• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2016
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 294 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 294
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  1. Jun 17, 2016
    I'm a big fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers and I just want to say that this is their best album since By The Way but it is quite equal to Stadium Arcadium. it represents an innovation of their music after an album called "I'm With You". Great! I would give 9.5 but I can give 10! I'm with You: 8.0; Stadium Arcadium: 9.0; By The Way: 9.75. The best album is Blood Sugar Sex Magic
  2. Jun 17, 2016
    The Red Hot Chili Peppers' 11th studio album is by far one of their most experimentally beautiful piece of collective art that they've made. You can really hear the 'in-your-face' energy flowing through them with every track, with many unforgettable and catchy choruses and some unique, more prominant guitar work from Josh Klinghoffer. Overall, an excellent album!
  3. Jun 18, 2016
    Have always loved the evolving/changing of the RHCP while hanging on the melody. As the years have went on, Keidis's voice is unique, as if their style. That being said, this album is (intentional or not) is geared for the radio. Where is the edge? Where are the dark undertones? By the 3 or so song, you can the direction of this album-with few exceptions. Too sweet for me.
  4. Jun 27, 2016
    It's serves as an exemplary model to young artists of what happens when you have nothing to say and filter it through a concept that's been beaten to death. If I had a friend who claimed to still like this band, there would be an intervention.
  5. Jul 10, 2016
    I hate smart, intelligent rock and roll. Here are the 5 things that happened to them, in order of importance:

    1. John Frusciante left.
    2. They left Rick Rubin.
    3. They are not writing songs, they are writing "compositions."
    4. They got a keyboard player.
    5. They got a bongo player (WTF?)

    As for the CD, I still have to give it a one, because I can give it away now.
  6. Jun 17, 2016
    Don't listen to the music critics. Sometimes I wonder how they even have jobs. This album is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!! Hands down in their top 3 best albums ever. Maybe even #2. Just listen to it and form your own opinion (except you're an idiot if you don't like it).
  7. Jun 17, 2016
    after being really disappointed with i'm with you, i'm again completely under the spell. i have to congratulate them to put an album like this and for taking danger mouse as a producer.
    i read somewhere 'not the classic chili peppers but it will make you remember why you love them', i completely agree.
    besides sick love (completely outplaced), i absolutely love each track. I am
    after being really disappointed with i'm with you, i'm again completely under the spell. i have to congratulate them to put an album like this and for taking danger mouse as a producer.
    i read somewhere 'not the classic chili peppers but it will make you remember why you love them', i completely agree.
    besides sick love (completely outplaced), i absolutely love each track. I am completely surprised by some of them and i have that feeling that takes me to one hot minute and by the way, meaning: deeper, more experimental and more melodic.
    the last track is like transcending + venice queen kind of feeling. perfect ending to a brilliant solid album.
    to be perfect, just one track of pure funky old days.
  8. Jun 23, 2016
    I was presently surprised by The Getaway. I don't get critics... of course it sounds like the Chili Peppers, but not having listened to RHCP is a while, I've had the benefit of some distance. I think there is a definite and positive progression in their music demonstrated on this album. A greater level of sophistication. Are they supposed to stay the same? Yes and no, according toI was presently surprised by The Getaway. I don't get critics... of course it sounds like the Chili Peppers, but not having listened to RHCP is a while, I've had the benefit of some distance. I think there is a definite and positive progression in their music demonstrated on this album. A greater level of sophistication. Are they supposed to stay the same? Yes and no, according to the critics. You can't have it both ways. Definitely worth your time. Expand
  9. Jun 17, 2016
    Now THIS is what I call an album. The Getaway is pure bliss from start to finish. The songs flow together nicely, but there's quite a bit of variety here to keep it interesting, and I think that's my favorite thing about it. There are moments that are full of energy and others that are deeply introspective and melancholy. This album leaves little to be wanted, and the fact that it allNow THIS is what I call an album. The Getaway is pure bliss from start to finish. The songs flow together nicely, but there's quite a bit of variety here to keep it interesting, and I think that's my favorite thing about it. There are moments that are full of energy and others that are deeply introspective and melancholy. This album leaves little to be wanted, and the fact that it all works together so nicely is quite stunning. A fantastic effort from one of the most innovative bands out there. Expand
  10. Jun 17, 2016
    This album is definitely leagues ahead of I'm With You. Very chill sounding and a lot of experimentation we havent heard before from the peppers. I think this is one of my favorite albums by them.
  11. Jun 17, 2016
    'The Getaway' is very different to anything the Chilis have done before, and has a nice fresh feeling to it. Josh Klinghoffer is really growing into his role, and, in my opinion, this is the best album since Stadium Arcadium. Experimental, yes, but the risks pay off.
  12. Jun 17, 2016
    Far different of a sound than "I'm with you", RHCP created something of a combination of the classic Peppers, and the hit-filled pop sound, with "The Getaway". While the album overall is interesting, none of the songs particularly stand out, or are memorable. Overall the album is good, but compared to the monumental "Stadium Arcadium", it is ultimately forgettable.
  13. May 22, 2019
    As much as I liked the Frusciante era, I'm glad that it's over. "The Getaway" is the reinvention of the RHCP sound that " I'm With You" should have been.
  14. Jun 17, 2016
    RHCP never disappoint, every single album is different from the other. You can't expect something like "By the Way" or "Blood Sugar Sex". They grow as a group and as a person, you can definitely see this evolution inside this album.
    The Getaway is their best work since "By the Way", even if you don't like their new style, they are solid and they are searching and exploring new ways to
    RHCP never disappoint, every single album is different from the other. You can't expect something like "By the Way" or "Blood Sugar Sex". They grow as a group and as a person, you can definitely see this evolution inside this album.
    The Getaway is their best work since "By the Way", even if you don't like their new style, they are solid and they are searching and exploring new ways to express their feelings.
    "The longest wave", "Sick Love", "The Hunter", instant classics.
  15. Jul 10, 2016
    One Hot Minute lacked inspiration, but at least it had enthusiasm. This is adult contemporary rock. I can't believe how boring they've become. I guess we all get old.
  16. Jun 20, 2016
    Better then "I'm with you", not quite at the "Stadium Arcadium" or "By the Way level". There are about 7 good songs (first half of the album mostly), of which 3-4 are great. The song quality "fades" for the second half of the album. Best songs: Dark Necessities, Go Robot, Sick Love, Longest Wave.
  17. Sep 23, 2016
    RHCP - The Getaway.
    Premise: I'm literally going crazy for this album!
    1- The Getaway (Perfect preview of the album. New, fresh song) 2- Dark Necessities (Great! Great! Great! As usual) 3- We Turn Red (If you like drums, you'll love this song!) 4- The Longest Wave (Wow. I listen this song every single day at least 10 times! Great lyrics) 5- Goodbye Angels (Good song. You cannot
    RHCP - The Getaway.
    Premise: I'm literally going crazy for this album!

