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  1. Nov 5, 2013
    Eminem is back! I was a massive fan of MMLP, SSLP and TES. I was disappointed with Encore, Relapse and Recovery but when this album came out, I was so relieved! There was so much nostalgia listening to this album! I would have liked to hear production by Dr Dre but the album is still amazing tracks like "so far" and "bad guy" are my favourites. I would recommend the deluxe edition as theEminem is back! I was a massive fan of MMLP, SSLP and TES. I was disappointed with Encore, Relapse and Recovery but when this album came out, I was so relieved! There was so much nostalgia listening to this album! I would have liked to hear production by Dr Dre but the album is still amazing tracks like "so far" and "bad guy" are my favourites. I would recommend the deluxe edition as the bonus tracks are amazing! Expand
  2. Nov 5, 2013
    This is great album and shows how Eminem has grown as person. He is not bashing his wife/mother doesn't mean it is not good hip-hop album. Lyrically this is one of the finest album. He also understands and addresses hate towards him in the songs like He shows his rap skills in "Rap god".
    Best storytelling in "Bad guy". other songs are also very great. Overall this is great album
  3. Nov 5, 2013
    Eminem is my favorite rapper. After hearing the album the real slim shady I was hooked on him. Then the first part of the Marshall mathers was so successful and everybody loved it so he of course made a second part! Now this is the best album since the Eminem show. It was a step up from recovery. Recovery was a little ok just because it was his emotional album were here shared his personalEminem is my favorite rapper. After hearing the album the real slim shady I was hooked on him. Then the first part of the Marshall mathers was so successful and everybody loved it so he of course made a second part! Now this is the best album since the Eminem show. It was a step up from recovery. Recovery was a little ok just because it was his emotional album were here shared his personal feelings more seriously. But yeah this album has a lot of good songs and a lot of funny but serious songs at the same time. Beserk is a song that I really liked its not the best but its a pretty good song. Survival was a little mainstream. And he is almost yelling. Rap god was amazing some clever lyrics, and around the 4 minute mark it shows his real potential. I loved bad guy and I loved headlights. Overall great album Expand
  4. Nov 5, 2013
    Eminem shreds on this album! Every time I listen through, I'm finding more genius analogies and metaphors. Some of the smartest, most creative lyrical work I've heard. Love the beats and style of the album.
  5. Nov 5, 2013
    Amazing! The best since 'The Eminem Show". The lyrics, the production, the white boy did a great job. I think that who likes recovery wil not gonna like this one. It's another level. The album it's a history that begins with marshall mathers and ends with slim shady. He brings every character of his career. Maaaan, this is a masterpiece!
  6. Nov 9, 2013
    Best Eminem album since TES. Bad Guy: 10/10 Rhyme or Reason: 9/10 So Much Better: 9/10 Survival: 7.5/10 Legacy: 9/10 7.5/10 Berzerk: 8.5/10 Rap God: 9/10 Brainless 8.5/10 Stronger than i was: 8/10 The Monster: 7:10 So Far: 8.5/10 Love Game: 8.5/10 Headlights 9.5/10 Evil Twin: 9/10. Bonus Tracks: Baby: 7.5/10 Desperation: 8/10 Groundhog Day: 9/10 Beautiful Pain: 9.5/10 WickedBest Eminem album since TES. Bad Guy: 10/10 Rhyme or Reason: 9/10 So Much Better: 9/10 Survival: 7.5/10 Legacy: 9/10 7.5/10 Berzerk: 8.5/10 Rap God: 9/10 Brainless 8.5/10 Stronger than i was: 8/10 The Monster: 7:10 So Far: 8.5/10 Love Game: 8.5/10 Headlights 9.5/10 Evil Twin: 9/10. Bonus Tracks: Baby: 7.5/10 Desperation: 8/10 Groundhog Day: 9/10 Beautiful Pain: 9.5/10 Wicked Ways: 8.5/10 Expand
  7. Nov 6, 2013
    My favorite Eminem album of all time...hes better then before.. seriously..
    his flow has grown tenfold it seriously blows my mind. If recovery got album of the year this deserves rap album of the decade. i would say favorite song so at the moment is Groundhogs Day but it changes every week :D please buy this album.. don't pirate it he really deserves it you can tell he put his soul into this one.
