• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Dec 12, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Jeezy does little to make this disc different from Let's Get It.
  2. Billboard
    His lyrics have matured past coke-slinging to the drug's effect on his life. [16 Dec 2006]
  3. Blender
    Because of his no-frills persona, the smallest suggestions of personality make a charismatic impact. [Jan/Feb 2007, p.89]
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    It's the Atlanta MC's immense personality that truly inspires. [15 Dec 2006, p.87]
  5. Almost every dramatic synth swell, exploding snare and multi-tracked "Yeaaahhhh" has been done better elsewhere.
  6. With his rumbling, slurring baritone and unyielding force of will, he rhymes with a preacher's power, only he's proselytizing from the corner, not the pulpit.
  7. Throughout The Inspiration, Jeezy shows a muddled desire to transcend the clichés he helped create, to create further complexity without ever resolving it.
  8. With no shiny, distracting megabeats in tow, Jeezy’s inherent flaws stand out much more sharply.
  9. Spottily effective gangster posturing.
  10. Jeezy has a competent flow, good breath control, plenty of hot beats and all-star guests, and yet this album really is a sequel to "101" in all but name because it picks up where the last one left off without even trying to differentiate between the two.
  11. If there's one problem, it's the lack of surprises.
  12. Spin
    This time around, it's as if the script has been reshot by Michael Bay--glossy and viscerally stimulating--and we're watching a coming attraction for a film that never starts. [Feb 2007, p.88]
  13. The strange thing about The Inspiration is how it's posited as an alternative to the much-bullied "conscious rap," and yet, it's among the least fun albums released this year.
  14. He spits snowman raps with rough-hewn charisma and unseemly enthusiasm.
  15. Fortunately, getting the money isn’t all this follow-up to last year’s breakthrough Let’s Get It cares about, and the singles here are fire.
  16. The New York Times
    Young Jeezy’s appeal was never his writing, but now words sometimes fail him. [11 Dec 2006]
  17. Vibe
    Despite its frustratingly uniform theme--coke--and Jeezy's inflexible, one-speed rasp, his sophomore effort, The Inspiration, suggests that last year's victories were no fluke. [Feb 2007, p.121]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 35
  2. Negative: 6 out of 35
  1. JohnDoe
    Feb 27, 2007
    I think that this cd is rockin all cars,houses and clubs. It dont matter what song on his cd i can relate to it cuz what he is saying on any I think that this cd is rockin all cars,houses and clubs. It dont matter what song on his cd i can relate to it cuz what he is saying on any song is real.I think he is a mastermind at punchlines 2. The beats r a bump u b rockin ya head to i say atleast, 13/16 songs.If yall think jeezy sucks then go cop the album, listen to it, then u try to make a cd were the people of the USA be feelin 16/16 songs. Full Review »
  2. Sep 21, 2016
    Another good album by Young Jeezy who definitely is a trap star, the beats are dope, the LP is consistant and cohesive and Young Jeezy's gruffAnother good album by Young Jeezy who definitely is a trap star, the beats are dope, the LP is consistant and cohesive and Young Jeezy's gruff voice and dope dealing rhymes are as good as they can be. He is definitely not a lyricist but his charisma, baritone voice and excellent trap beats make this album a must have for trap fans. Full Review »
  3. ChrisW
    Mar 18, 2007
    Another Rapper who is setting a bad example for Real Hip-Hop music and artists. This CD is pretty much crap. Stealing a song like "Bury me a Another Rapper who is setting a bad example for Real Hip-Hop music and artists. This CD is pretty much crap. Stealing a song like "Bury me a G" from 2pac is not the way to make a name for yourself. Another fake ass wanna be thug that is killing Rap Music. Full Review »