    1- The Getaway (Perfect preview of the album. New, fresh song)
    2- Dark Necessities (Great! Great! Great! As usual)
    3- We Turn Red (If you like drums, you'll love this song!)
    4- The Longest Wave (Wow. I listen this song every single day at least 10 times! Great lyrics)
    5- Goodbye Angels (Good song. You cannot stop to repeat all the "Ayo ayo ayo ayo my girl".Very dark lyrics, btw!)
    6- Sick Love (Very nostalgic, but I really like the sound. Ah, it features Elton John on piano :) )
    7- Go Robot (so 80's. So cool!)
    8- Feasting on the Flowers (The sound remembers R&B. It is a fresh breath, good stuff)
    9- Detroit (A bit of rock!)
    10- This Ticonderoga (Oh yes! Energetic, really nice song!)
    11- Encore (Amazing and very nostalgic song. "Hey, you are fine"...)
    12- The Hunter (The piano here is beautiful!)
    13- Dream of A Samurai (Damn, this is a gem!)

    Absolutely a great album. In my opinion the best album of 2016 so far.
  18. Oct 5, 2016
    Just a brilliant album. Every song is superb and it's not often you can say that about an album. Think it may be down to Danger Mouse being in charge of production. To adapt is to survive, and ‘The Getaway’ lives up to its name. As one review put it " A band reborn? Possibly. Refined? Definitely. The brilliance of ‘The Getaway’ is in its subtleties, which define their most intimate andJust a brilliant album. Every song is superb and it's not often you can say that about an album. Think it may be down to Danger Mouse being in charge of production. To adapt is to survive, and ‘The Getaway’ lives up to its name. As one review put it " A band reborn? Possibly. Refined? Definitely. The brilliance of ‘The Getaway’ is in its subtleties, which define their most intimate and expressive album to date, and suggest that, after 32 years, the Chilis can still keep us guessing. " , let's hope the next album is just as good if not better, but that's going to be a big ask after this one. Expand
  19. JMX
    Jun 17, 2016
    One of the best albums of the year. Fresh and innovative. This album lets the heavy **** rock take a back seat. While this might be concerning for hardcore fans don't worry. As a fan of their pre BSSM albums I was blown away. This is their most consistent work since BSSM and their most experimental album ever. Critics obviously have not given it more than a half hearted first impression.One of the best albums of the year. Fresh and innovative. This album lets the heavy **** rock take a back seat. While this might be concerning for hardcore fans don't worry. As a fan of their pre BSSM albums I was blown away. This is their most consistent work since BSSM and their most experimental album ever. Critics obviously have not given it more than a half hearted first impression. (Too caught up reviewing Ariana and Bieber). The rhcp combine funk rock, psychedelia, disco, punk, and other genres to create a colorful album that sounds better with each listen. Even if you love their more energetic rap rock style, this album is definitely worth a try. Stunning. Expand
  20. Jun 17, 2016
    A beautiful reinvention of a legendary band, which can even after 30 years surprise us in a very positive way.

