• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Apr 5, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 474 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 23 out of 474
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  1. Apr 6, 2019
    Beyond Natalie Mering's (always) stunning vocals and the record's lush melodies, what truly makes Titanic Rising such a special and memorable album is its perfect balance of contradictory themes: sadness and joy, heartache and love. The very image of a "titanic rising," is that of the mythical phoenix, and each track carries with it a sense of hope-in-dark-times aspect that is immediatelyBeyond Natalie Mering's (always) stunning vocals and the record's lush melodies, what truly makes Titanic Rising such a special and memorable album is its perfect balance of contradictory themes: sadness and joy, heartache and love. The very image of a "titanic rising," is that of the mythical phoenix, and each track carries with it a sense of hope-in-dark-times aspect that is immediately infectious from the introductory strings on the opener A Lot's Gonna Change. Even Jonathan Rado's production embodies these contradictions, as the sound is both minimalistic at times and grandiose at the very right moments. Expand
  2. May 8, 2019
    a songwriter in all her abilities, a 70's fetish homage, a truly remarkable album and a strong contender for years best...
  3. Apr 5, 2019
    Sublime orchestration and Natalie's voice layerings make this a complete cinematic experience.
  4. Aug 11, 2019
    I am a true fan now. This unbelievably beautiful. Brings me back to many memories for some reason. A Masterpiece
  5. Oct 1, 2020
    titanic rising isn’t just the 2019 AOTY. it is the album of the century.

    the dream pop surreal atmosphere in which we are involved during the whole EP is hard, if not impossible, to escape. we’re almost held hostage in the underwater childhood bedroom presented to us on the breathtaking cover during the 42 minutes of the LP. since i first heard it last year i still ALWAYS get
    titanic rising isn’t just the 2019 AOTY. it is the album of the century.

    the dream pop surreal atmosphere in which we are involved during the whole EP is hard, if not impossible, to escape. we’re almost held hostage in the underwater childhood bedroom presented to us on the breathtaking cover during the 42 minutes of the LP.

    since i first heard it last year i still ALWAYS get completely speechless about the beauty and mystical feeling these songs contain. this is an album that never fails to make me feel like life is a wholesome experience worth living for - no matter how **** up i am atm. it has this strange power equivalent to a beautiful and soothing spring day right after a whole month of a rainy and foggy winter. it instantly makes me feel hopeful and positive in a way no other piece of art can.

    besides the special sentimental personal cliché value it has to me, i consider the album the most genius and well made album of probably all times. from beginning to end natalie takes us on a trip with its ups and downs, twists and turns, but no matter what happens, we all feel like it’s going to end up in a beautiful place.

    every single song sounds even more beautiful, well produced, lyrically superior to the precedent. it is an experience that starts on top and only gets higher - i cannot find a single moment where a song doesn’t meet the standards the others have settled.

    titanic rising is an album that will go down to me as probably my top 1 album of all time. its magical atmosphere and dreamy aesthetics will forever follow me wherever i might end up.

