• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Jul 24, 2012

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Aug 6, 2012
    TNGHT may clock in at under 16 minutes, but it's the most satisfying quarter-hour blast you'll hear this year.
  2. Jul 27, 2012
    Mohawke and Lunice prove that you can strike a perfect balance between experimentation and restraint.
  3. Jul 31, 2012
    The duo's debut, self-titled EP may only span five tracks, but after repetitive listens, replacing your amps, and multiple refreshment breaks, be prepared for it to take up an afternoon.
  4. Jul 25, 2012
    In short, it's big, dumb, and a lot of fun, but the overriding feel to TNGHT is that it feels closer to being the start of something great than a great record in itself.
  5. 90
    The TNGHT EP packs five explosive instrumental hip-hop tracks, every one dripping with each producer's trademark sonic flourishes.
  6. Jul 25, 2012
    Their self-titled debut EP for Warp and LuckyMe spans 16 minutes of some of the year's most brazen, positively huge hip-hop sounds.
  7. Aug 9, 2012
    Even if TNGHT doesn't feel like a particularly rap-able EP... it's a totally rambunctious 16 minutes. The sort that reminds you of the good old days when HudMo and Joker, among others, were dropping EPs every few months that felt like they just might change everything.
  8. Jul 25, 2012
    All in all, TNGHT is a tremendous and kaleidoscopic introduction to a dream production duo that has already turned heads (HudMo has spent the last few months keeping Kanye on point), and it shows that TNGHT has only just begun.
  9. Jul 26, 2012
    For better or worse, TNGHT's objective for its debut EP is straightforward: to craft big beats. Sadly, this leaves Mohawke's noted penchant for sonic adventure really nowhere to be found.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 41
  2. Negative: 1 out of 41
  1. Jul 29, 2012
    TNGHT EP reaches stratospheric heights, devastating lows and throws a few body blows in between. Harsh, dissonant eletronics; hidden,TNGHT EP reaches stratospheric heights, devastating lows and throws a few body blows in between. Harsh, dissonant eletronics; hidden, modulated basslines and drums as hard-hitting as Ali create a whirlwind of fantasy that shows Lunice and HudMo really can strut their stuff when asked to. Full Review »
  2. Jul 30, 2012
    TNGHT is a thoroughly bombastic and thrilling album, merging influences of the two producers Hudson Mohawke and Lunice to produce a thoroughlyTNGHT is a thoroughly bombastic and thrilling album, merging influences of the two producers Hudson Mohawke and Lunice to produce a thoroughly unique sound. Adapting Lex Luger's trap-rap stylings to the wonky/dubstep format may seem like a suicide mission to some, but the task is put into able hands. Hudson Mohawke's sonic escapism and bombast, combined with Lunice's innate penchant for hard-hitting beats and swaggering horn lines, makes for a kind of weird mixture that I initially found hard to swallow. But these bangers grow on you, from the obnoxious techno synths in the tumultuous "Goooo", to the repetitious yet infectious vocal line of the surreal "Higher Ground", to the thoroughly warbled vocal riff-line, shots, and **** of the high-flown "Easy Easy". However, Hudson tends to sacrifice his sonic adventurism for the swag know-how of Lunice's beats, preferring to take back-seat to Lunice's style in most songs. But the duo still maintains the heat right through this consistent album, which is deserving of its monstrous hype. Full Review »
  3. Mar 18, 2022
    Interesting choice from the duo to offer this striking sixteen-minute long EP. From start to end we are entitled to crazy sounds and tones.Interesting choice from the duo to offer this striking sixteen-minute long EP. From start to end we are entitled to crazy sounds and tones. Both artists give the grittiest they can produce in order to craft what could be the best sample to a 2008 racing video game. The pace is terrific all along. Transitions are great but I found the climax of some tracks lack in grandeur and versatility. In overall this EP remains quite repetitive in its core formula, as crescendos laboriously go on and on without adding that much to the whole product. Certainly original but it could have been even more creative. I wish they had also explored softer, more contemplative and introspective approaches. Because what we have here is too often garish. Full Review »