
Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Los Angeles Times
    This is their third collaboration, but neither the casual, light-bodied "Mutations" nor the intimate "Sea Change" anticipated this kind of flowering. [24 Sep 2006]
  2. If Beck gets better as he gets madder, this is definitely his best since 'Midnite Vultures' - maybe even since 'Odelay'.
  3. Without the bizarre lyrical invention and fuck-shit-up whimsy of his earlier work, Beck's attempts at party jams come off woefully overwrought and flat, making the darker bits interspersed throughout seem intriguing by default.
  4. It's a sonic tour de force, and Beck seems comfortable in the info-storm.
  5. However annoying it sounds, give The Information a chance. By the time Horrible Fanfare rolls around, 15 numbers in, you'll be too dazed to resist.
  6. More than with either Mutations or Sea Change, you can hear Godrich’s rich instrumental layering beneath the rhythms.... Still, at fifteen tracks and over an hour, perhaps Beck needed a stiff editor more than the comfort of a familiar producer.
  7. [The songs] demand reconstruction that can only come from multiple listens. Unfortunately, the initial impact of the record is so muted that only an artist as challenging and road-tested as Beck warrants such effort.
  8. Yet for all the headphone-worthy sounds, the pace seldom rises above a back-porch feel and, at times, the stickers meant for customizing the cover seem like more fun than the music.
  9. There's nothing here that Beck hasn't done before, but it sounds unexpected once again.
  10. Along the way, it scores a lot of points, thanks to Nigel Godrich's earthy but twisted production.
  11. Although The Information contains some of his most aware, intriguing lyrical head-scratchers yet, the familiar musical settings are something of a letdown from an artist famous for complete reinvention.
  12. Impeccably sequenced and incessantly engaging.
  13. Information ultimately suffers from the same hollowness that weakened Guero, but it's bolder at its best and less derivative of previous victories.
  14. Urb
    [Contains] scattered but affecting shots of brilliance. [Oct 2006, p.117]
  15. The bubbly cartoon funk of single Cell Phone's Dead is a winner, but tracks like 1000 BPM and We Dance Alone are mid-paced, cautiously funky numbers with neither the bare sentiment of Sea Change nor the ribald lunacy of Hansen’s late-90s bombs.
  16. Fun, fresh and (mainly) utterly listenable, The Information is the most diverse and, at times, thrilling album you'll hear all year.
  17. I’m convinced that Beck Hansen has a few more good albums in him. One thing’s for sure, though: The Information isn’t one of them.
  18. He's turned his gaze back on himself and created a record that brilliantly summarises and even critiques his own past.
  19. Filter
    The Information is a truer return to the Odelay mentality--and surprisingly, the sound as well. [#22, p.92]
  20. One of the best albums Beck has ever made.
  21. What sounded fresh and spontaneous a decade back now seems labored and wearying.
  22. Under The Radar
    Even though The Information is neither a leap forward or nearly as exceptional as his previous collaborations with Godrich, it does serve as hope that Beck still has some great work ahead of him. [#15]
  23. If you give it time, The Information eventually reveals itself as Beck's tightest, most purposeful album yet.
  24. His latest album plays like a subdued collection of greatest hits, dropping in on the sounds and themes of each preceding album with graceful brevity.
  25. Despite his penchant for experimentation, much of his material remains accessible to casual listeners, even when he turns toward the self-indulgent.
  26. The Information is as creative, tuneful and interesting as you could wish from an established artist.
  27. Blender
    Assured but tame. [Nov 2006, p.139]
  28. Despite the album’s plethora of stylistic shifts and breakdowns, there’s a solid coherency to The Information that allows it to flow from beginning to end without the listener losing interest.
  29. Q Magazine
    The Information... is hamstrung by the sensation that, though Beck likes rapping, he has little to say beyond smart-alec one-liners. [Nov 2006, p.138]
  30. Uncut
    The Information often feels hygienised and missing some grit. [Nov 2006, p.100]
  31. What The Information lacks in Sea Changemanship it makes up for in Midnight Vultures, hats be damned.
  32. Alternative Press
    Overall, this collision of dirty loops and polished pop is Information you need. [Dec 2006, p.198]
  33. Mojo
    The latter tracks sink into Beck-by-numbers fare. [Nov 2006, p.100]
  34. Spin
    It's about three songs too long and a little all over the place. [Nov 2006, p.99]
  35. Unlike "Guero" this one really has some war in it.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 112 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 112
  2. Negative: 9 out of 112
  1. mikes.
    Oct 5, 2006
    Beck has gotten into a comfortable groove as of late and I believe AMG overrated this album. Yes Nigel Godrich is a great producer and does a Beck has gotten into a comfortable groove as of late and I believe AMG overrated this album. Yes Nigel Godrich is a great producer and does a good job in giving Beck focus. In theory, this album should be good enough to be considered one of his best. It will satisfy hardcore Beck fans. But Beck's original albums had an inviting vibe that helped him break into mainstream pop culture, this new release lacks that energy. This is largely due to the fact that Beck hasn't modernized his production. If Beck grabbed Scott Storch, Timbaland, Max Martin: he could of made something special and refreshing. Don't get me wrong Godrich does a good job, lots of depth and consistency in production and in Beck's songwriting. However, he seems to be retracing his earlier artistic career and trying to recreate what he did with his earlier albums. If this album came out 10 years ago it would be a masterpiece. Now he sounds comfortable, not lazy, but also not quite inspiring. What disappoints me the most is that he continues to remain in the same genre of funk,rap,pop,folk, indie and throws them all into a melting pot. For an artist that has previously displayed creativity and variety with Sea Changes, Odelay, and his earlier more experimental work, it seems Beck is now repeating himself, musically and with the retro production by Godrich as well. Overall the album is average, and not that fun or entertaining. Full Review »
  2. Mar 2, 2018
    Many people feel like Midnite Vultures is Becks most risky album. I heavily disagree. I feel like The Information is Becks most out thereMany people feel like Midnite Vultures is Becks most risky album. I heavily disagree. I feel like The Information is Becks most out there album and I love every single minute. Beck makes a template were people can experiment with the songs, but also creates well written and produced tracks. There are three kind of Becks: Poppy Beck, Moody Beck, and Trippy Beck.

