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Generally favorable reviews- based on 211 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 38 out of 211

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  1. vina
    Jan 3, 2007
    Wow..a lot of people saying Gwen should go back to No Doubt. Well I personally think that No Doubt suck and Gwen should stick to her far more interesting solo work - this album is pretty good.
  2. ShamekaJ
    Dec 5, 2006
    A triumph. Yes, some of its songs are a tad sappy, but every one (besides the wretched "Breakin' Up, but I'll ignore that) is a pleasure to listen to. "Wind It Up," "Don't Get It Twisted," and "Yummy" are among the most fun and the funniest songs of Gwen's career, and "The Sweet Escape" is positively brilliant. On the whole, a spectacular album.
  3. JohnW
    Dec 5, 2006
    This album is 1000 times better than L.A.M.B., though the first single "wind it up" is a horrible song.. the rest of the album has amazing songs, such as Wonderful LIfe with Depecho mode,, or Early Winter with Keane... go and get it...
  4. ToniK
    Jan 1, 2007
    great album.. lamb was better but... gwen is awesome
  5. GauravS
    Mar 2, 2007
    Excellent Album.Though it is not as good as the previous Gwen Stefani's previous album,But our of the 13 songs,i liked 9 of them.Excellent album.
  6. paulac
    Dec 10, 2006
    This album is so catchy i loved it although there are some songs that i wasnt particularly fond of they all were sweet i hope she keeps making more cds like this their all so catchy and u cant stop singing them.
  7. Tristan
    Dec 5, 2006
    Wow!! Gwen has done it again. She has made another decent fully-listeneable album, which is also an album which you don't feel like skipping a single track... thats a rareity these days. Love every moment of "The Sweet Escape". standout tracks = "4 In the Morning", "Yummy", "Now That You Got It", "Breakin' Up". What a delight it is to see Ms. Stefani back at it!!
  8. sams
    Dec 6, 2006
    It is a great fun follow-up .... Gwen rules
  9. JordanI
    Dec 8, 2006
    This album is great, it has great songs and it can do no wrong. There's an 80's dance vibe on some songs but she does it well
  10. HennyH
    Feb 12, 2007
    WOW! amazing CD!
  11. MarcusL
    Feb 5, 2007
    This was a great album Gwen Did Great Job!
  12. inad.
    Sep 15, 2007
    love this so much!!
  13. JamieW
    Dec 11, 2006
    More of a mix bag then anything, but it's a mix bag where everything is awesome. I love the different styles and stuff she's used, totally unique album
  14. DericMC
    Dec 13, 2006
    Excellent stuff that grows on you with more listens. It's not better than L.A.M.B but it's just as good. More cohesive, just as crazy as before, but maybe less diverse. I love the futuristic and modern feel to the music. No bad tracks here too.
  15. EricW
    Dec 4, 2006
    i love her almost as much as i love gary. i love to dress like her and sing to her music and she is really popuular at the gay bar i go to its called the dirty sattle i love her
  16. zachh
    Dec 5, 2006
  17. ixata
    Dec 21, 2006
    i dont understand d critics... n evn allmusicguide gave less den 80 when diz record shud be 100!! i agree wit Valterri, "early winter" is a masterpiece... an emotional number, too... wind it up is an ingenious production and the sampling of "the sound of music" is a hell of an idea -in a good way-! this rocks even better than LAMB!
  18. Aug 18, 2018
    Gorgeous iconic album, I don't know why people on here have been so negative.
  19. Aug 8, 2016
    "The sweet escape" remains one of the best albums of Ms Stefani, the divergeance is incredible include all different styles but this mixture wonder is always something that stopped me in this creation, it is really great
  20. Jul 10, 2018
    The album is incredible. Early Winter, 4 In The Morning and so many other tracks are well performed.
  21. Apr 3, 2020
    People don’t know anything, this album is great and she sounds better than some other pop trashy female artists out there, she’s between Madonna and Kylie Minogue...
