15. Dec 7, 2015
    I saw the reviews calling it a classic when it came out. I didn't have time to listen to it so I waited, without any opinion formed yet. After a couple of months I came back to it, I discovered the story of the album (the collage of situations to be more precise), the emotional end, the meaning of the title, and I fell in love with TPAB. The production is superb also.
  16. Feb 23, 2016
    Kendrick raps about institutionalized racism and about black poverty, while incorporating elements of jazz and funk in his music. It is a singular piece of music so diverse and sophisticated in its roots making it one of the best pieces of music released in a long time. Kendrick bares his all in the songs, incorporating something for everyone. From the fast tempo dance based beats in KingKendrick raps about institutionalized racism and about black poverty, while incorporating elements of jazz and funk in his music. It is a singular piece of music so diverse and sophisticated in its roots making it one of the best pieces of music released in a long time. Kendrick bares his all in the songs, incorporating something for everyone. From the fast tempo dance based beats in King Kunta and I, to the dark, melancholic and powerful music in U and How Much a Dollar Costs, the album is a complete package. The album delivers one star-song after another, one punch after another. This incredible body of work casts light on the plight of African Americans as well as his experiences with racism, and would indeed be considered one of the greatest albums ever produced in years to come. Expand
  17. Feb 26, 2016
    Perfect album. innovative, creative, beautiful, political, intense, meaningful, complex, unbelievable flows, unbelievable beats, unbelievable instrumental and vocal performances from anna wise, great production by flying lotus, and outstanding instrumental work from artists like kamasi Washington and thundercat nominated for 11 grammys and should have won every one.
  18. Feb 16, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kendrick Lamar produces another life changing album! Kendrick Lamar captures the passion, energy, and love of rapping in this album. Kendrick Lamar is now the best rapper right now and puts himself in consideration as one of the best rappers of all time! Expand
  19. Apr 19, 2017
    Kendrick delivered the greatest piece of art in hip hop history. The production is amazing, storytelling is amazing, his lyricism is always amazing. The concept of the album blows your mind when the whole album is unraveled. No doubt my favorite album of all time.
  20. Dec 21, 2017
    Definitely the greatest hip hop album of the 21st century, one of the greatest and most important albums in the past 20 years. Truly a modern classic that will be studied and admired for generations to come.
  21. Jan 2, 2016
    What an incredible album. A very thought provoking and damn well produced album. One of the best albums of the past decade of any genre. I personally did not dabble into Lamar's discography until the release of this album. But man, this is incredible and the man behind it created one incredible album!
  22. Jan 6, 2016
    Kendrick Lamar has been in the forefront of Hip Hop's resurgence. The self-proclaimed "leader of the new school" proves as such on this seminal masterpiece, and easily the best album of 2015. Kendrick Lamar prowess as a lyricist is on full display here. The soulful and jazz-like production serve the album well. There is no good song on the album, because they are great and serve anKendrick Lamar has been in the forefront of Hip Hop's resurgence. The self-proclaimed "leader of the new school" proves as such on this seminal masterpiece, and easily the best album of 2015. Kendrick Lamar prowess as a lyricist is on full display here. The soulful and jazz-like production serve the album well. There is no good song on the album, because they are great and serve an inspirational purpose. Kendrick's emotions are the star of this great album, showing anger, repent, and love for all of life's obstacle. One of the greatest albums in Hip Hop history, and one of the best of it's generation. Expand
  23. Apr 1, 2016
    This is an album that after only being released a year ago is being deemed a classic, and rightfully so. The production is catchy and jazzy, the lyrics deep and philosophical, and features varied and great. One of the best albums of 2015 and one of the best rap records of the past decade.

    I've been a fan of Kendrick's since his debut Section .80. He continually impresses me and put
    This is an album that after only being released a year ago is being deemed a classic, and rightfully so. The production is catchy and jazzy, the lyrics deep and philosophical, and features varied and great. One of the best albums of 2015 and one of the best rap records of the past decade.

    I've been a fan of Kendrick's since his debut Section .80. He continually impresses me and put together a great concept album with his sophomore album. To Pimp a Butterfly is even more grand than that. The lyrics are coded, but can be read into. "Blacker the Berry" is a real highlight discussing racial issues with a killer beat and a great chorus. "Alright" and "King Kunta" are very catchy songs and the jazzy beats on "These Walls" and "Wesley's Theory" are stellar.

    This album requires multiple listens. It discusses grand issues and lets you the listener decide what to think about these issues. The features lead to some great experimental moments and the use of horns and saxes mesh well. Can't recommend this album enough.
  24. Apr 14, 2017
    Simply a phenomenal and complete work of art that will go down in history as one of the smartest and most well structured albums ever made. Not just a hip hop album, but a hip hop album bathing in the waters of every other constructed genre out there
  25. Jul 10, 2018
    In the beginning it's a bit hard to take, but with more 2 ou 3 listening (of full album, of course), it's possible noting that it means a genial work.
    Full of texture on beats, intelligent and poetic lyrics, several passages into songs, which in turn are variables and colored but paradoxically works as a unity. Musically, it has since R&B, passing by jazz, paying tribute to classical hip
    In the beginning it's a bit hard to take, but with more 2 ou 3 listening (of full album, of course), it's possible noting that it means a genial work.
    Full of texture on beats, intelligent and poetic lyrics, several passages into songs, which in turn are variables and colored but paradoxically works as a unity. Musically, it has since R&B, passing by jazz, paying tribute to classical hip hop, until tasteful modern beats (It's better stopping here cause the mix of genres is enormous). Lyrically has too much sincerity, principally in Kendrick's flow, that, by the way, sounds like an rhythmical instrument, fitting perfectly on beat. Hip Hop's masterpiece.
  26. Dec 7, 2015
    Rating: 10
    Just perfect, that is the album of the year. The lyrics, the melodies, the way Kendrick is rapping, the essence of the record… everything sounds as a one thing, perfectly connected. Kendrick makes uses elements of funk and jazz in his melodies, mixing with the hip-hop rhythm; the lyrics are full of references and they sound clear and subtle, and you get inside his wave of
    Rating: 10
    Just perfect, that is the album of the year. The lyrics, the melodies, the way Kendrick is rapping, the essence of the record… everything sounds as a one thing, perfectly connected. Kendrick makes uses elements of funk and jazz in his melodies, mixing with the hip-hop rhythm; the lyrics are full of references and they sound clear and subtle, and you get inside his wave of thoughts and feelings while you are listening to it. **** genius! There is not so much to say, just that “To Pimp a Butterfly” is only poetry.