  8. Nov 5, 2013
    MMLP2 is one of the most intense and one of the best Eminem albums.It have everything I mean the intensity of old em,great flow,awesome tunes,pure rap material (rap god),catchy hooks.The album is reall great.Headlights is the best song on the album.MMLP2 in my opinion is better than any other rap album released in 2012 or 2013 it is better than yezzus,Magna cart....,The heist etc.For meMMLP2 is one of the most intense and one of the best Eminem albums.It have everything I mean the intensity of old em,great flow,awesome tunes,pure rap material (rap god),catchy hooks.The album is reall great.Headlights is the best song on the album.MMLP2 in my opinion is better than any other rap album released in 2012 or 2013 it is better than yezzus,Magna cart....,The heist etc.For me MMLP2 is the best album of the year it is a must buy believe me MMLP2 will blow you away.I give MMLP2 a perfect 10. Expand
  9. Nov 5, 2013
    I absolutely love this album! I've got every Eminem Album and for me personally this is the second best so far! His only album that can match this is The MM LP 1. All these songs have great lyrics! Especially my personal favorite 'Rap God'. It's just a masterpiece... Definitely buy this album!
  10. Nov 5, 2013
    The album is a nice return to form, it's not so much a sequel as a return to the mindset used on MMLP1. With obvious nods to past albums, better beats than Recovery and Relapse, amazing rhyme structure, and a flow very reminiscent of The Eminem Show this is one of Eminem's best work. That's said, don't go in expecting it to be the first Marshall Mathers LP because it won't be.
  11. Nov 5, 2013
    I don't know why people are hating this album. I really do think this album a gem. There so much garbage hip hop out right now. This album was so much better than anything that been put out in the last couple years.
  12. Nov 6, 2013
    Ironically the singles off this album are the worst ones (excluding Rap God of course...) However songs like Bad Guy, Rhyme or Reason, So Much Better, Legacy, A**hole, Rap God, Brainless, So Far..., Headlights, and Evil Twin are all incredible! Every bit as good as the original (sometimes better)... He's still got it!
  13. Nov 5, 2013
    LOVE this album! Em did not disappoint me in the least. I laughed, I cried, I reminisced. He has something for everyone on this album and that just shows you how much he appreciates ALL of his fans. Whether you liked SSLP, MMLP, The Eminem Show, Encore, Relapse, or Recovery or didn't you will find something to love about this album. Very impressed. Had to buy a clean version for when theLOVE this album! Em did not disappoint me in the least. I laughed, I cried, I reminisced. He has something for everyone on this album and that just shows you how much he appreciates ALL of his fans. Whether you liked SSLP, MMLP, The Eminem Show, Encore, Relapse, or Recovery or didn't you will find something to love about this album. Very impressed. Had to buy a clean version for when the kids are in the car and dirty for when it's just me and Shady. Well worth the money. I am so excited he is still making good music! Expand
  14. Nov 7, 2013
    Considering he's a 41 year old living legend it's very refreshing to hear him focus so much on his pen game. Bad Guy, Rhyme or Reason, Legacy, Rap God, Brainless, So Far, Love Game, Headlights, Evil Twin, Baby, Beautiful Pain, Groundhog Day, Wicked Ways are all standouts! Should of had the COD bonus "Don't Front" on there as it was a boom bap beat. One complaint is he needed some moreConsidering he's a 41 year old living legend it's very refreshing to hear him focus so much on his pen game. Bad Guy, Rhyme or Reason, Legacy, Rap God, Brainless, So Far, Love Game, Headlights, Evil Twin, Baby, Beautiful Pain, Groundhog Day, Wicked Ways are all standouts! Should of had the COD bonus "Don't Front" on there as it was a boom bap beat. One complaint is he needed some more raw production from someone like Alchemist who IS HIS TOUR DJ or DJ Premier (Primo). Eminem (go back and listen to his underground ish and Rawkus 99 track "Anyman") slays boom bap 90s grimey east coast hip hop beats. Would love some features from other lyrical titans like Elzhi (from Detroit and criminally slept on), Pharoahe Monch (who he shouts out and had a lot of dope name drops not forced like Game), Masta Ace, Kool G Rap, Black Thought (Roots), Nas, Slaughterhouse, etc. Easily his best album since 2002 Eminem Show/8 mile timeline (granted his last 3 have been definition of hit and miss). BUY DELUXE Expand
