
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. If you liked the harmonies of that romantic duo on the Once soundtrack, you'll fall for these hard-headed, bighearted folkies.
  2. Convening at the point where Iron and Wine meet Panda Bear, it's dreamy and chock-full of ideas.
  3. There Were Wolves won’t excite everyone. It’s understated and lacks the big hooks of more pop-oriented folk artists. But it’s still utterly captivating.
  4. Q Magazine
    A perfect distillation of creatively experimental folk music in the UK today. [May 2008, p.126]
  5. 60
    The debut album from this London quartet, founded by laptop folkies Sam Genders and Stephen Cracknell, lulls you along with its sparsely melodic tinkering and blippy slow burn. [July 2008, p.92]
  6. The lack of a reliance on the electronic merging with folk is the most interesting aspect to There Were Wolves; whereas it is essential to the appeal of Genders’ Tunng gang, The Accidental plays it straight, using those ever-present vocal sounds on top of primarily unadorned acoustic numbers.
  7. Under The Radar
    Some of the droning vocals are hypnotic, but There Were Wolves doesn’t have enough movement to be very satisfying; more like a series of snacks than a full meal. [Summer 2008]
  8. Mojo
    A dash more melodic brio wouldn't have gone amis, but its muted charms gather cumulatively nonetheless. [May 2008, p.109]

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