    Listen to: King Kunta, u, Alright, and Mortal Man.
  27. Jan 22, 2016
    The best album of 2015 and quite possibly one of the greatest albums of all time. To Pimp a Butterfly is a movement, and it's one that you can listen to time and time again.
  28. Dec 1, 2015
    LA doin' big things again. It's good to see anotha young **** from the block holdin' it down for LA and Compton. The legends supportin' you, son. Big Daddy Kane supports this album.
  29. Dec 23, 2015
    This album better get a Grammy for a lot of things! Lots of Grammys and lots of awards! This album has so much meaning and lyrical flow to it! I couldn't ask for a better purchase when I took a trip with my band class to Tennessee!
  30. Dec 24, 2015
    After first hearing this work of art I couldn't handle how amazing it is. Kendrick Lamar went all funky on this one. A one of a kind poet. This is a legendary rap album.
  31. May 1, 2016
    I know i have to use 150 characters but you only need 1 to sum up this album. Masterpiece. Kendrick Lamar has really emerged as the top name in rap at the moment and it is absolutely justified on the beautiful heartbreaking LP.
  32. Jan 30, 2016
    when i first listened to this album i was not feeling i loved Kendrick's other work (good kid m.A.A.d city) i decided to go back to it and it is now one of my favorite albums of all time. truly a masterpiece
  33. May 1, 2016
    Incredibly dense and powerful album from start to finish, that seems to only reveal more with repeated listens and sound consistently amazing with age.
  34. Apr 10, 2016
    With the release of TPAB, it seems as if people all around the world are giving this album solid 10s and giving it the album of the year spot and even claiming it to be the best hip hop record of the decade, and honestly, I can absolutely see why. On first sight, for those who loved good kid m.A.A.d city this is going to be a departure, and many might see the jazzy influence and say "no".With the release of TPAB, it seems as if people all around the world are giving this album solid 10s and giving it the album of the year spot and even claiming it to be the best hip hop record of the decade, and honestly, I can absolutely see why. On first sight, for those who loved good kid m.A.A.d city this is going to be a departure, and many might see the jazzy influence and say "no". I say to those, listen, and listen again, because this album is one of the most important albums to our generation. A social commentary regarding what is contemporary America, if not the world. Race, sex, depression, acceptance, injustice, violence, every single heavy theme has been layered onto this album eloquently and lightly, with Kendrick giving his side of the view, and sometimes, others' as well. An example being when he is talking about the outrage of police violence to the white man, but balancing that with a commentary on gangs and gang violence to the black community as well. This combined with nostalgic yet contemporary jazzy, smooth, rich production makes this album one of the most artistically and lyrically intelligent and stellar albums, and one that must be experienced on a whole. This album is incredible, and even non-hip hop fans will have some form of appreciation.

    There's no reason for a black man to be given these awards willy nilly, thats not how our society works, unless it's Kendrick - it's that good.

    If his next album (excusing untitled unmastered.) is better than this, Kendrick will objectively become the best rapper of all time.
  35. May 1, 2016
    god touched this album. this album is literally perfect in every way imaginable. this is the second - if not the greatest - rap album ever. all hail king kendrick.
  36. Dec 9, 2016
    The Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band of Hip-Hop/Rap. Instant classic and definitely a benchmark in music history. I have no more words to explain how legendary this piece of art is. 11/10.
  37. Yis
    Apr 23, 2017
    This is by far my favourite hip hop album of all time, and I might not be the most educated on the hip hop side of music, but damn if this album isn't a great listen! On one hand it gives us amazing lyrics, that give us incredible insights into K-Dot's mind, and he meditates on the meaning of self-worth and his own self-worth on most of the tracks on the record. I feel like I can usuallyThis is by far my favourite hip hop album of all time, and I might not be the most educated on the hip hop side of music, but damn if this album isn't a great listen! On one hand it gives us amazing lyrics, that give us incredible insights into K-Dot's mind, and he meditates on the meaning of self-worth and his own self-worth on most of the tracks on the record. I feel like I can usually choose a favourite song from an album after having listened to it a couple of times, but I cannot do it with this record. Every single song is so incredibly amazing, and has a great message. The P-Funk and jazz influences on this record sometimes make it a challenging listen for most people, but for someone like me, who loves both those genres I find it an absolute blast to listen to. Wesley's Theory kick off the album with a great funky bass and beat, which hooks you right from the start. For Free? is an amazing interlude filled with wordplay, and great jazz. King Kunta is amazing funk, and has an amazing hook. Institutionalised gives us some amazing Kendrick voice changing, and a great feature from Snoop Dogg. These Walls has an amazing feel to it, and gives me more of the Kendrick I love, and has another amazing hook. u is one of my personal favourites off of the album, and has a great meaning of dealing with depression, and self-blaming and self-hatred. Alright is another incredible song! I could go on and on, but I'll stop by saying that the four song How Much A Dollar Cost, Complexion (A Zulu Love), The Blacker The Berry and You Ain't Gotta Lie (Momma Said) talks about discrimination, and the fact about being a black man in America with amazing detail, and incredible rhymes.