  15. Nov 6, 2013
    MMLP2 is a great album. Eminem rediscovered his lyrical ability after Encore, Relapse, and Recovery were all really beneath him. The only thing is that it's advertised as the sequel to The Marshall Mathers LP, one of the most controversial music albums in history, and I just do not see the same type of edgy lyrics that made the original so memorable on this one. I would've really liked toMMLP2 is a great album. Eminem rediscovered his lyrical ability after Encore, Relapse, and Recovery were all really beneath him. The only thing is that it's advertised as the sequel to The Marshall Mathers LP, one of the most controversial music albums in history, and I just do not see the same type of edgy lyrics that made the original so memorable on this one. I would've really liked to hear another Public Service Announcement and another continuation of the "'97 Bonnie and Clyde"/"Kim" story. Other than that, Kendrick Lamar's verse is great, Rick Rubin does an excellent job with the production, and it is still a great album. Expand
  16. Nov 9, 2013
    Songs like "Bad Guy" "Rhyme Or Reason" "So Much Better" "So Far" "Love Game" "Evil Twin" "Dont Front" Sound like the OLD Em! But better..which alone is a good enough reason to buy this album if your a true Eminem Fan if your just the casual listener there's something there for you and even Hardcore Hip Hop heads might have fun..Productions Okay..Some of his best and worse...Lyrically hisSongs like "Bad Guy" "Rhyme Or Reason" "So Much Better" "So Far" "Love Game" "Evil Twin" "Dont Front" Sound like the OLD Em! But better..which alone is a good enough reason to buy this album if your a true Eminem Fan if your just the casual listener there's something there for you and even Hardcore Hip Hop heads might have fun..Productions Okay..Some of his best and worse...Lyrically his best since the first one. Expand
  17. Nov 5, 2013
    'The Marshall Mathers LP 2' is absolutely wonderful to me, the best rap album this year so far. Does it stand up to the likes of 'good kid, m.A.A.d city'? Probably not, but it's a finely produced album none-the-less.

    The standout tracks were clearly 'Bad Guy', a callback to Stan, and a harrowing introduction to the album; 'Rhyme or Reason', which exhibited Mathers' top form in
    'The Marshall Mathers LP 2' is absolutely wonderful to me, the best rap album this year so far. Does it stand up to the likes of 'good kid, m.A.A.d city'? Probably not, but it's a finely produced album none-the-less.

    The standout tracks were clearly 'Bad Guy', a callback to Stan, and a harrowing introduction to the album; 'Rhyme or Reason', which exhibited Mathers' top form in lyricism; 'Love Game', featuring hints of reggae and RnB, a fantastic collaboration between Mathers and Kendrick Lamar the latter of which provided the best hook on the album. Finally we have 'Headlights', a souly colab between Nate Reuss of Fun. and Mathers, a soul-searching tune in which Em apologises to his mom for his disses towards her throughout his career ("But I'm sorry mama for Cleaning Out My Closet, at the time I was angry Rightfully maybe so, never meant that far to take it though").

    I was quite disappointed with the final track, Evil Twin based on the title and intro of the song, I was expecting a final confrontation between Mathers and Slim Shady, but instead we get a tune full of 'No Holds Barred' call outs and disses, much on the same line as Big Sean's Control. It's still a good track, just not as good as it could have been.

    A, 9/10
  18. Nov 7, 2013
    This is great album and shows how Eminem has grown as person. He is not bashing his wife/mother doesn't mean it is not good hip-hop album. Lyrically this is one of the finest album. He also understands and addresses hate towards him in the songs like He shows his rap skills in "Rap god".
