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  1. Feb 8, 2018
    I've been a big Fionn Regan fan since his debut back in 2006. On the strength of that particular record, I've always anticipated and bought his releases. He's never quite matched "The End of History"in terms of strength but the type of character Regan is, it's unlikely he's ever consciously tried to match it. "The Meetings of the Waters" comes as close as anything else he's prdouced. II've been a big Fionn Regan fan since his debut back in 2006. On the strength of that particular record, I've always anticipated and bought his releases. He's never quite matched "The End of History"in terms of strength but the type of character Regan is, it's unlikely he's ever consciously tried to match it. "The Meetings of the Waters" comes as close as anything else he's prdouced. I really liked this album when it came out in Spring 2017. It's three quarters of a great album, more anthemic than his past work and a fuller sound than most of what has gone before. He pulls this bigger band sound off well. Lyrically and melodically it is mostly magic. Opening tracks "The Meeting of the Waters", "Cormorant Bird" along with "Cape of Diamonds" and "Up Into The Rafters" stand out. There is of course at least a quarter of the album that falls down, never more so than the 10 minute plus ambient/electronica loop track at the end. I'm all for pushing the envelope etc but this is a 20 second section put on loop 50 or 60 times to close the album. There is a shorter version in the middle of the album which works fine as an interlude but the lengthy version tacked on to what is otherwise a great folk/rock album kind of wrecks it a bit. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. May 25, 2017
    While some of these experiments don't work--the riotous "Babushka-Yai Ya" is messy and, ultimately, skippable and "Euphoria" lacks any exultation--others cast Regan in a new light.
  2. Magnet
    May 18, 2017
    What an odd, creakily compelling record this is. [No. 142, p.59]
  3. Mojo
    Apr 13, 2017
    There's peace and a wild purity to it. [May 2017, p.92]