    Kendrick has really created a masterpiece, that I don't think will ever be outdone by another rap album, because of it's flow, production, Kendrick's lyrics and meaning that I have not heard any other hip hop record.
  38. Apr 19, 2017
    There's nothing I can say about this legendary album that hasn't already been said before. This is a beautiful project that promotes self love and unity amongst the black community. Definitely a classic, and solidifies Kendrick as one of the best to ever do it.
  39. Mar 27, 2017
    Just perfection. You can't do anything but love the beats, the delivery, and the story behind every single song. When I first listened to this album, I didn't like it. It was too weird, but the more I opened my ears to how meticulous every words is how unique the beats are, it's seriously hard to say "what could have done more?"
  40. Apr 7, 2017
    This was an amazing Album, Kendrick yet again makes music for an album like he's writing a book. would recommend it to anyone who likes hip-hop that paints a picture and tells an engaging and interesting story of trials and tribulations and personal suffering.
  41. Apr 15, 2017
    This is a 10/10 album. Kendrick had it all, language - theme album - perfect composition - nice mix - wonderful cooperators, excellent choices and perfect mixed genres. Also Kendrick shows us some characters with his voice. This album is made outside of the box. Respect.
  42. Apr 15, 2017
    This album is the greatest i have ever listened to, this album is the reason why i love rap, this album is PERFECT. Every song fits and its all interesting and it makes you engaged and every song leads up to a MIND blowing ending.
  43. Apr 16, 2017
    This album is a masterpiece... there is nothing more to say. From the first track Wesley's Theory where Kendrick introduces the new sound of this jazz/funk/rap album which is like nothing i've ever seen before in hip hop to the last track Mortal Man where Kendrick finishes off telling a poem he had been slowly telling at the start of a lot of the tracks throughout the record and you findThis album is a masterpiece... there is nothing more to say. From the first track Wesley's Theory where Kendrick introduces the new sound of this jazz/funk/rap album which is like nothing i've ever seen before in hip hop to the last track Mortal Man where Kendrick finishes off telling a poem he had been slowly telling at the start of a lot of the tracks throughout the record and you find out his telling it to 2Pac where Kendrick interestingly took audio from an old 2Pac interview and wrote out the questions to ask that made it sound like Kendrick and deceased rapper Pac were conversing in the booth together about real world issues. To a lot of the people saying this album is pure trash the only reason i can understand that would be maybe the beats aren't what you expected coming off the successor to Kendrick's good kid m.A.A.d City and the first time i gave this album a listen i wasn't really a fan the album was an average score for me... but then i listened to the whole thing again and it became about a 7.5... then i listened to the whole thing again and it became a 9... in this album Kendrick has so much to say that to fully digest it and make up a constructive criticism on the entire body of work you need a good 4-5 full listens, now i've listened to this album in its entirety probably close to 300-400 odd times and it's amazing it is within my top 5 favorite rap records of all time, it may even be number 1. I urge people to really sit down and listen to this masterpiece i can understand that a lot of people didn't like the new jazz direction with the beats and were expecting something more GKMC like in terms of rap beats but this album really becomes a classic if you push past the original beat shock and give it a few chances and **** you may still not like it after that. I've heard people say that Kendrick Lamar is too real on this album, with subjects like politics and race and really the whole delving deep into those track themes, which is another plus for it in my opinion because the lyrics are smart lyrics, K-Dot isn't just saying random **** his making a statement, his weighing in on an opinion, his delving deep into the nitty gritty of real issues in an intelligent manner and i find to really enjoy the album you have to have a sense of intelligence to get his perspectives and understand the art that is To Pimp A Butterfly, this isn't just a masterpiece of an album it's the most IMPORTANT album i've ever heard, like there is a lot of albums out there that i can say are good or even great even masterpieces or must-listens, but i can't think of any record that i would explain as needing to exist, not just because i think it's a good album but i mean truly needing to exist in this world... a lot like oxygen, To Pimp A Butterfly is one of the only albums that really needed to have been created and the production TDE have done on this record combined with the lyrics and issues Kendrick has chosen to speak on and how the whole album is set out is a pure work of art, this album shouldn't be in people's homes, it should be like the Mona Lisa, framed and hung in an art gallery with only one single copy available, it's truly astonishing. Don't even do yourself a favor and go out and buy this, just buy it! you should already own this album, TPAB is very, very, VERY important. Expand
  44. Dec 18, 2017
    I love myself. I also love this album. After we saw just what Kendrick could do with "Good Kid, M.a.a.d City" not many would expect him to go on and top that. Infact, many thought that he might have hit his peak too early, and he would never be able to put out an album that would be near his second. But those people were quickly shushed by Lamar's third installment. "To Pimp A Butterfly"I love myself. I also love this album. After we saw just what Kendrick could do with "Good Kid, M.a.a.d City" not many would expect him to go on and top that. Infact, many thought that he might have hit his peak too early, and he would never be able to put out an album that would be near his second. But those people were quickly shushed by Lamar's third installment. "To Pimp A Butterfly" isnt a record that you will fully understand, nor maybe even like on your first listen (i for one happened to be quite confused and intrigued) however, that is due to not only the scintillating production - credited too many including Flying Lotus, Sounwave, Terrace Martin, Boi-1da and many more including notable creative input from Thundercat - but also because of what is essentially dense writing from Kendrick Lamar. If Good Kid M.a.a.d City felt like a movie you could say this album was like a book. Not in the sense that it was boring, but in the sense that there is so much there you could just read, Kendrick clearly had alot on his mind before (maybe even during) this album. From his outrage with other people to his own self critique the album takes you on quite the wild ride. Its hard to put into words just how good the album is but one thing is for certain, it is beautiful. Expand
  45. Aug 18, 2017
    To Pimp Of Butterfly is one of the finest albums of this generation of rap.

    Every "trendy" instrumental is replaced with a beautifully inspired piece of art, taking inspirations from everything from gospel to jazz to old-school to new-school to funk to rock. And over these beats, Kendrick Lamar writes poetry to a beat. Poignant pictures of race, depression, acceptance, and love.
    To Pimp Of Butterfly is one of the finest albums of this generation of rap.

    Every "trendy" instrumental is replaced with a beautifully inspired piece of art, taking inspirations from everything from gospel to jazz to old-school to new-school to funk to rock.

    And over these beats, Kendrick Lamar writes poetry to a beat. Poignant pictures of race, depression, acceptance, and love.

    You need to listen to this. If you haven't, you are absolutely missing out.

    Personal favorites: Hood Politics, How Much A Dollar Cost, i, King Kunta, The Blacker The Berry, Momma, u, Alright, Mortal Man, and both of the interludes (For Free? and For Sale?).
  46. Dec 4, 2017
    People often listen to find errors, to criticize without being considerate. Paint badly with no justification. To Pimp a Butterfly is more like a shell, Kendrick Lamar boxed himself inside an epic journey of consciousness. Filled with images of police brutality, systematic struggles, self deprivations. Complete with the rising facts of our uncertainty as the human race.