    Best storytelling in "Bad guy". other songs are also very great. Overall this is great album
  19. Nov 5, 2013
    Every song adds to the general appeal. The highlights are bad guy,rhyme or reason, headlights, legacy,brainless,rap god,berzerk, love game, evil twin, stronger than i was, so much better and survival and monster are decent. We hear his usual genius rhymes combined with the feel of his classic albums.
  20. Nov 5, 2013
    I Loved Every Second of this sequel to MMLP, I grew up with Eminem from his drug junky days to till his sober life, he indefinelty change greatly but in a great way, plus this album still has that same rage he expressed in his older basically blew me away and if Eminem doesn't get Artist of the year then I don't who will.....
  21. Nov 6, 2013
    Beautiful... a worthy send-off, to arguably the greatest rapper of the generation, one of the greatest of all time. There were a handful of songs on this album I did not enjoy (Berzerk, Monster, Stronger than I was... which was dogsh*t) but for the most part, he has finally 'opened that can of "whoop-ass" with the shady aftermath lid' which he promised us for a while. The best Em album inBeautiful... a worthy send-off, to arguably the greatest rapper of the generation, one of the greatest of all time. There were a handful of songs on this album I did not enjoy (Berzerk, Monster, Stronger than I was... which was dogsh*t) but for the most part, he has finally 'opened that can of "whoop-ass" with the shady aftermath lid' which he promised us for a while. The best Em album in the last decade (only surpassed by MMLP 1 and TES). He delves into the character of Eminem and truly shows us he still has his incredible "lyrical acrobatic abilities" as he puts it. He melds pure rap with some fantastic old soft rock melodies, a feat only the Rap God is capable of. This album is very indicative of his first three major studio releases (SSLP, MMLP, TES). Honorary Mention: I was nearly in tears by the last verse of Bad Guy (The sequel to Stan). Goodbye Eminem, you will forever be remembered as the Sinister Minister... Expand
  22. Nov 7, 2013
    From the songs from the album that were released before the album's release, it made me lower my expectations a lot for the album. But boy oh boy, when I listened to the full album, it was incredible. He is back to his roots, with a good mix of old school 'Slim Shady' and some really meaningful songs. Don't get me wrong, it is no doubt the best album of the year, but it just doesn't giveFrom the songs from the album that were released before the album's release, it made me lower my expectations a lot for the album. But boy oh boy, when I listened to the full album, it was incredible. He is back to his roots, with a good mix of old school 'Slim Shady' and some really meaningful songs. Don't get me wrong, it is no doubt the best album of the year, but it just doesn't give me the same feeling as the old Eminem. A must buy! Expand
  23. Nov 7, 2013
    Wow. Incredible album.

    Knew it would be good but not this good. Em is really going back to his old ways but finds the balance between the old Slim Shady and the older Marshall Mathers. Still a cheeky a**hole though of course and that's what we want.

    Best tracks: Bad Guy, Rhyme or Reason, Rap God, So Far, Love Game and Headlights
  24. Nov 10, 2013
    The MMLP2 is absolutely brilliant. It definitely lives up to the hype and the legacy of LP. Berzerk, Survival and Rap god are the new masterpieces and the rest of the songs do not disappoint and are perfectly showing the original Slim Shady's style. Cannot wait for the next album, it seems Eminem has still got it.
  25. Nov 14, 2013
    This is one of my best albums so far and you better RESPECT THAT! I'm back and here to stay, and hell on I'm not retiring after this. I'ma slapping anyone asking me that again.
  26. Nov 19, 2013
    Best Eminem Album Great lyrics and he's more mature than he was before recovery he isn't still obssed with his mother or wife and less obbsession with murdering women.
  27. Nov 8, 2013
    Eminem is back. Although a few songs fall flat, its safe to say the embarrassing years of 2004 are behind him. So glad to have him back. You rock man.