    Some great pop songs are Elevator Music, Nausea, Cellphone's Dead, We Dance Alone and No Complaints. Elevator music has a great sing-along chorus and really makes you want to dance. Nausea has some great percussion and some great sampelling throughout that makes you feel paranoid. Cellphone's dead starts out like a good-enough rap song, but morphs into this great jam-sessions. No Complaints is a nice down to earth track after some intense tracks and prepares for the grand-finale. We Dance Alone is a great electronic enfused dance track.

    Moody Beck appears on tracks like Think I'm In love, Movie Theme, New round and Motorcade. Think I'm In love just feels relatable and I love the Bass-line on the track. New round feels like refilling the engine and preparing for the long and interesting road ahead. Movie Theme has some amazing and synths. Motorcade has this feel like warming up.

    And there is Trippy Beck on the other tracks. Strange apperition morphs into a different song and dilevers a great two act song. Dark Star feels like the opening of a Sci-Fi opus and uses some great samples from Elevator Music. 1000 BPM is Becks most insane song ever. The sounds mash and form into this amazing dance track. The information has some intense drums that really speeds the track up a lot. And last we have The Horrible Fanfare/Landslide/Exoskeleton. The horrible Fanfare builds up with some calm and intense instruments. landslide is my favorite of the three. It has this great guitar riff and intenser drums. Exoskeleton nicely closes the album nicely down.

    Overall consensus: Sleek, but with deeper meanings, The Informations is Becks most risky record and pays of in Spectacular fashion
    Full Review »
  3. j30
    Feb 19, 2012
    The Information is Beck returning to his weird side from Midnight Vultures days. The album is not as inviting as Midnight Vultures, but stillThe Information is Beck returning to his weird side from Midnight Vultures days. The album is not as inviting as Midnight Vultures, but still a nice detour. I do love Nigel Godrich's production and album's "do-it-yourself" sticker album cover. Full Review »