    The album is
    People often listen to find errors, to criticize without being considerate. Paint badly with no justification. To Pimp a Butterfly is more like a shell, Kendrick Lamar boxed himself inside an epic journey of consciousness. Filled with images of police brutality, systematic struggles, self deprivations. Complete with the rising facts of our uncertainty as the human race.

    The album is best described as a Bible, with its story telling. Appropriate subject matter and its review of self appreciation. Kendrick is confused for saying "Black lives matter", when in fact his view is based on humanity as a whole. To Pimp a Butterfly is somewhat filled with racial slurs, that make everyone see themselves through black lives. When you carefully construct the details of what Kendrick Lamar is saying, you find yourself having pity for our past as a generation, and having pity for our future.

    Hip-Hop fans may be disappointed somehow by Kendrick Lamar not adding flavor to his previous efforts that depicted him as a gangster. Kendrick Lamar's focus on diversity proves this much disarray among fans. The album's production alone should be hanged through the eyes of Hip-Hop fans.

    One should never focus on each content alone. It makes it hard for you to enjoy the album. Instead listen to the entire record with ease. Focus on its humanity, focus on its issues about culture, focus on what it says to your heart.

    Kendrick Lamar's efforts can't ever be compared to the likes of Stankonia or Illmatic, it stands alone in its rightful place as the true mantra of rap music. It's no so much of a classic record, but the main record. To Pimp a Butterfly is currently the best album ever recorded. Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye themselves would confirm that this album tops their historic efforts.

    To Pimp a Butterfly only lacks fan support. Fans are only interested in what makes up their radio top 30 or Charts as a whole. This album is no chart record, but a book. You don't see the best material in bestsellers list. You don't see the best films in Cinema's Box Office, but stories of how it actually touched lives with forever leave with us.

    To Pimp a Butterfly will be the only record released in the last 25 years which could ultimately contribute to your education at all the stages of life. Hence it's true form of being an actual bible.
  47. Feb 15, 2019
    TPAB is a Masterpiece. All the songs are fantastic, the Beats are beautiful, and the Production on the album are on fire. TPAB is one of the best of Kendrick Lamar's Career, one of the best albums of 2015, one of the greatest albums of all time, and one of the best that Top Dawg Entertainment has to offer. I highly recommended.
  48. Jul 17, 2018
    There are albums that will be forever burned into the crevasses of your mind and will live on in your stream of thoughts. And I'm here to say that To Pimp A Butterfly is one of those albums. An absolute masterpiece.
  49. Nov 10, 2018
    The deeper meaning, top-tier production with jazzy beats and great lyricism, To Pimp a Butterfly will go down as one of the greatest albums of hip-hop history. Perfect 10.
  50. Jul 11, 2019
    A perfect 10. This album is a work of art. Kendrick Lamar is a genius. Rap is not just mumble or gangster, this is literature, poetry, social commentary, and beats all rolled into one. I really cannot get over how many great songs there are here. Complexion, Hood Politics, Alright, King Kunta, Institutionalized are some of my favorite Kendrick songs and I believe they truly deserve deeperA perfect 10. This album is a work of art. Kendrick Lamar is a genius. Rap is not just mumble or gangster, this is literature, poetry, social commentary, and beats all rolled into one. I really cannot get over how many great songs there are here. Complexion, Hood Politics, Alright, King Kunta, Institutionalized are some of my favorite Kendrick songs and I believe they truly deserve deeper dives into their meanings. I don't think anyone will ever produce a better hip-hop album. Expand
  51. Aug 25, 2019
    A classic album which will undoubtedly stand the test of time as a masterpiece. A great listen to anyone with ears, even those who do not like hip hop or rap will enjoy. I recommend listening in a space where you can truly listen to and admire the lyrics and the story the album is telling.
  52. Aug 25, 2019
    Just an incredible masterpiece. There are no words to describe how this, 4 years on, is still one of, if not the best rap album of the 21st century. Perfect from top to bottom, Kendrick just manslaughters everyone and everything in this. A classic.
  53. Nov 18, 2019
    A true masterpiece. Quite possibly the best album of all time, in any genre. This album is as close to perfect as Walter White's blue meth is to 100% pure. Kendrick's storytelling is revolutionary and better than anything Shakespeare or Homer has ever done. Nearly all of this album's tracks are in my top 50 songs of all time. U, How much a Dollar Cost?, and These Walls are in my top 15.A true masterpiece. Quite possibly the best album of all time, in any genre. This album is as close to perfect as Walter White's blue meth is to 100% pure. Kendrick's storytelling is revolutionary and better than anything Shakespeare or Homer has ever done. Nearly all of this album's tracks are in my top 50 songs of all time. U, How much a Dollar Cost?, and These Walls are in my top 15. With this album, Kendrick has set the bar for all future releases. If anyone can match this album's elite level or musicality, they deserve all of the praise in the world. Expand
  54. Dec 22, 2019
    Hands down, album of the decade. 5000 words isn't even enough to explain how much I love this album. From the structure of the album to the world class song writing and from the jazz and soul influences to the versatility of Kendrick Lamar voice really brings the entire album to life.
  55. Jan 22, 2020
    It's without a doubt the best hip hop album of all time. It will live for many more generations.
  56. Jan 22, 2020
    A perfect concept album that still resonates long after its release, certainly Kendrick Lamar's best album to date and one of my favourite albums of all time. While not a novel concept, few can pull off the fusion of multiple genres, including: rap & hip hop, rnb, jazz, and poetry, in the way that Lamar and his collaborators do here.
  57. Jan 22, 2020
    Greatest album of all time.only made an account cause I saw the trash Eminem album passed it. Can’t let that happen
  58. Jan 24, 2020
    Hands down one of the best albums ever made. Give it like a good 5 listens before commenting cause you most likely won't understand anything in the first few listens.
  59. Kmi
    Aug 19, 2020
    This album is something else. Track after track, Kendrick Lamar surprises you with more fantastic music. On most of the album, the production is very jazz-inspired. While it would seem that hip-hop and jazz do not go together, Kendrick Lamar makes the two styles fuse beautifully. The lyrics are attentive and analytical of the situations that certain members of society are placed in,This album is something else. Track after track, Kendrick Lamar surprises you with more fantastic music. On most of the album, the production is very jazz-inspired. While it would seem that hip-hop and jazz do not go together, Kendrick Lamar makes the two styles fuse beautifully. The lyrics are attentive and analytical of the situations that certain members of society are placed in, finding Kendrick giving his thoughts on them. Everything about this album blows Kendrick Lamar's two previous projects out of the water. After good kid, m.A.A.d city released, everyone asked themselves, "What could he make that would be better?" This. This is it. Expand
  60. May 18, 2020
    I believe it's the hip hops first flawless album. No song is bad. My personal favorite being king kunta. The jazz influence is amazing aswell
  61. Aug 20, 2020
    Even anthony fantano gave it a 10!
    How can some people not like this album?
  62. Dec 18, 2020
    A Masterpiece and an Instant Classic that has aged extremely since its release. You’ve probably heard 1000 reasons why this album is absolutely fantastic already so there’s no point in repeating what everyone’s already said about this masterpiece so... The review’s over. 10/10.
  63. Jan 8, 2021
    Best album ever. Perfect music. Kendrick covers big topics in such a personal way that makes the listener feel everything he is saying. Amazing
  64. Apr 8, 2021
    Possibly the greatest rap/hip-hop album of all time, if not one of the greatest albums ever, point blank period. Also one of my favorite of all time. Not only has Kendrick's entire career, but all of hip-hop, has all led to this moment.

