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  1. Apr 17, 2011
    In one word an impressive music album with trends to jazz, folk and soul. The Sleepwalking Society Album Shapes a colorful rhythmic spectrum starting from Bluesy vocals, to a wonderful lyrical sax (that specially can be heard on MOCKINGBIRD son). Moreover the album has a logical sequence, starts from an emphatic rhythm in very beginning of it, and finish by CHERRY and HUSH with completelyIn one word an impressive music album with trends to jazz, folk and soul. The Sleepwalking Society Album Shapes a colorful rhythmic spectrum starting from Bluesy vocals, to a wonderful lyrical sax (that specially can be heard on MOCKINGBIRD son). Moreover the album has a logical sequence, starts from an emphatic rhythm in very beginning of it, and finish by CHERRY and HUSH with completely different atmosphere. Also The German singer JOSA PEIT made a pure atmosphere throughout the album with her brilliant smooth voice.
    Generally the album is a successful jazz-pop record while on some parts has the mood of sophisticated music. Strong concepts are tangible behind the album that starts from the name of SLEEPWALKING SOCIETY. On the other hand songs generally manage to feel long so can attract the audiences to spend more time on them.

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Apr 1, 2011
    Throughout the album, Lamdin's production offers a sense of clarity and understated confidence.
  2. Apr 1, 2011
    The album is deceptively simple, but underneath the easy-listening vibe lies a fascinating medley of genres and musical references.
  3. Apr 1, 2011
    The Sleepwalking Society is a stunner; a jazz-pop record with brilliant R&B and folk undertones woven throughout.