• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 9, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 62
  2. Negative: 8 out of 62
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  1. Aug 24, 2022
    After so.e pretty strong Ep's the neighborhood's return barely makes a sound. Weighted by the abundance of Ep material this record feels like two separate albums forced together to unsatisfying results.
  2. Jun 4, 2021
    As melodias e instrumentais do álbum são muitos bons, porém as letras são muito repetitivas, e também a mistura de gêneros musicais como hip hop, R&B e neo soul também não "colaram" muito bem
  3. Aug 28, 2020
    love this album! one of my personal favorites! i love how it seems that they tried something new with this album and i feel it turned out well!
  4. Jul 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. De todos os três álbuns da banda esse é o que traz uma sonoridade mais madura sem dúvida esse é o melhor álbum do grupo. tem uma abertura excelente com a faixa flowers e um encerramento que deixa um gostinho de colocar em loop com a faixa stuck with me. Expand
  5. Jan 13, 2019
    The Neighbourhood's newest self-titled release is nowhere near as exciting as 2015's "Wiped Out!". The band still charges into new musical territories like R&B & industrial sounding pop, with relative ease and decent aplomb, yet it still falls flat at times.

    "Flowers" starts the album out on a hopeful tone. Lead singer, Jesse Rutherford's falsetto vocals are the main feature of the song
    The Neighbourhood's newest self-titled release is nowhere near as exciting as 2015's "Wiped Out!". The band still charges into new musical territories like R&B & industrial sounding pop, with relative ease and decent aplomb, yet it still falls flat at times.

    "Flowers" starts the album out on a hopeful tone. Lead singer, Jesse Rutherford's falsetto vocals are the main feature of the song and sometimes, they are just right, and other times, they aren't the most necessary thing to add in on the track. "Scary Love", however, is one of the catchiest songs the band has ever written, and it presents itself as the best song on the album.

    "Nervous" is catchy, yet dull, but the next track, "Void" brings back echoes of "Wiped Out!", with its liquid-sounding guitar, and R&B-like drum beats. "Softcore" is musically interesting and good, yet it lacks power and ambition. "Blue" mostly follows down the same road.

    The acoustic ballad, "Sadderdaze" sounds like a mix of "Baby Come Home 2 / Valentines" from "Wiped Out!" and the band's first successful hit, "Sweater Weather", from 2013's "I Love You", and is pretty decent in quality. "Revenge" is an average electronically-influenced song. "You Get Me So High" is sure to make you bop your head, but "Reflections" is one of the tunes on the album that runs out of steam.

    "Too Serious" has an interesting industrially-focused beat, but the song to rival "Scary Love" as the best song is the last on the album. "Stuck With You" contains smooth synths, a grooving drum beat, and a catchy hook. However, it is definitely an interesting choice to sequence this song last

    The Newbury Park-based alternative group made an album that may not peak the curiosity at fans of "Wiped Out!", as it is less atmospheric and noisy. It is, however, a shame that "24/7" from the "Hard" EP, or some of the other EP tunes, aren't on this album. "24/7"'s sensational hook and musical passages would improve the album, even if it's just one song from one EP.
  6. Aug 24, 2018
    прекрасно изумительно великолепно богоподобно неописуемо
  7. May 7, 2018
    Una banda como The Neighbourhood jamás deja de sorprender, la fusión que logran del rock con la música alternativa y el hiphop es fabulosamente bueno. Es sin duda este álbum un claro ejemplo de su evolución musical; en lo personal, extraño sus sonidos más oscuros, como los de I Love You, pero es agradable que la banda expanda sus horizontes. No pierden su estilo y evitan la monotonía.Una banda como The Neighbourhood jamás deja de sorprender, la fusión que logran del rock con la música alternativa y el hiphop es fabulosamente bueno. Es sin duda este álbum un claro ejemplo de su evolución musical; en lo personal, extraño sus sonidos más oscuros, como los de I Love You, pero es agradable que la banda expanda sus horizontes. No pierden su estilo y evitan la monotonía.
    Excelente trabajo.
  8. May 1, 2018
    Este es definitivamente el mejor album de la banda, tienen un sonido más maduro en comparación con sus anteriores trabajos. Ojalá no desaprovechen 'Stuck with Me' porque es un gran tema. Sin dudarlo, un 10.
  9. Apr 26, 2018
    We can notice a different base sound in this album and that is amazing, therefore the Jesse's vocal improvement, it is clean and listen it is a pleasure.
  10. Apr 1, 2018
    it's impressive that change from the past EP's "Hard" and "To Imagine" it's an evidence that they're changing and this new LP shows us the new way they're taking using color on their videos. Stuck with me is my favorite one.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Mar 21, 2018
    The only time the Neighbourhood really comes to life here is on the disc’s final track, refreshingly summery toe-tapper “Stuck With You.” That track aside, this release will do little to convince critics that the Neighbourhood is anything more than Maroon 5’s monochromatic photo negative, and about as intriguing as that descriptor suggests.
  2. Mar 21, 2018
    When a band decides to go with an eponymously titled release several albums into an established career, it often works as a statement about reclaiming their identity, or making a new creative start. If that's the case here, the Neighbourhood have done both with their own cool aplomb.
  3. Mar 21, 2018
    The Neighbourhood is as ponderous as any forgotten post-grunge also-ran record selling for one cent on Amazon.