  65. Jun 18, 2021
    Indiscutivelmente, um dos melhores álbuns de todos os tempos. Beats incríveis e um álbum verdadeiramente lírico. Kendrick consegue passar uma mensagem sobre racismo em uma música melodicamente agradável. Quase todas as músicas são dignas de serem colocadas na playlist. Projeto sólido e que beira a perfeição.
  66. Dec 30, 2021
  67. Dec 20, 2022
    10, what else is there to say, xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  68. Jan 19, 2023
    There ain't no way you are not about to give this album an 10. First, let's start out with the instrumentation which is beautiful mixing trumpets with many other things(the literal definition of Hol' Up Let Em Cook") Now my very important part of the album is the wait, I don't like the wait. This gives me a decent wait, which I appreciate. I LOVE THIS MESSAGE, I'm out of words I loveThere ain't no way you are not about to give this album an 10. First, let's start out with the instrumentation which is beautiful mixing trumpets with many other things(the literal definition of Hol' Up Let Em Cook") Now my very important part of the album is the wait, I don't like the wait. This gives me a decent wait, which I appreciate. I LOVE THIS MESSAGE, I'm out of words I love everything about this beautiful, incredible album. Expand
  69. Mar 18, 2015
    Coming from his church-based roots, Kendrick Lamar has delivered a sermon that will stand the test of time among the gods of Hip-Hop that came before him. But as the newfound King stands at his pulpit delivering a speech that the entire nation needs to hear, he's really just speaking to himself. It's a sermon that must be heard to be believed.
  70. Mar 18, 2015
    Kendrick had a lot to live up to after GKMC, but he has somehow managed to to create something in a different league all together. This album is epic, this album is legendary. Kendrick has made something very special here, and it's very clear his only focus is on his art and it's so genuine and so lovely. This may be in the running for one of the best albums of the 2010s thus far.
  71. Mar 18, 2015
    This album shows that Kendrick has really developed as an artist since the start of his career. He has really come a long way and has surprised us with each album. This might just be some of his best work to date. I can understand that this is completely different to GKMC which may put a lot of people off but the creativity in this project is undeniable. I love the Jazz and Funk influencesThis album shows that Kendrick has really developed as an artist since the start of his career. He has really come a long way and has surprised us with each album. This might just be some of his best work to date. I can understand that this is completely different to GKMC which may put a lot of people off but the creativity in this project is undeniable. I love the Jazz and Funk influences throughout and the range of crazy deliveries Kendrick brings. The lyrics are on point and the interview with 2Pac at the Expand
  72. Mar 18, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The most anticipated album of 2015 is a challenge for the listener. At the end of the album there is a risk: the listener, expecting bangers, hyped about hearing something in the way of that classic called Good Kid m.A.A.d City, can find the album boring, monotonous. The listener, if is a stan for good music more than just a rap fan, will appreciate what will sure be the best rap project of 2015. Why? Perfectly produced, with feats of talented jazz, soul, funk and hip-hop artists that do their best in every song (as it did Quentin Tarantino with Travolta in Pulp Fiction, Kendrick manages here to resurrect artists far from what one day were, like Snoop Dogg). There is so much soul on this. The story-telling hability of Kendrick throughout the album remain intact and the lyrics are deeper than ever. He has given something fresh and unexpected. Is there something wrong or deceiving? Well, the only argument somebody could use against TPAB is the fact it wasn't what he/she was looking for. This is not a catchy album but a classy album for open-minded listeners. And if none of all these things convince you, just think about this: which other modern rapper could have made this album? The crazy flow in "For Free?", the last two verses in "The Blacker The Berry", the N-E-G-U-S monologue in "i"... hearing Pac's voice at the end of the last song gave me goosebumps. Expand
  73. Jul 23, 2020
    Kendrick Lamar revient avec l’album To Pimp a Butterfly, 3e album studio depuis son arrivé son dans la plus haute sphère du hip-hop. Avec Section 80, K.Dot s’affirmait alors que G.O.O.D kid M.A.D city s’est établie comme un véritable joyau. To Pimp a Butterfly est complètement ailleurs, repoussant merveilleusement les standards établis.
    Il faut tout d’abord souligner que Kendrick Lamar
    Kendrick Lamar revient avec l’album To Pimp a Butterfly, 3e album studio depuis son arrivé son dans la plus haute sphère du hip-hop. Avec Section 80, K.Dot s’affirmait alors que G.O.O.D kid M.A.D city s’est établie comme un véritable joyau. To Pimp a Butterfly est complètement ailleurs, repoussant merveilleusement les standards établis.
