• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 13, 2015
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Universal acclaim- based on 216 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 13 out of 216
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  1. Nov 22, 2015
    The Incredible true story just shows how good Logic is and how better he is every time. The one notice thing off this album is how focused Logic is and how different this album is from other rap albums. The Incredible True Story is very good, but also shows that Logic still has a lot of work to do to get to the top.The album starts off with a skit contact, which is interesting becauseThe Incredible true story just shows how good Logic is and how better he is every time. The one notice thing off this album is how focused Logic is and how different this album is from other rap albums. The Incredible True Story is very good, but also shows that Logic still has a lot of work to do to get to the top.The album starts off with a skit contact, which is interesting because Logic's skit's are very different from other artists infact the whole blend of Tracks and skits because the Album felt like a lucid story about time travel with built in references about life which works beautifully. Then album then goes on with great tracks like fade away, Upgrade and Like Woah(Best song of the album). Then there were tracks like Young Jesus(feat Big Lenbo), Innermission(feat Lucy Rose) and I Am the greatest which were good tracks but didn't have the same high tempo as the first few songs. The Album gets exciting again with the Awesome song Lord will'in the suffers a dip in tempo again with tracks like City of Stars(too long), Stainless(feat Dria), Paradise( feat Jesse Boykins III) and Never Been which were again gooods tracks, but weren't as great as some songs in this album. The Album then finishes off with great tracks like Run it and the Sentimental skit/song The Incredible true story(great message by tbe way). The best songs were Fade away, Like Woah, Lord will'in and Incredible True Story. There are no bad or disappointing tracks cause ITS LOGIC, just that city of stars was a bit long and Innermission wasn't as good as the other tracks but an okay song. Features were good but some were rather unnoticeable Incredible True Story is good whether your a fan or not of logic I recommend it. Great Lyrics from logic as always, Good production, fun story (Babel was my favourite skit) and shows Logic's impressive growth. Despite the album's tempo falling at times and this Album not better than Under Pressure, Incredible true story was one hell of a ride. Expand
  2. Jun 2, 2016
    I found this album absolutely beautiful, the versatility Logic shows on this album is quite amazing.
    Fav Tracks: Fade Away, Like Woah, Stainless, I am the Greatest
  3. Nov 20, 2015
    This album is amazing. The production is really the standout element of this record which is very space-like and airy. It has a lot of ambiance throughout and it really keeps you on your toes when listening because the beat will switch into another beat right in the middle of a song. The skits and the underlying story is really good because it doesn't limit what Logic could do musicallyThis album is amazing. The production is really the standout element of this record which is very space-like and airy. It has a lot of ambiance throughout and it really keeps you on your toes when listening because the beat will switch into another beat right in the middle of a song. The skits and the underlying story is really good because it doesn't limit what Logic could do musically and thematically in terms of the album. The songs on the album can go in their own separate directions while the skits go in another. Logic's flow and rapping is really outstanding as usual. On certain songs like Upgrade, he shows that he has extreme skill as a rapper and shows his potential. Although there are some complaints. Some of his flows and rapping style is extremely similar to Kendrick Lamar's and one of the songs called "I Am The Greatest" literally sounds like a track yanked out of Drake's discography. But all in all, it's an extremely well made record and a record that has instant replayability. The skits and songs are split in a way that the skits don't blend into the songs (except for one) so you can listen to all the songs and disregard the skits if you want to. I can't wait for what Logic has to show us in his future albums and this should definitely be on your list for best rap albums of this year. It may not win any Grammys but the album is a fun ride throughout your listen and should also be on your playlist for a long time. Expand
  4. Mar 10, 2018
    y'all sleeping on this album so hard like this is easily the second best thing logic has ever done
  5. Sep 28, 2017
    Fantastic album all around. Songs like Fade Away, Stainless, and Run It provide amazing rapping speed and catchy beats, making this album and Logic himself, very underrated.
  6. Jan 4, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. While this album is a positive effort overall, there are a few shortcomings as well as one very glaring problem that this project has that prevents it from being better than just "good": this album, and Logic himself, lack a distinct style that makes it/him unique. Right from the get-go on the track "Contact" Logic borrows the distinguished production from Kanye West's song "Amazing"; on the song "Like Woah", which is one of the highlights on the album, Logic employs a flow that resembles that of fellow emcee Kendrick Lamar; the song "I Am The Greatest" gives off "Worst Behavior" vibes; "City of Stars" sounds similar to Kanye West's "Flashing Lights", as well as many other examples throughout the album. It is very obvious to see who Logic's influences are, but on this album Logic fails to establish his own style to be emulated. On top of that, while the concept of the album is unique, some of the skits and scenes contain very weak dialogue, and in the scene in which Kai asks the AI to impersonate Big Sean, it came across as insanely unrealistic and incredible corny. Logic is an extremely talented rapper but does not necessarily live up to his capabilities on this project. Expand
  7. Dec 6, 2015
    Even though there are some gems on here, Logic is STILL a biter and is profiting off of work that he didn't do. His formula is basically "Hmm... should I sound like Drake, J. Cole, or Kendrick on this track?" and then he talks **** about people who call him a biter. Dude, if THAT many people are calling you a biter, you're a biter. Majority decides on that, quit being so full of yourselfEven though there are some gems on here, Logic is STILL a biter and is profiting off of work that he didn't do. His formula is basically "Hmm... should I sound like Drake, J. Cole, or Kendrick on this track?" and then he talks **** about people who call him a biter. Dude, if THAT many people are calling you a biter, you're a biter. Majority decides on that, quit being so full of yourself and start making more original music.

