• Record Label: Koch
  • Release Date: Jun 26, 2007

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. If you are not Jah, however, you may lack the stomach for Sinead's megasincere tributes to Curtis Mayfield and Jesus Christ Superstar.
  2. Uncut
    It smacks of compromise. [Jul 2007, p.109]
  3. Word-heavy, tune-light songs don't help... Worse, O'Connor's delicate voice can be heard puffing, straining and - horrors - singing flat!
  4. Spin
    The second record falters with a clunky combo of Celtic rock and leaden hip-hop rhythms that squashes the fragile, hook-free tunes. [Jul 2007, p.100]
  5. With their very different moods, the ‘London’ and ‘Dublin Sessions’ respectively nourish two different aspects of spiritual longing: the soul’s yearning for a sense of reverence and awe, and its equal need for spiritual intimacy, comfort and familiarity.
  6. The acoustic songs are pretty but tend to run together, waltz after waltz. The London versions are more individualized, and they let Ms. O’Connor push toward extremes.
  7. The acoustic half... overshoots mere serenity and lands in a much sleepier place.
  8. It's a tale of two cities that was better off reaching an accord for a single CD.
  9. Though uneven at times, Theology features a very genuine spirit of expression and much food for thought.
  10. Unlike many other Christian rock albums, Theology is for the oppressed, not the oppressors.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 20
  2. Negative: 4 out of 20
  1. NeverT.
    Oct 26, 2007
    She is an incredible singer-songwriter. This record is a masterpiece.
  2. John
    Sep 16, 2007
    Just got back from her San Francisco concert. Left after the first few songs. I love her old stuff, but her performance was uninspired, even Just got back from her San Francisco concert. Left after the first few songs. I love her old stuff, but her performance was uninspired, even tedious. The new material was difficult to hear, much less appreciate. Unfortunately, this woman who once had such potential has compromised her musical conviction. Full Review »
  3. briane.
    Sep 16, 2007
    I am a fan of Sinead, and I will say, that it's not a masterpiece like Faith and Courage, but I do love some of the songs. I would go "a I am a fan of Sinead, and I will say, that it's not a masterpiece like Faith and Courage, but I do love some of the songs. I would go "a la carte" on this one. Keeping it under 6 bucks. Favorite songs for me are, London Sessions: River of Babylon, Something Beautiful, Glory of Jah, If You Had a Vineyard, Pslam 33, Whomsoever Dwells. Keep making music Sinead! Full Review »