    Il faut tout d’abord souligner que Kendrick Lamar est un intellectuel. Un jeune issu du Ghetto de Compton qui a su devenir l’observateur et le critique d’une parcelle de la société en crise. Il, à travers ses trois albums, raconte l’histoire de son évolution dans ce milieu malsain caractérisé par un taux de criminalité assez élevé. L’originalité dans la continuité de ses productions est que K.Dot était, et reste, au-dessus de la mêlé ce qui lui permet de critiquer de façon lucide cette réalité animée par le narcissisme de ces «criminels» qui font de la musique sur nombre de chaines qu’ils possèdent.
    To Pimp a Butterfly est un album culturel. Bien qu’inspiré par la culture noire des États-Unis, Kendrick Lamar fait état, à l’aide d’envolée lyrique épique, des grands enjeux sociaux en plus de rendre hommage à plusieurs figurent importantes des 70 dernières années. Le titre de l’album, par exemple, est une référence au chef-d’œuvre littéraire To Kill a Mocking Bird de Harvey Lee. Les revendications sur la piste the Blacker The Berry rappelle les tensions raciales à Furgeson alors que How much a dollar cost est une charge à fond de train sur les inégalités économiques et sociales qui façonne le 21e siècle. L’interlude For Free dénonce la facilité avec laquelle des artistes comme Nicki Minaj tirent profit des stéréotypes qui façonnent la musique du genre hip-hop en plus de créer une dualité complètement lucide entre les vestiges culturels et les symptômes d’une grande dépression personnelle et sociale. Un album fixé dans son temps, songé et intrusif.
    Cet album n’aurait pas eu l’effet escompté si ce n’était que ces revendications. La production (assurée par Boi-1da, Dave Free, Flying Lotus, KOZ, Knxwledge, Larrance Dopson, LoveDragon, Pharrell Williams, Rahki, Ronald 'Flippa' Colson, Sounwave, Tae Beast, Taz Arnold, Terrace Martin, Thundercat, Tommy Black, Willie B, Whoarei et Dr. Dre) est un véritable tour de force. Lamar mêle, et maitrise, les contradictions musicales. Sur la première pièce Wesley's Theory, Lamar partage la pièce avec la légende du Soul/Funk Goerge Clinton alors que le reste de l’album est peuplé de Jazz et de section a capella. To Pimp a Butterfly est produit avec classe et délicatesse pour ne pas transformer l’ambition des trois années de préparation en pure prétention. Bien que Lamar ait fait appel à tous ces producteurs, il est resté, selon Flying Lotus, derrière chaque décision prise sur l’album. Une œuvre qui impressionne par l’addition des détails, mais aussi par le caractère accessible de son ensemble.
    En fait, Kendrick Lamar unit son dernier opus autour des meilleurs éléments du hip-hop des dernières années. La musicalité d’Angelo, la hargne et la rage de Dre lors de sa période N.W.A, la sensibilité et le charisme de Nas en plus de s’imposer avec un flo qui, il faut l’accorder, est un des plus solides de la décennie. De quoi soutenir la poésie urbaine avec laquelle il attaque les 80 minutes de l’album. To Pimp a Butterfly est un classique, un album phare qui ne fera que s’embellir au fil des années. 10/10
  74. Mar 19, 2015
    "To Pimp a Butterfly" is a true masterpiece. It pulls from the listener a multitude of emotions and points of view. I have never listened to an album that caused me to have the emotional reaction that I have had while experiencing, "To Pimp a Butterfly." Best album of the decade.
  75. Mar 19, 2015
    Kendrick Lamar has out done himself with this album. After the critical acclaim of GKMC, many speculated if he would have hit his peak but he has not. The story telling, the lyrical structure of each verse is done so well, especially the experimental production with jazz, and soul influence to make this album even more unique.
  76. Apr 9, 2015
    Like many others, i was hesitant and rather shocked at the album's thematic design and tone in initially listening to TPAB through. However as i gave it multiple listens from beginning to end i realized how special this record really was. I guess i was expecting another GKMD but what i got (as i came to realize) is that KDOT is the epitome and definition of a contemporary conceptualLike many others, i was hesitant and rather shocked at the album's thematic design and tone in initially listening to TPAB through. However as i gave it multiple listens from beginning to end i realized how special this record really was. I guess i was expecting another GKMD but what i got (as i came to realize) is that KDOT is the epitome and definition of a contemporary conceptual artist, I'm glad he took this direction in TBAP with the various genre influences. TPAB gave me an insight into the adversities and struggles of a famous black man, i never thought ild be able to obtain through music. I hope this record stands as a model for other conceptual artists, as well as a definitive masterpiece in rap (music even) cementing Kendrick as the King.