    It's unfortunate because songs like "City Of Stars" and "Young Jesus" are legitimately good songs that capture my attention. Sure, they sound like songs that other artists have done ("City Of Stars" sounds like a Kanye joint, "Young Jesus" sounds like Wu-Tang) but Logic is putting his own spin on it. That's what he should be doing on every song!

    That about sums it up.
  8. Apr 14, 2017
    To all the people who are hating... You probably cant understand the things hes rapping because your brain to too slow to comprehend.. Logic absolutely killed this **** One of the best hip hop albums of all time.. Nothing but respect for this dude for spitting peace, love, and positivity.
  9. Oct 18, 2016
    First off, this is a review about Logic as a whole. This was just the most relevant place to put it. Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, better known as Logic, one of the best musical artists currently producing music. All of his songs take inspiration from his own personal experiences, similar to infamous rapper Eminem. Logic has changed the current standard for rap music with his songs usedFirst off, this is a review about Logic as a whole. This was just the most relevant place to put it. Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, better known as Logic, one of the best musical artists currently producing music. All of his songs take inspiration from his own personal experiences, similar to infamous rapper Eminem. Logic has changed the current standard for rap music with his songs used countless times by many different critics as a standard to judge others by. Many other critics have admitted that personally they are the biggest fan of the rap genre, but also stated that Logic deserves respect whether you like him or not just because of how “real” and “modernized” he keeps it in his music.

    Yet you may be thinking “If his music has such quality he must not release that much.” Wrong. Logic has dropped an album every year for six years straight, his seventh releasing soon. In fact he’s currently working on two. How many people can you name that release music that frequently? Probably very few. Eminem hasn’t dropped a true album since 2013. Ty Dolla Sign is only on a three year streak, half of what Logic has. The list goes on and on.

    Logic recently blew up. His most popular song “Flexicution” peaked at 100 on the Billboard top 200 on July 23, 2016. He was recently featured on a song you may have heard of on Suicide Squad’s track “Sucker For Pain” by Twenty one Pilots. He has gotten way more recognition and popularity in the last year due to his album The Incredible True Story. In The Incredible True Story, better known as “where it all changed”, Logic features a story along with his songs. The story is of how humanity was almost wiped out by disease, destroyed the earth and left it in search for “Paradise”, a planet that is supposed to be able to support human life. Logic calls the snapshots of the story “Scenes” and the whole tale has been explained by Logic. Also as a warning for anyone wanting to check him out, his songs include profanity and some adult topics, so if that isn’t for you then you might want to find something else.

    But unlike other rappers, Logic doesn’t use profanity all throughout the song. Only in the places where it makes sense and is impactful on the song itself. Logic has mentioned in multiple interviews that he puts countless hours of dedication of into making his songs sound original and the best quality as he can. He once estimated that it takes roughly a month of time in hours (720) to make a album and a week of hours (168) to make a single track.

