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Generally favorable reviews- based on 2238 Ratings

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  1. Aug 28, 2023
    sonidos muy variados como cualquier alum de kanye , pero la versatilidad de este alum ademas de tener su mejor cancion liricalmente hablando hace que sea un clasico automaticamente
  2. Aug 19, 2023
    Kanye at his modern prime, the perfect in-between of Yeezus and Donda. 30 hours an underrated masterpiece.
  3. Jul 24, 2023
    It's a good album, I love the album, I think "famous" it's a really good song and others songs how "wolves" or "saint Pablo are greats songs good instrumental and a perfect album
  4. May 22, 2023
    Imo the best ye album till this date, the tracks have themes, they make sense, lyrics are good, the vibe of the album is point on. The cover is crazy good. I can't desribe how good this is. Favorite song: Wolves/Ultralight Beam
  5. Apr 10, 2023
    "Messy in a good way" - that sentence perfectly describes the album. Almost every track is a hard hitter. I think this album is going to stand the test of time. It is a long track list, but there are rarely any skips, and the interludes are top-notch.

    FAVORITES: Freestyle 4, FSMH pt.1, Feedback, Facts (Charlie Heat Version). 30 Hours
  6. Jan 26, 2023
  7. Jan 9, 2023
    probably shouldve retired on this album:///////////////////////////////////
  8. Dec 1, 2022
    Appreciate the effort, but this is a 5/10 for me. Believe me, I tried to listen to this album more than once and I tried to force myself to like the songs but I can't. Some of the tracks are good, other tracks are just unlistenable. Overall, it's a 5 for me.
  9. Oct 23, 2022
    Best kanye album no cap aged like wine and it's good bro i am just filling the word limit lmao just listen to the album
  10. Oct 2, 2022
    another amazing album with a messy tracklist that is done on purpose playing into the title of the album with no track sounding the same and switching style with every track there are misses though like pt. 2, freestyle 4, and highlights
  11. Sep 9, 2022
    quien es kanye west?
    para el ciego, es la luz
    para el hambriento, es el pan
    para el enfermo, es la cura
    para el solitario, es el compañero
    para el triste, es la alegría
    para el prisionero, es la libertad
    para el pobre, es el tesoro
    para el deudor, es el perdón
  12. Aug 23, 2022
    i love kanye but i cant cover my eyes to certain comments made by him and i say his music would be better if he didnt talk so much **** about women. anyway, he's still excellent as always. the album is wonderful.
  13. May 3, 2022
    Initially, this was my least favorite Kanye album by far. But, after several listens, It's a masterpiece. One of Kanye's best albums and the best album of 2016, Blonde can eat it's heart out. I just can't quite describe why I love this album so much, you just have to hear it to get it.
  14. Apr 27, 2022
    Amazing lyrics and amazing production and so heartfelt lyrics its a beautiful masterpiece.
  15. Apr 24, 2022
    My personal favorite Ye album of all time. It's really important for me. What i have to say about a album with Father Stretch My Hands Pt.1, Waves, FML, No More Parties in LA, Famous? Bruh, and i need to say in especial about Real Friends. BRUH. That **** hits everytime i play. Tears and more tears. Who dislikes this album, don't have my respect.
  16. Apr 6, 2022
    It’s pretty good. Lots of stand out tracks and some of Ye’s most memorable bars of all time.
  17. Mar 30, 2022
  18. Mar 27, 2022
    The Life Of Pablo is one of ye's greatest albums and one of the best Hip Hop albums of the past decade. If you find yourself disagreeing with these statements, then please bang your head against the nearest available wall.
  19. Mar 25, 2022
    would've been a 9 if it weren't for the horrible ordering of the album. this could've been one of kanye's best albums, but it feels like he took all the songs off the tracklist and threw them into a random order

    best song: saint pablo

    worst song: freestyle 4
  20. Mar 17, 2022
    It feels raw and badly produced, but it is an underrated masterpiece that pictures the mind of one of the greatest genius in this planet.
  21. Mar 2, 2022
    So eclectic and revolutionary. Not many people liked this album when it came out, but it grew on us as we realized he influenced the whole game with this album. From upbeat bragadocious songs like Father Stretch My Hands to sensitive songs like Wolves and Ultralight Beam, Kanye continues to raise the bar on hip-hop greatness. I must add that FML and Saint Pablo are my favorites on thisSo eclectic and revolutionary. Not many people liked this album when it came out, but it grew on us as we realized he influenced the whole game with this album. From upbeat bragadocious songs like Father Stretch My Hands to sensitive songs like Wolves and Ultralight Beam, Kanye continues to raise the bar on hip-hop greatness. I must add that FML and Saint Pablo are my favorites on this album, with the former for its melody and matter-of-fact raps and the latter for its heartfelt and honest message on how Kanye feels at this point in his life. Expand
  22. Feb 17, 2022
    eu te amo eu te amo pablo eu te amo porra eu te amo pra caralho melhor album do kanye
  23. Feb 4, 2022
    Na minha opinião um dos trabalhos mais marcantes da carreira do Kanye ou Ye, aqui podemos ver alguns traços do que veríamos mais para frente em Jesus is King e Donda. Corais grandiosos em algumas faixas, colaborações se encaixando perfeitamente com a vibe do álbum e instrumentais que dão arrepios marcam The Life Of Pablo.

    Meu top 5 faixas: Father Stretch My Hands pt. 1 Famous Wolves
    Na minha opinião um dos trabalhos mais marcantes da carreira do Kanye ou Ye, aqui podemos ver alguns traços do que veríamos mais para frente em Jesus is King e Donda. Corais grandiosos em algumas faixas, colaborações se encaixando perfeitamente com a vibe do álbum e instrumentais que dão arrepios marcam The Life Of Pablo.

    Meu top 5 faixas:
    Father Stretch My Hands pt. 1
    Ultralight Beam
  24. Jan 10, 2022
    Este álbum, a nivel de producción y letra es excelente.
    Si que es verdad que sobra alguna canción que otra, el reabrir el beef con Taylor Swift no fue necesario, y saber lo que le pasó después en el tour de este proyecto es algo triste.
    Aún así, un álbum muy disfrutable.
  25. Dec 25, 2021
    Definitely a good piece, "The Life of Pablo" is a great example where a good producer makes the difference, you can see it clearly in the "Father Stretch My Hands" parts I and II.
  26. Dec 12, 2021
    The Life of Pablo is really good, with some stand out tracks with Father Stretch my Hands and Saint Pablo that rival his older works, Kanye West once proves again that there is no one like him in the music industry.
  27. Oct 31, 2021
    He really fell off. Basic production. Mid raps. Corny from top to bottom. Do not play this in my car
  28. Sep 8, 2021
    favorite kanye album tbh, his 2nd version is way better than the original one
  29. Sep 6, 2021
    Kanye has outdone himself
    and Created something Fresh and Unique
  30. Sep 3, 2021
    The first album with automatic uploading DLC with some absolute bangers, although still not up to MBDTF, but what is?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Apr 6, 2016
    There is plenty here to suggest that West's magic has not entirely left him, but as a statement of art or true intent, this is a significant misstep from an artist with so much to praise.
  2. 60
    There is much to be admired here, rather less to be enjoyed.
  3. Uncut
    Mar 22, 2016
    For better or worse, no-one else is making records quite like this. [May 2016, p.82]