    fav songs: [NA - all]
    least favs: [NA]
  6. Jul 14, 2019
    Astonishing! This is a masterpiece. A perfect album from start to finish, were each song serves it's purpose. She has now taken her music in a more digestible directon that still leans towards 70's art-pop more than her earlier indie-rock and psychedelic works - while adding modern synth-elements. Her new approach to the baroque-pop genre works perfectly with this, and the orchestration isAstonishing! This is a masterpiece. A perfect album from start to finish, were each song serves it's purpose. She has now taken her music in a more digestible directon that still leans towards 70's art-pop more than her earlier indie-rock and psychedelic works - while adding modern synth-elements. Her new approach to the baroque-pop genre works perfectly with this, and the orchestration is on point. Not a bad choice. It's both refreshing and nostalgic! I'm convinced Weyes Blood finally has taken the next step in finding her own unique sound! I'm looking forward for more... Expand
  7. Sep 29, 2022
    A thrilling and emotional experience from start to finish. An album that finds hope in the hopeless and new beginnings after a lost love. Immaculate production and pristine vocals from Weyes Blood. Definitely my top album of 2019
  8. Apr 15, 2021
    One of the most beautiful albums I have ever heard. It's unbelievable how much passion Weyes Blood displays throughout. It's as though she lets go of everything holding her back and isn't afraid to put every nuance of emotion and vulnerability out into the open.
  9. Dec 2, 2019
    An amazing album. Her voice is amazing and the way the sings is perfect. Very good lyrics and vocals. One of the bests works of the year so far.
  10. Apr 5, 2019
    Yeah this is definitely my favorite pop (more like psychedelic pop) album I've heard since 2017 Melodrama. That's all I can say. Weyes Blood ( btw that's such a cool name) is spot on when it comes to transporting a person to heaven using her music . Heavenly Bliss is what it is and I'm not exaggerating. It makes everything else I've heard from other dream-pop/ and psych-pop artists seem aYeah this is definitely my favorite pop (more like psychedelic pop) album I've heard since 2017 Melodrama. That's all I can say. Weyes Blood ( btw that's such a cool name) is spot on when it comes to transporting a person to heaven using her music . Heavenly Bliss is what it is and I'm not exaggerating. It makes everything else I've heard from other dream-pop/ and psych-pop artists seem a little recycled. Movies is probably the last song i'll listen to before I die. **** Terrific!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  11. Apr 10, 2019
    Makes me think about sailing in a calm ocean. A cohesive, mild, elusive and beautiful piece of art.
  12. May 13, 2019
    If this record doesn't make you feel anything, then you're the reason why there's evil in this world. It's so lushy, so powerful and sublime. While traveling back and forth in time so seamlessly and free-willingly , Natalie's songwriting abilities immerse us deep into a cosmic sea of inner complexity and striking emotion. It's harder to let go of it than it is to put yourself through theIf this record doesn't make you feel anything, then you're the reason why there's evil in this world. It's so lushy, so powerful and sublime. While traveling back and forth in time so seamlessly and free-willingly , Natalie's songwriting abilities immerse us deep into a cosmic sea of inner complexity and striking emotion. It's harder to let go of it than it is to put yourself through the ordeal-like of a trip that is to listening to it over and over again. Expand
  13. Jun 1, 2020
    EASILY the album of the year for 2019. There are no skips and all the songs are incredibly catchy.
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    One of ht best albums i've ever heard in my life, it is life-changing. For those who haven't the chance to listen, you're wasting your life. This girl is so talented and deserved to win the 2019's Grammy.
  15. Jun 14, 2019
    Weyes Blood’s (Natalie Mering) newest record, “Titanic Rising”, is a serious contender for album of the year. From the first moments of “A Lot’s Gonna Change”, you can tell that Natalie’s music has changed, but in the best way possible. The sounds on “Titanic Rising” is more grandiose and spacious than really anything Natalie has ever put out before. “Andromeda” and “Everyday” are breezyWeyes Blood’s (Natalie Mering) newest record, “Titanic Rising”, is a serious contender for album of the year. From the first moments of “A Lot’s Gonna Change”, you can tell that Natalie’s music has changed, but in the best way possible. The sounds on “Titanic Rising” is more grandiose and spacious than really anything Natalie has ever put out before. “Andromeda” and “Everyday” are breezy 70s pop tunes, with the latter being about the restlessness of modern dating and how monogamy isn’t too present in today’s dating scene. “Something to Believe” is a track that you can put on at the end of a lonely summer night, while the ambient title track makes you feel like you’re right there with Natalie on the album’s cover in her underwater bedroom.

    Side two of the record begins with the epic and ethereal opus, “Movies”. “Movies” is absolutely the highlight of “Titanic Rising” with its subdued arpeggios and swelling synths. It’s another song that can make you feel like you’re underwater hanging out with Natalie. “Mirror Forever” and “Wild Time” offer some moments of glory as well. “Picture Me Better” is another highlight and is perhaps the most emotional song on “Titanic Rising”. “Nearer To Thee” brings echoes of “A Lot’s Gonna Change” and is a nice, subdued album closer.