    Just because many people perceive the rap genre of the standards of artists such as Snoop Dogg or Wiz Khalifa, it doesn’t have to be about graphic situations or adult ideas. It can be about almost anything from dark past to bright future. Heres praying that the world doesn’t get wiped out by disease before Logic can drop his next album.
  10. Jul 17, 2017
    it's okay............................................................................................................................................................
  11. Nov 29, 2015
    For many artists this would be a great album, but I'm left feeling incredibly disappointed. Logic has the talent to be a legend, but once again he fails to use it effectively. First off, for an album branded as an ambitious concept album, the concept is very loosely strung together by a few skits with very little if any storyline in the actual songs. Like he did in Under Pressure, LogicFor many artists this would be a great album, but I'm left feeling incredibly disappointed. Logic has the talent to be a legend, but once again he fails to use it effectively. First off, for an album branded as an ambitious concept album, the concept is very loosely strung together by a few skits with very little if any storyline in the actual songs. Like he did in Under Pressure, Logic spends the majority of the album saying absolutely nothing of substance while figuratively screaming, "Look at me, I can rap fast!" I loved Logic's mixtapes and, like other hip hop fans and critics, recognize his extraordinary talent. But we're two albums in, and he hasn't done anything impressive in the slightest. It truly saddens me to say it, but I'm starting to think he's never going to fully deliver on his promise. ~ 7.5/10
    Best track: "City Of Stars": if only the whole album was this ambitious...also, his verse in the last two minutes of the song is phenomenal
    Other notable tracks: "Young Jesus", "I Am The Greatest" & "Stainless"
  12. May 6, 2017
    I LOVED the story in the album and the interlude scenes. It was so well thought out. Not only that, but Logic kept the music itself fresh and clearly did what he wanted to do. Nice work.
  13. Jan 9, 2019
    This is probably my favourite Logic album. I love concept albums anyway and this one is brilliant. The tracks are faultless (I like all of them but Paradise and Run It are top 2) and the backdrop story is a great idea that provides some welcome respite in between Logic's insanely fast spitting. I actually like the album it that much that I never skip any of the skits. What is alsoThis is probably my favourite Logic album. I love concept albums anyway and this one is brilliant. The tracks are faultless (I like all of them but Paradise and Run It are top 2) and the backdrop story is a great idea that provides some welcome respite in between Logic's insanely fast spitting. I actually like the album it that much that I never skip any of the skits. What is also impressive is how most of Logic's bars tie back in with the overall space concept. You can tell he put a lot of thought into this and it pays off. Expand
  14. Nov 25, 2015
    T.I.T.S.A.T.O.T.M.W.S.T.W is an amazing Audio Cinematic Experience that mainly occurs in sonic form. It is impressive sci-fi concept album about 2 space travelers in the year 2115, Quentin Thomas and William Kai, who are on a journey in a space station called babel to find a new planet to inhabit ("Paradise") as we as humans have destroyed Earth. The last human footprint was left on EarthT.I.T.S.A.T.O.T.M.W.S.T.W is an amazing Audio Cinematic Experience that mainly occurs in sonic form. It is impressive sci-fi concept album about 2 space travelers in the year 2115, Quentin Thomas and William Kai, who are on a journey in a space station called babel to find a new planet to inhabit ("Paradise") as we as humans have destroyed Earth. The last human footprint was left on Earth in the year 2065 as all the resources were used up and famine struck and Earth's population went from the billions to the millions. The remaining population is about 5 million, all of whom live on Babel. Now, they believe they have found a planet that the humans can inhabit to rebuild the human race.