  28. Nov 5, 2013
    If Recovery was Slim Shady's record to the general masses of pop culture then MM LP 2 is a rediscovery of his groove. Em crept in American living rooms at the near perfect time in the mid 90s by releasing The Slim Shady LP which played out like a young man from Detroit so annoyed and yet in a sophistical way pissed off with the world that he made us listen to his words, and words theyIf Recovery was Slim Shady's record to the general masses of pop culture then MM LP 2 is a rediscovery of his groove. Em crept in American living rooms at the near perfect time in the mid 90s by releasing The Slim Shady LP which played out like a young man from Detroit so annoyed and yet in a sophistical way pissed off with the world that he made us listen to his words, and words they were. What Eminem continued to do over the next decade was prove to be a bonafide headliner and popular culture icon, but to sway to the general masses got away from what made Slim well Slim. Encore, Relapse, and Recovery were no means bad albums but were not what we had come to know and expect from the one and only Slim Shady. MM LP 2 reclaims what is right with Slim and even echoes the anger that drips from his many verses. This album will have chart topping hits and that is perfectly fine and acceptable, Eminem fans would rather have it that way. Instead this album is about letting Eminem, 41, find what was he was missing and comfortably crave out his spot moving forward. Berzerk is a throwback to the days of the Beastie Boys and Headlights is a well crafted soliloquy as if to say sorry I fell short but have no fear it will not happen again. In a year which we were given Yeezus and Magna Carta Holy Grail in which two mega artists struggled to find their place in the current flavor of music culture Eminem throws his hat in the ring and finds that his spot has waiting for him to reclaim it the entire time he had stepped away, and the longtime Eminem fans who have been clamoring for the, dare I say it, vintage Eminem to come back is in fact back with what exactly made him brilliant and successful in the very first place. The only hope is that it does not take another twelve years for Eminem to leave and find himself again. Expand
  29. Nov 8, 2013
    "Modern classic" was all that popped into my head as I listened to the dying seconds of 'Evil Twin.' Let's be honest, at the age of 41, no one is on Eminem's level. That being said, we tend to expect so much more from Eminem and those expectations grow following every release. Now Relapse and Recovery respectively were exceptional albums, however, the expectations exceeded the albums"Modern classic" was all that popped into my head as I listened to the dying seconds of 'Evil Twin.' Let's be honest, at the age of 41, no one is on Eminem's level. That being said, we tend to expect so much more from Eminem and those expectations grow following every release. Now Relapse and Recovery respectively were exceptional albums, however, the expectations exceeded the albums themselves. Releasing an album named after his most acclaimed/successful work to date raises the expectations for the MMLP 2 through the roof. I was a bit too nervous going into the album, but Eminem really proved a point this time. 13 years after the release of his masterpiece Marshall Mathers LP, he revisits unclosed topics with MMLP 2. He solidifies his positions in the rap game and provides a meaningful insight into his life as a grown man. The beats were absolutely outstanding and fresh. Without any doubt, the beats ranged from creative, old-school, new, hardcore and at times, odd. But this time, thanks to Rick Rubin, we were rewarded with a catalogue of beats so different and lavish, every time I put my headphones on I got a feeling that I just couldn't quite put a finger on. Marshall again surprised us with the lyrical wordplay that he's mastered, but somehow managed to top his unsurpassed lyricism. Overall, ask and ye shall receive, the real Slim Shady was lost, but now is found and he has relieved the fans with a musical gem. Expand
  30. Nov 23, 2013
    Best Slim Shady feel and comeback from Recovery. The productions from Rick Rubin and Dr Dre, with all those puns and punchlines, this is another classic by Eminem. Love it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2014
    Even though his wit and word patterns still dazzle, they need a livelier canvas if the Eminem nostalgia experience is to be the thrilling one it should be. [Jan 2014, p.122]
  2. Mojo
    Dec 18, 2013
    The music is almost secondary, his production' often leaden beats a mere sideshow to mind-bending internal rhyme pyrotechnics that jab hard at the surreal dial. [Jan 2014, p.92]
  3. Nov 21, 2013
    Eminem might not be making “shock rap with Doc” like he used to be, but The Marshall Mathers LP 2 takes turns as equally bold and unpredictable as anything in his discography.