  22. TylerM
    Jan 4, 2007
    I enjoyed it a lot. True there are some *weird and horrible* songs but i love... Wind It Up Orange County Girl Yummy Don't Get it Twisted
  23. Sublimonade
    Dec 10, 2006
    I Absolutely LOVE Gwen's New Album. All the songs are wickedly infectious! The tunes are catchy and upbeat. I know "The Sweet Escape" ft Akon will hit the top charts next. I love Pharrell's work too. She's got the LAMB and he's rocking the Ice Cream blend it together they got something fresh and kinda in between.
  24. SkyM
    Dec 22, 2006
    I absolutely loved this album, personally I like it better than the first one which is saying alot. I find it intresting that so many people are calling her a "wigger" when the whole album is much more pop based than hip-hop. You should listen to it in it's entirety more than once and I promise you won't be disappointed.
  25. PaulR
    Dec 5, 2006
    This album is completely amazing. Almost all the tacks are instantly memorable and catchy...and doesn't that make for a great album?? I hate these little comments about Gwen trying to catch up to Fergie....excuse me if I'm wrong but Fergie's "London Bridge" sounds like Hollaback girl with a little more melody...and Fergie's "Glamorous" sounds an awful lot like This album is completely amazing. Almost all the tacks are instantly memorable and catchy...and doesn't that make for a great album?? I hate these little comments about Gwen trying to catch up to Fergie....excuse me if I'm wrong but Fergie's "London Bridge" sounds like Hollaback girl with a little more melody...and Fergie's "Glamorous" sounds an awful lot like gwen's "Luxurious"...if anything..Fergie's a few years behind..though both album are very good....Gwen's sound isn't for the older type of listeners..which seem to be the professional critics rating her Expand
  26. Pee-DroughA
    Dec 6, 2006
    This Album is something speacial, this breaks into her R&B side. Gwen did an awesome job. Sounds to me like the Hills still have music! ha!
  27. AmandaC
    Jan 3, 2007
    IF you haven bought this album i do recomend it. If you Havent listen to the album and only listend to the single wind it up. i recomend that you hear the single The Sweet Escape featuring Akon. i have heard that the single Wind it up wasnt a big big hit but it was good. Just beacuse u didnt like the first single that doesnt mean that the album is annoying
  28. [Anonymous]
    Dec 5, 2006
    almost as much fun as the first album! cheers to Gwen...what a funky peice of hot ass she is! :)
  29. RafaelS
    Dec 8, 2006
    Most of the songs in "The Sweet Escape" are GREAT. I mean, just great! You can find so many diversity, like the crazy beats in "Wind It Up" and "Yummy", the circus theme in "Don't Get It Twisted", the reggaeton-ish "Breakin' Up", and the CLASSIC ballads (which are the best thing off the album), "4 In The Morning" and "Early Winter". The problem is (and that's why Im not Most of the songs in "The Sweet Escape" are GREAT. I mean, just great! You can find so many diversity, like the crazy beats in "Wind It Up" and "Yummy", the circus theme in "Don't Get It Twisted", the reggaeton-ish "Breakin' Up", and the CLASSIC ballads (which are the best thing off the album), "4 In The Morning" and "Early Winter". The problem is (and that's why Im not giving a 10 to the album), is that all the songs together in 1 album are not quite interesting. It's sort of like they were rushed and picked up randomly. Except for that, the songs are amazing! Even though I can't wait for Gwen to return to No Doubt, which should be soon! Expand
  30. AlfredoM
    Dec 8, 2006
    I enjoyed it very much. The track "The Sweet Escape" is brilliant..I also love Yummy. It's a lot of fun. Gwen brings interesting music.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 24
  2. Negative: 3 out of 24
  1. Pharrell Williams' production and Stefani's fizzy personality make for an unexpected Christmas treat.
  2. It's not that The Sweet Escape is an unwelcome diversion or that it comes too soon on the heels of Stefani's debut (it's been two full years), but it's starting to feel like No Doubt's future—you know, the one left in question after 2001's Rock Steady, the band's third consecutive creative zenith—is being squandered amidst all the solo stargazing.
  3. If the dance production on The Sweet Escape were better, these hipster affectations would be easier to forgive, but they're not: they're canned and bland, which only accentuates Stefani's stiffness.