    And I know what you're thinking, all the albums songs are going to be so futuristic and weird sounding and all about space and aliens and all that good stuff. However, Logic being the creative genius he is constructed a way for people who do not enjoy sci-fi stuff to still love the music. The reason being is even though the album takes place in 2115 the music on the album is actually "oldies" that Thomas and Kai have been listening to on their journey to Paradise. You see what he did there? So the central theme of the album takes place in 2115 but the music is from 2015, so it is album inside an album. Feel the inception yet? So the music is just todays hip-hop/Rap with skits(scenes) thrown into the album throughout that provide the story happening in 2015, i personally enjoy the skits by the way they are definitely worth your time.
    Overall this album is just Logic being Logic making great music that has a story. I will for sure have this album on repeat for a long time
  15. Jul 28, 2019
    There's a bit to like about this project. It has a really cool concept, the skits are actually colorful and funny, and sonically it is very well done. This is also prior to Logic's unbearable lyrical drop off, so there are some interesting bars. The main negative is it just way too long and his blatant biting of more talented artists. It's a decent project, but it kind of feels like it'sThere's a bit to like about this project. It has a really cool concept, the skits are actually colorful and funny, and sonically it is very well done. This is also prior to Logic's unbearable lyrical drop off, so there are some interesting bars. The main negative is it just way too long and his blatant biting of more talented artists. It's a decent project, but it kind of feels like it's being graded on a curve. Expand
  16. Oct 5, 2017
    I feel Logic is really trying to accomplish what Under Pressure did in 2014, but I feel he only partially succeeds. He still has good production, and good rapping and flow, but I feel this is the most decent album Logic has ever made. 7/10
  17. Aug 16, 2018
    Definitely the best Logic album, felt by far the most high-effort and versatile and fully fleshed out
  18. Oct 21, 2018
    The entire album is great. Every song is solid and the scenes really create a story for us to immerse ourselves in.
  19. Dec 3, 2018
    Logic's best album of his career in my opinion. He flows spectacularly throughout the project as he winds us through the story of a couple of men and a robot on their quest for a new home, which they finally reach at the conclusion of the album: "Paradise".
  20. Aug 25, 2022
    Logic tries to hard almost every time pushing him to create pretensions sham philosophical rap that fails ar being fun or political
  21. Aug 17, 2019
    The Acronym for this album is **** need I say more?

    Best Tracks: Never Been, Contact, The Incredible True Story, Young Jesus, City of Stars, Lord Willin',
    Paradise, I am the Greatest, Like Woah.
    Worst Tracks:Upgrade
  22. Sep 26, 2019
    Absolue Masterpiece.
    Best album of 2015
    I love the chill kinda jazzy atmosphere, smooth rapping and great beats.
    Best songs on here are Innermission, City Of Stars.
  23. Kmi
    Sep 18, 2020
    This album is so, so close to a 10. Logic really takes his sound to the next level, making it sound more refined and slicker than his previous effort. The tracklist is great and every song sounds unique. Overall, Logic outdoes himself. Again.
  24. Jun 9, 2020
    This was an amazing experience! Thank you Logic, for this incredible album.
  25. May 16, 2021
    Logic doesn’t disappoint after a incredible debut album this project isn’t as great as under pressure but it is damn good Logic mixes a science fiction story with hip hop to make a great concept album.
  26. Jan 26, 2022
    Very good lyrics and flows from logic. The skits are cool as well and make the album fun to listen to.
  27. Sep 5, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great production and samples, perfect for whatever taste you have. One of the best Logic albums. Expand
  28. Jan 24, 2021
    Definitely doesn't beat its predecessor, but still an incredible product. Very cinematic, this gives me incredible 90's Sci-Fi vibes, likely due to Steve Blums voice acting (I love Cowboy Bebop). When it comes to music, songs like Fade Away and Stainless are incredibly enjoyable and show that before his fall off, Logic really was a great rapper.
  29. Feb 26, 2021
    I don't enjoy it as much as UP, NP, BT, and YSWTF, but it is still i nice time.
  30. Oct 26, 2022
    Muy bueno, concepto muy original, cada canción es buena y no se sienten forzadas en el proyecto.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. The Source
    Mar 9, 2016
    Save a few moments of "over-rapping," his pen is sharp and succinct, void of dull or filler moments. [Dec/Jan 2016, p.90]
  2. Nov 19, 2015
    There's enough variation in energy and production to keep the listener engaged throughout, and several times there are sudden drops into another beat entirely in the middle of a song.
  3. Nov 19, 2015
    The Incredible True Story is both the overt and organic progression of an accomplished emcee maneuvering in his comfort zone past potential pitfalls.