
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Nov 21, 2014
    Instead of growing soft and slick while retaining their songwriting prowess, they’ve stayed fast and raw--but left much of their popcraft somewhere behind.
  2. Mojo
    Nov 19, 2014
    If The Way's latter stages descend into lumpy Who-y rawk, the earlier auditory apparition of Buzzcocks in tuneful excelsis will always be welcome. [Dec 2014, p.89]
  3. Nov 17, 2014
    The short, sweet The Way packs enough pop-tinged punk energy and emotion to satisfy Buzzcocks faithful, at least.
  4. Nov 17, 2014
    The Buzzcocks haven't lost their touch as a live act in the 21st century, but The Way makes it clear these guys need to recharge their creative batteries before they attempt another studio album.
  5. Nov 17, 2014
    Though The Way is unlikely to attract many new fans, those who contributed to the project to make the album should be pretty happy with the results.
  6. Nov 17, 2014
    The Buzzcocks deserve credit for continuing to craft new material, but after nearly 40 years, they also risk sounding sometimes like some bands they emulated, or mocked, who started long before them.

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