• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 9, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Gym Class Heroes' Quilt is very, very much of its time: it skates by on the surface, which is appealing for a while, but in large doses it can seem like too much empty style.
  2. Alternative Press
    The Quilt expertly stitches together art and commerce. Every song has an insistent hook, but despite the high-profile hip-hop guests, nothing feels calculated. [Oct 2008, p.162]
  3. If it all seems messy, it isn't. GCH sounds like an American utopia, where everyone coexists joyfully and thrives on the diversity.
  4. 60
    [McCoy's] delivery is laudably cool for a Warped Tour MC. But it’s gunk on the gears of this dancing machine.
  5. Despite the band's best efforts, The Quilt isn't hip-hop; it's polished, radio-friendly pop.
  6. Though he stays within his comfort zone, frontman Travis McCoy is a gifted MC who usually upstages the rest of the band members, who sound like hired hands. And Daryl Hall sings on a track. That's gotta be worth something.
  7. Dec 6, 2011
    Like their namesake, Quilt's music feels handmade and stitched-together, as though its creators were sifting through a collection of musical hand-me-downs and collating the bits that spoke to them into something new.
  8. Not all of the songs are in easy to digest radio play lengths either, as 'Live Forever (Fly With Me)' proves they aren't afraid to do a song that's over seven minutes long. The more that GHC take chances on this album, the more they succeed.
  9. The Quilt finds McCoy pouring out clunker couplets, lame boasts and odes to his lothario-level texting skills in a rap style embarrassingly modeled on Eminem's--without the wit.
  10. Even a guest verse from Busta Rhymes can't breathe any life into this copy-and-paste mess.
  11. 60
    Mostly, though, they demonstrate that pop trumps piety.

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