  77. Mar 19, 2015
    This album is simply incredible. I say album, it is a revolutionary poem with a g-funk backdrop. To Pimp A Butterfly is not any ordinary "album." Kendrick lets us know his voice is that of his dead brothers and Tupac himself. He lets us know what it looks like when a Butterfly refuses to be pimped any longer.
  78. Mar 29, 2015
    Nobody saw this coming, honestly neither did I. After the great album that was good kid, m.A.A.d city, with the hype of this album also came along a question "how can it be better than the last one?". I was one of those people who thought there was no way that Kendrick could surpass it, and I would be lying if I didn't say that I was wrong on a major scale.

    I can't say I liked it on
    Nobody saw this coming, honestly neither did I. After the great album that was good kid, m.A.A.d city, with the hype of this album also came along a question "how can it be better than the last one?". I was one of those people who thought there was no way that Kendrick could surpass it, and I would be lying if I didn't say that I was wrong on a major scale.

    I can't say I liked it on first listen, but as I listened to it more and more it started growing on me, and the pieces of the puzzles started fitting, I realized every track on this project has a hidden message, and even though it may require some concentration, the production on this is undeniably great and could take you away at any moment. The message is SO powerful and is about a subject that everybody should be concerned about. This is not an album exclusively for rap listeners, but for MUSIC listeners.
  79. Mar 18, 2015
    Kendrick seems to have outdone himself on this album. The production is much more lavish that GKMC and his lyrical ability has greatly improved. This will be one of the best hip-hop albums of the decade.
  80. Mar 18, 2015
    I’m not going to say it's automatically a “classic”...because that will be determined overtime like GKMC and section.80 But i’m going to go bold and say its a masterpiece in its own genre. The way he fuses Jazz, Funk and Hip-Hop together with his multitude of producers is flawless. It hasn’t been done as well since “ATliens” by Outkast.
  81. Mar 19, 2015
    the true spiritual successor to voodoo - d'angelo.

    this is d'angelo. this is lauryn hill. this is chris tucker this is dave chappelle. this is dilla this is pac.

    this is a masterpiece.
  82. Mar 19, 2015
    the best album to ever come out since 2001. Starting from its intro and going into each track like a story, telling it sown message. Every feature fitting the demographic of the whole album. Gets better on every listen.
  83. Mar 19, 2015
    With To Pimp A Butterfly, Kendrick Lamar has created an album that far exceeds good kid, m.A.A.d city sonically and lyrically, making the predecessor seem almost 'small' in a sense. A perfect execution of maximalism, Butterfly is the best rap album of the decade and one that should be revered for years to come.
  84. Apr 1, 2015
    Ever since Good Kid M.A.A.D. City (GKMC) graced my ears, I was sold on Kendrick and eagerly awaited his next album. It is safe to say that this was worth the three year wait. As with any album, preceded by something with the same magnitude of GKMC, I doubted Kendrick could top his previous work and was worried he would feel pressured to conform to the industry norm of thoughtless bangers,Ever since Good Kid M.A.A.D. City (GKMC) graced my ears, I was sold on Kendrick and eagerly awaited his next album. It is safe to say that this was worth the three year wait. As with any album, preceded by something with the same magnitude of GKMC, I doubted Kendrick could top his previous work and was worried he would feel pressured to conform to the industry norm of thoughtless bangers, void of any social message, but I was more than pleasantly surprised. Kendrick has maintained his individualism, faultlessly blending genres of funk, jazz and hip hop to create quite possibly the album of the decade and a body of work so artistic, intricate and sophisticated, it almost feels as if you are watching a film as you listen to it.

    When the singles of "i" and "Blacker the Berry" were released, I didn't take to them as well as I did to singles from GKMC, but once I listened to them with the context of the album, my opinion of them skyrocketed and it revealed so much of the layered meaning behind the songs. This truly speaks to the thematic integrity of this album and it's cohesion.

    Listening to this album is like listening to 4 dimensional music. Lamar's use of background sound effects, voice distortions and accents add countless layers of meaning and emotion onto the already nuanced lyrics and music. This album is not just about the music, Lamar uses many varied forms of expression to create a multiplicitous engagement of the mind and soul

    But perhaps my favourite feature of this album is the epilogue of each track, which gradually feeds us small epiphanies about Kendrick's experience and the rest of the album. These bursts of spoken word tie the album together beautifully and I quite literally felt chills down my spine and tears in my eyes when I heard them culminate in Mortal Man and the mystery man respond to them.

    What excites me most about this masterpiece, is the social message Kendrick puts forward. I feel if this message is heeded, and supported by other members of the American community, it represents a very real opportunity to fix the social disparity faced by the African American community in certain parts of the country.

    This is an album, where if you are a fan of Kendrick and his substance, you will love, but also if you are a fan of quality music in general too, you will enjoy as well. I feel it's power lies in it's ability to make people who are as foreign to Kendrick's experience as myself understand what he has been through, is going through and wants to achieve.

    This truly is a masterpiece that will stand the test of time, and I get the feeling, this is one of those albums that can change the course of history not just because of it's musical and lyrical genius, but because of it's poignant and timely social message. Congratulations on producing a masterpiece in every sense of the word, but, no matter how hard I try, I cannot imagine how you could top this. If this doesn't win Album of the Year at the next Grammy Awards, nothing should.
  85. Apr 6, 2015
    Thats an amazing album. Incredible rhymes, jazzy, black, funky, g-funk, raps, poem, interview. Peaks, moments.

