• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Sep 24, 2002

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Showcases Nas' incredible talent as a lyricist and social commentator.
  2. From a few listens, it's clear most of these weren't bumped because they were low-quality; "Doo Rags," "No Idea's Original," and "Black Zombie" stand up to anything Nas has recorded since the original Illmatic.
  3. 80
    Nas has compiled an imaginative State of the Union address to the streets.
  4. Spin
    The closet thing to Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes hip-hop has ever produced: a collection of songs from, and largely about, the past that bode well for the future and sound damn good today. [Dec 2002, p.140]
  5. Over subdued soul loops and improbably mellow piano work, The Lost Tapes displays Nas' gifts for tightly stitched narrative and stunningly precise detail.
  6. Mixer
    Intelligent, rugged and moving, Lost Tapes is everything Stillmatic should have been. [Dec 2002, p.76]
  7. From start to finish, Nas sets aside the rhetorical frills, contrived interludes, and mediocre guest appearances that have plagued much of his work since the classic Illmatic and concentrates on delivering classic material.
  8. Separate, the songs all sound great, but together, they don’t make a real album.
  9. two about his parents are juicier than the mother love gushing from God's Son. The Afrocentric pep song is so much deeper than the mawkish, misinformed new "I Can" that you believe he might yet get politics.
  10. His gritty, yet hopeful, reflections make Lost Tapes a real find.
  11. Despite its flaws, though, The Lost Tapes is nice. Not a return to form, per se, but possibly as close as we're likely to get.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 111 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 111
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 111
  3. Negative: 16 out of 111
  1. Jan 6, 2016
    A classic compilation of unreleased Nas material. The album is a testament of Nas' forte as a writer. The Lost Tapes is proof that Nas is oneA classic compilation of unreleased Nas material. The album is a testament of Nas' forte as a writer. The Lost Tapes is proof that Nas is one of the greatest writers in music history. Full Review »
  2. Jul 31, 2014
    Everything know, the best Nas album is Illmatic, but after Illmatic, The Lost Tapes is the best Nas album. After the wack, weak and leanEverything know, the best Nas album is Illmatic, but after Illmatic, The Lost Tapes is the best Nas album. After the wack, weak and lean Nastradamus. Stillmatic and The Lost Tapes is classic albums. Full Review »
  3. Apr 11, 2013
    one of the greatest rap album by one of the greatest rapper what more can i say.
    ah yes this album is a compilation with unreleased songs of
    one of the greatest rap album by one of the greatest rapper what more can i say.
    ah yes this album is a compilation with unreleased songs of iam and nastradamus and it sounds together like perfection 10
    Full Review »