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The Odds Image

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

  • Summary: The third full-length release for the Washington DC punk duo of Amy Farina and Ian MacKaye is their first album in six years.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Jan 3, 2013
    The Odds show that Fugazi doesn't need to reunite in order to make music that still very much matters.
  2. Nov 28, 2012
    The Odds is excellent, because the odds are never against him.
  3. Nov 19, 2012
    Their third record proves that even the most militant punk songs are often best served by a stripped-down aesthetic.
  4. Nov 19, 2012
    The Odds is, in every way, the product of scaling down operations rather than of giving up or throwing the fans a nostalgia trip. It's fair to say that the Evens have set their target low and close; you could also call that intimacy.
  5. Alternative Press
    Nov 19, 2012
    As with previous Evens efforts, the urgency flows out through MacKaye's precision-like guitar tones, and the emotion that drips out of his and Farina's harmonies. [Dec 2012, p.90]
  6. Nov 19, 2012
    The Odds shows The Evens as more refined and understated than ever. Instead of softening, their jagged angles and obtuse political commentary have just become more involved, and in some ways, more intense.
  7. Nov 20, 2012
    There is palpable excitement in both the songwriting and the performance. And this energy prevents what might have been some late-stage lulls, where the riffs seem retread but the songs still feel new.

See all 14 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Dec 4, 2012
    I was pleasantly surprised at how much this album peaked my interest. Never have I heard of this band until it was reviewed on this site. GaveI was pleasantly surprised at how much this album peaked my interest. Never have I heard of this band until it was reviewed on this site. Gave it a listen and thank God I did, it's fantastic. Ian MacKaye on baritone guitar steals this whole record. his lyrics blow me away. I wasn't aware of Amy Farina until this album but I must say that she holds her own as well on drums and vocals. All In All, this is one of the best duo bands I've heard this year and probably one of the best I've heard ever. A- Expand
  2. Nov 20, 2012
    At first glance I thought this was an album by 90s rockers The Odds.. nope, it's an album called The Odds by The Evens.

    The music and
    At first glance I thought this was an album by 90s rockers The Odds.. nope, it's an album called The Odds by The Evens.

    The music and especially the singing of Amy reminds me of PJ Harvey, a comparison I'm sure these two are fine with. I'm quite enjoying this album.

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