    All amazing, great energy. Powerful. 10/10.
  86. Apr 16, 2015
    Not much I can say about this album that hasn't been said already. It's a masterpiece. It doesn't function very well for the casual listener, but if you take the time to sit down and listen to the whole album all the way through in order, you will not be disappointed.
  87. Mar 21, 2015
    Without a doubt one of the most beautiful, complex and excellent hip hop album ever constructed. Kendrick Lamar mixes world issues and his own through high levels of poetry on funky, jazzy and experimental hip-hop instrumentals. Definitely up there with albums such as Aquemini, Me Against the World and other greats.
  88. Mar 19, 2015
    If »good kid, m.A.A.d city« was a self-proclaimed short film, then its successor is nothing less but a fascinating Spike Lee drama with everything from justifications about black righteousness, Tupac-predicted blood baths and discussions on Afro-American identity and its history in the land of opportunity and abomination. Not often has a project with such amount of expectation fromIf »good kid, m.A.A.d city« was a self-proclaimed short film, then its successor is nothing less but a fascinating Spike Lee drama with everything from justifications about black righteousness, Tupac-predicted blood baths and discussions on Afro-American identity and its history in the land of opportunity and abomination. Not often has a project with such amount of expectation from mainstream media and fans had the courage to take the most non-commercial route and manage to surpass those expectations by a landslide at the same time. Kendrick Lamar is not bothered about a sophomore jinx or album of the year debates, he is aiming to be amongst the most influential musicians of all time. »To Pimp A Butterfly« will shift not only the landscape of hip hop, but at best also that of its audience. This album is exactly what was needed. Not what was wanted. Thank you. Expand
  89. Mar 17, 2015
    I cannot get enough of this album. It's an eighty-minute monster of unrelenting brilliance. Where even to begin? Lamar's lyrics and flow are as sharp and smart as they could be, not to mention some committed delivery that is both hilarious and heartbreaking. The music and production is at the highest of notches, filled with all kinds of jittery live instrumentation, and samples fromI cannot get enough of this album. It's an eighty-minute monster of unrelenting brilliance. Where even to begin? Lamar's lyrics and flow are as sharp and smart as they could be, not to mention some committed delivery that is both hilarious and heartbreaking. The music and production is at the highest of notches, filled with all kinds of jittery live instrumentation, and samples from everyone from Parliament Funkadelic to Sufjan Stevens. Lamar's album is a Kanye-West-level testament to the value of the collaborative process, as there are so many amazing ideas, but never a loss of focus. More than anything, this is a timely, well-observed commentary that manages to be introspective, but totally aware of the world at large. Kanye West is not the voice of his generation: Kendrick Lamar is. To Pimp a Butterfly is a cultural capstone, whose message is too important to be ignored. The fact that it manages to sound amazing, and be so irresistible is a pleasant addition. Expand
  90. Mar 17, 2015
    This is one of the most unique and innovative albums I've ever heard. Kendrick's storytelling creativity is absolutely astonishing; creativity at it's finest. His lyrics and fluidity with which he moves through different flows, along with the many different flows he exhibits, shows that he's just on another level. This album is WAY different from GKMC, but in a way it's better than hisThis is one of the most unique and innovative albums I've ever heard. Kendrick's storytelling creativity is absolutely astonishing; creativity at it's finest. His lyrics and fluidity with which he moves through different flows, along with the many different flows he exhibits, shows that he's just on another level. This album is WAY different from GKMC, but in a way it's better than his last album. The complexity of the subject matter and the complex sound overall may make it difficult to fully grasp on first listen, but that isn't a real problem, only a testament to Kendrick revolutionizing hip-hop. Excellent album Expand
  91. Mar 17, 2015
    Truly a masterpiece I just wish everyone would appreciate this work of art I think its essential in the day and age. We needed to get some old school, deep music hopefully the youth gain something from this. Overall I think its one if not the best music album of all time due to its focus on such a powerful prevalent matter. 1000/10 ps. I feel bad for those who can't recognize its beauty ITruly a masterpiece I just wish everyone would appreciate this work of art I think its essential in the day and age. We needed to get some old school, deep music hopefully the youth gain something from this. Overall I think its one if not the best music album of all time due to its focus on such a powerful prevalent matter. 1000/10 ps. I feel bad for those who can't recognize its beauty I hope one day your mind gets to experience it. Expand
  92. Mar 17, 2015
    Masterpiece. It's hard to listen it at the beginning, but it grows on you. It is innovative, it is smart, it is different, the production it's amazing, and the lyrics are out of this world. 10/10
  93. Mar 17, 2015
    A masterful, seamless fusion of Hip Hop, Jazz & Funk. The term "Neo-G-Funk" springs to mind. Uniquely aggressive but intensely mellow, the story of the caterpillar is a heart felt raw composition of good kid lost and in need of answers. King Kunta is back and he has no ruler.
  94. Mar 21, 2015
    Incredible album. From the production. This isn't a pro-black album, it's a pro-equality album. We need more music like this. Kendrick is quickly climbing up on the all-time greats list with each album he puts out.
  95. Mar 21, 2015
    "Just because you wore a different gang colour than mine's doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man, forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets. If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us"
    I think that basically sums up the powerful ideas contained within this gem of an album. Months of hard work from Kendrick has culminated in the
    "Just because you wore a different gang colour than mine's doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man, forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets. If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us"
    I think that basically sums up the powerful ideas contained within this gem of an album. Months of hard work from Kendrick has culminated in the defining album of a decade- an incredible discussion of race, respect and culture. Oh, and the instrumentals go hard as hell. Just buy it if you like music and respect true artistry and passion.
  96. Mar 23, 2015
    I would say that this is one of the best rap album ever made, but no, this is one of the best albums of all kinds ever made, Kendrick Lamar Duckworth dropped a masterpiece that i'm sure we will remember forever. As i told a friend before, unfortunately i was not born in time to see Tupac shine, but thank God i'm able to see Kendrick.
  97. Mar 20, 2015
    Kendrick is a true modern day artist. Avoiding the sophomore slump, he drops a record that could easily go toe-to-toe with his debut effort Good Kid, Maad City and every other highly regarded hip-hop album of this decade.

    From the DJ Quik type hard-hitting banger "King Kunta" to the depressing and dark mental battle "u", it's all about becoming a butterfly from a caterpillar and
    Kendrick is a true modern day artist. Avoiding the sophomore slump, he drops a record that could easily go toe-to-toe with his debut effort Good Kid, Maad City and every other highly regarded hip-hop album of this decade.

    From the DJ Quik type hard-hitting banger "King Kunta" to the depressing and dark mental battle "u", it's all about becoming a butterfly from a caterpillar and reaching out of our cocoon to become enlightened. This album is a true masterpiece, and it ends in one of the most chilling, touching, and empowering outros I've heard in quite some time. He has definitely solidified himself as one of the best rappers out right now (as if it wasn't already evident).
  98. Mar 22, 2015
    This record is not only musically great but actually an important in terms of message. It will be a record that kids will listen to for decades and be inspired and turned on to good music.

    It has that classic rap album vibe to it right away without regurgitating the genre. The consistent thread throughout the record with the poem that Kendrick recites and the final "interview" with the
    This record is not only musically great but actually an important in terms of message. It will be a record that kids will listen to for decades and be inspired and turned on to good music.

    It has that classic rap album vibe to it right away without regurgitating the genre. The consistent thread throughout the record with the poem that Kendrick recites and the final "interview" with the late 2Pac show that Kendrick wasn't just interested in putting out a good sounding record but one with a true message.

    The Blacker the Berry, in my opinion, is the absolute stand out track among a record full of great songs.

    Early contender for record of the year!!
  99. Mar 20, 2015
    I don't have words to be honest. This is one of the greatest works of art I've ever experienced in hip hop. It's unique and different from all that horrible banger music, better than GKMC and Section 80 in my opinion.
  100. Apr 4, 2015
    I am genuinely into rap on the whole, and I have heard many great rap albums in my life thus far. To Pimp a Butterfly is a standalone game changer for rap. It's angry, it's smooth and beautiful, and it brings you to tears. there's no other way to put it. It's a masterpiece.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 44 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. The Wire
    May 15, 2015
    Lamar offers a commitment to effect change through the work itself. Whether or not that's realistic ideal the delivery is so powerful it's hard not to get caught up in the rapture. [May 2015, p.50]
  2. The Source
    May 6, 2015
    Each song means more with reference to the project's overall concept than it does as a standalone record, which shouldn't take away from its impact, but rather speak of the courage of its creator. [Apr-May 2015, p.87]
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 29, 2015
    It's a challenging, ambitious combination of words and music that becomes increasingly absorbing over time. [Jun 2015, p.103]