
Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 24
  2. Negative: 3 out of 24
  1. Billboard
    All spun together it works well, and maybe even better than on the debut. [16 Dec 2006]
  2. There is barely a note here that did not require a degree of bravery and chutzpah.
  3. Ultimately, Stefani isn't convincing as a dissatisfied diva.
  4. There's such effortlessness in the confident pop music making here you get the sense she could keep knocking out hits this way in her sleep.
  5. One step forward, three steps sideways, one step back, The Sweet Escape continues in Stefani's proud tradition of being caught somewhere between the vanguard and the insipid.
  6. Few mainstream artists can hope to produce an album as wonderfully weird as The Sweet Escape.
  7. It's the kind of album that drifts through '80s poolside jams and breathy trunk-bump bangers in all the best ways.
  8. Pharrell Williams' production and Stefani's fizzy personality make for an unexpected Christmas treat.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 211 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 38 out of 211
  1. Apr 3, 2020
    People don’t know anything, this album is great and she sounds better than some other pop trashy female artists out there, she’s betweenPeople don’t know anything, this album is great and she sounds better than some other pop trashy female artists out there, she’s between Madonna and Kylie Minogue... Full Review »
  2. stephenv
    Dec 13, 2006
    best songs: early winter, 4 in the morning, wonderful life and the sweet escape. worst song: breakin' up.
  3. Aug 18, 2018
    Gorgeous iconic album, I don't know why people on here have been so negative.