    Natalie Mering’s newest record as Weyes Blood is her best and most grand. “Titanic Rising” takes you some place – whether it be underwater, up in the air, or on the ground.
  16. Jun 18, 2019
    extroardinary, remarkable, amazing, just simply out of this world. Natalie’s voice is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in 2019. Don’t sleep on this album! It’s a goddamn gem!!
  17. Apr 7, 2019
    Definitely one of the best albums this year. Titanic Rising takes us on an amazing musical journey with vocals and a production as wonderful as the invasion of aliens into the world that leads to the destruction of humanity. This album seems to be perfect and should be considered as a serious candidate for the album of the year.
  18. Apr 8, 2019
    O álbum possuí uma sonoridade única, muito relaxante e dramatica, tanto que seria um otimo par ao um filme, sendo uma trilha sonora. Os seus vocais e melodias são simplesmente incríveis. "Titanic Rising", sim, é uma grande aposta para as grandes categorias do Grammy 2020; não me surpreenderia se ganhasse como Álbum do Ano.
  19. Apr 16, 2019
    So far one of the best albums of the year. A truly masterpiece. Very unexpected.
  20. Apr 19, 2019
    É inacreditável a capacidade que esse álbum tem de trazer uma nostalgia misturada a ritmos perturbadores e reflexivos. Embalado de canções que me dão medo pela sua profundidade e imensidade de entendimento. Weyes Blood ganhou mais um fã.
  21. May 1, 2019
    Masterpiece, album of all the times. Heheheeheheheehehehee uwu asiesaj, secago en bjork
  22. Feb 15, 2020
    An excellent album, I was not expecting enjoy it, but It’s just amazing :)
  23. May 31, 2019
    Everything about this album is perfect. The cover, name, interludes, themes- it's my personal AOTY, and nothing else comes close (so far). I hadn't heard of WB before listening, but now I'm a huge fan.

    Favorites: Andromeda, Movies, Everyday.

    Other WB songs I love right now: Suddenly, Generation Why (Front Row is a great album), Bad Magic.
  24. Jun 15, 2019
    Is Titanic Rising? I can't really tell. But this record definetly takes me down on a trip. Weyes Blood delivers one of the best album of the decade. Brilliant. Pisou nas raparigas pseudo-conceituais, bebê.
  25. Nov 21, 2021
    cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool coolcool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool COOL. Expand
  26. Jul 12, 2019
    IT IS JUST PERFECT. It's a record whose concept is so minimalistic but complex too. And it really makes you "rise" through its melodies and lyrics. Best album of the year (by far).
  27. Jul 24, 2019
    The best female album since 2012's Fiona Apple "The Idler Wheel..."
    It's not so complicated as Fiona's, more accessible, more subtle and melodic. Weyes delivers intricate stunning melodies in songs, they are unique and resembling a lots of great artist simultaneously... - Enya, Johni Mitchell, Muse, Mazzy Star, Cocteau Twins, Lana del Ray. Movies - undeniably Song and Video of 2019...
  28. Aug 3, 2019
    One of the best albums of the century. Titanic Risings is just insanely good.
  29. Aug 14, 2019
    Weyes Blood's song writing can sometimes seem a little derivative (I have in mind especially 'Movies', which could easily be on a Lana del Rey album), but the gorgeous mix of orchestral and electronic arrangements beautifully complement her vocals, and the songs have this strange nostalgic quality to them, that this has become one of my favourite albums of the year and has only gotten moreWeyes Blood's song writing can sometimes seem a little derivative (I have in mind especially 'Movies', which could easily be on a Lana del Rey album), but the gorgeous mix of orchestral and electronic arrangements beautifully complement her vocals, and the songs have this strange nostalgic quality to them, that this has become one of my favourite albums of the year and has only gotten more enjoyable with each listen. 'A Lot's Gonna Change' is the standout, and deserves the reprise that closes the album. Expand
  30. Sep 13, 2019
    Perfeito. Movies é provavelmente uma das melhores músicas lançadas em um bom tempo, inclusive.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. The Wire
    Jun 20, 2019
    In emotional terms Titanic Rising is immense – names like Annette Peacock, Linda Perhacs and Judee Sill come to mind, but only because it feels like so long since you’ve heard pop this epic yet unmannered. ... With tracks like the stunning “Something To Believe” lodging themselves into your heart with the sure knowledge that your relationship with this music will only deepen as the year unfolds. [Jul 2019, p.52]
  2. May 8, 2019
    Titanic Rising is even more accomplished than putting Mering’s state of grace to music; with her 70s-inflected approach to songwriting, she succeeds in nothing less than recalibrating time.
  3. Apr 30, 2019
    A strong contender for album of the year. ... Titanic Rising is remarkable for its breadth, effortlessly shifting from the 90-second ambient wash of the title track to Picture Me Better’s homespun take on the cosmic cowboyisms of Kacey Musgraves. Then there are Merings’ lyrics, evincing a similar shift in scale and scope.