
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jan 6, 2022
    Boland’s previous releases (stretching back over 20 years) have only hinted at such levels of ambition, but The Light Saw Me is expertly realised, as playful as it is metaphysical.
  2. Jan 6, 2022
    Beneath the numerous ideas and purposes on The Light Saw Me, the group’s sense of humor is ever-present, reminding the listener that things are never as they seem and, when they happen to be, not to take them too seriously. This air of humility, along with such solid musicianship, is exactly what makes the premise of an ontological science fiction Texas Country album as believable as it is.
  3. 60
    The Light Saw Me provides an intriguing proposition and may in fact end up as the album that eventually gets Boland and the boys the attention they so decidedly deserve.
  4. Jan 6, 2022
    Boland's great concept album endeavor may strike as too convoluted to top his catalog, but it also sets the songwriter free to launch into new creative paths and continue expanding what country music can be.

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