• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jul 11, 2006

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. The Silver Lining suggests that Soul Asylum might still have another great album in them (especially if Murphy does more of the songwriting), but this one certainly isn't it.
  2. Sport[s] a trace more big league sparkle, but with the frayed cleverness and rock-solid musicianship that their fans know best.
  3. An old-school alternative rock album full of oversized riffs and open-hearted hooks.
  4. The group sounds genuinely reinvigorated.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    The nostalgia train is stalled by embarrassing platitudes and well-worn riffs. [14 Jul 2006, p.79]
  6. Filter
    Most of it just falls flat, neither recapturing the glory days nor squarely moving the band into a new era. [#21, p.102]
  7. Mojo
    It finds the band stranded in the middle-of-the-road, spinning its wheels amid a mass of musical cliches and Dave Pirner's overwrought lyricism. [Aug 2006, p.104]
  8. As bad as The Silver Lining is, a knee-jerk reaction would obscure some redeeming moments.
  9. Q Magazine
    The sound of a band growing old comfortably. [Sep 2006, p.110]
  10. For tuneful, middle-of-the-road rock, The Silver Lining ain't bad.
  11. Spin
    Sound[s] like a band that's discovered how to enjoy itself again. [Aug 2006, p.85]
  12. Uncut
    The music... has become a too-clean version of their state's patented, tumbledown take on Stonesy power-pop. [Sep 2006, p.97]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. MarkG.
    Apr 24, 2008
    The user who mentioned Nickleback gave away more than they probably realise. The problem with The Silver Lining is how bog-standard it is The user who mentioned Nickleback gave away more than they probably realise. The problem with The Silver Lining is how bog-standard it is throughout. Pirner's once sharp lyrics (Black Gold, Somebody To Shove, Cartoon) are now riddled with cliches and the music is criminally lacking in hooks and the frayed-at-the-edges rawness of the pre-A&M days. There's nothing wrong with a band growing more accomplished and polished with age but Soul Asylum have become a tired, uninspired MOR rock band, more similar to the aforementioned Nickleback than their former selves. When you consider that these guys were once mentioned in the same breath as The Replacements, Buffalo Tom and Husker Du, a lame effort like The Silver Lining is criminal. The last great song from a member of Soul Asylum was Dan Murphy's Ill-Fated with Golden Smog. On the strength of that song and what the band were once capable of, there is still a glimmer of hope for Soul Asylum. Full Review »
  2. JakobK
    Mar 13, 2007
    Without a doubt, Soul Asylum know how to craft songs that stay with you. I remember hearing the tunes of "Runaway Train" all through my Without a doubt, Soul Asylum know how to craft songs that stay with you. I remember hearing the tunes of "Runaway Train" all through my childhood, but only recently found out that they are so much more than one-hit wonders. It turns out "Runaway Train" was in no way a lone masterpiece; the songs on The Silver Lining have that very same emotion to them. With quality tracks such as "Lately," "Whatcha Need," and "Standing Water," it is a shame that radio and TV didn't pick this album up. The Silver Lining is an awesome album, and a memorable last effort if Soul Asylum would decide to go their separate ways after this. Full Review »
  3. JoeyW
    Dec 27, 2006
    Great record....gets better every time I listen to it.