
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Mojo
    Apr 23, 2014
    Very promising young London singer. [May 2014, p.96]
  2. Q Magazine
    Mar 26, 2014
    Rainy's debut ends up as a near-perfect album from an approaching summer. [Apr 2014, p.117]
  3. 50
    Despite this early start, she oozes a smoky maturity that bodes well for her debut, but unfortunately then shanks it off the fairways by prattling on about Air Max 90s and hanging on the District Line.
  4. Mar 26, 2014
    Production wise, it's got the whole package, but behind all the endearing words pouring out of Milo's mouth, there's a lack of emotional connection.
  5. Mar 26, 2014
    Though the songs can feel homogeneous, Milo's maturity should bring her success.

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