    The sound is new, but still familiar and you can recognize the Chilli's right at the first listen. The mixture of musical styles may seem a little too adventurous, but overall it is a great piece of art worth listening. The tracks I personally highlight: Dark Necessities,
    A beautiful reinvention of a legendary band, which can even after 30 years surprise us in a very positive way.

    The sound is new, but still familiar and you can recognize the Chilli's right at the first listen.

    The mixture of musical styles may seem a little too adventurous, but overall it is a great piece of art worth listening.

    The tracks I personally highlight: Dark Necessities, Goodbye Angels, Go robot, Encore
  21. Jun 18, 2016
    This album is clearly an evolution from "I'm With You" and its b-side songs, which places Josh as a something-more than just a stopgap. RHCP return to their roots with powerful bass-lines, solos and songs that clearly came from a hard-jam session. Although some kind experimental throughout the album, sure sounds as a successful experiment so far. The score is undoubtedly 10, because madeThis album is clearly an evolution from "I'm With You" and its b-side songs, which places Josh as a something-more than just a stopgap. RHCP return to their roots with powerful bass-lines, solos and songs that clearly came from a hard-jam session. Although some kind experimental throughout the album, sure sounds as a successful experiment so far. The score is undoubtedly 10, because made me get back in time and, at the same time, addicted to this new masterpiece. Expand
  22. Jun 17, 2016
    "Dark Necessities", "We Turn Red", "Goodbye Angels", "Detroit" and "This Ticonderoga" are new classics from RHCP. This is their best album in this century together with "Stadium Arcadium". There's a real evolution of Josh in relation to "I'm With You", and I give a 10/10 because this really surprised me. Long live to Red Hot Chili Peppers who make a real good music today. Beside of"Dark Necessities", "We Turn Red", "Goodbye Angels", "Detroit" and "This Ticonderoga" are new classics from RHCP. This is their best album in this century together with "Stadium Arcadium". There's a real evolution of Josh in relation to "I'm With You", and I give a 10/10 because this really surprised me. Long live to Red Hot Chili Peppers who make a real good music today. Beside of "Blackstar" from Bowie and Radiohead's "A Moon Shaped Pool", "The Getaway" is the best album released this year until now. Expand
  23. Jun 17, 2016
    Greatly surprised by the quality in this album ! There is almost no filler, I think it maybe the most consistent red hot chili peppers record. It is up there with their best CDs. They even try some progressive stuff in dream of samurai. Good and well calculated risk taking.
  24. Jun 17, 2016
    I have no words. One of the best albums of the decade so far.
    Kiedis is better than ever and Klinghoffer too. Maybe is Top 4 of the band. "The Getaway" is the reinvention of the RHCP sound!
  25. Jun 17, 2016
    If you were a fan of Stadium, you'll probably like this. Those of us who enjoyed RHCP when they were edgy, wise, funky and unflinching will be disappointed. Kiedis mails it in virtually every song, and he's still writing the cringe-worthy lyrics we've been hearing since, well, forever. He just has so little conviction it's impossible not to switch the song. The band sounds great, if aIf you were a fan of Stadium, you'll probably like this. Those of us who enjoyed RHCP when they were edgy, wise, funky and unflinching will be disappointed. Kiedis mails it in virtually every song, and he's still writing the cringe-worthy lyrics we've been hearing since, well, forever. He just has so little conviction it's impossible not to switch the song. The band sounds great, if a little over-professional. Worth a listen for fans, but don't expect anything you'll put on a career best-of mix. Expand
  26. Jun 17, 2016
    The Getaway is the sound of the chili peppers back on form. It's a perfect blend of familiar and new sounds. So replacing Rick Rubin with Danger Mouse and Nigel Godrich was and excellent choice after all. It positively affected their songwriting and sparked a previously missing dose of creativity.
    "Dark Necessities" was a good choice for the first single, but with that I come to maybe
    The Getaway is the sound of the chili peppers back on form. It's a perfect blend of familiar and new sounds. So replacing Rick Rubin with Danger Mouse and Nigel Godrich was and excellent choice after all. It positively affected their songwriting and sparked a previously missing dose of creativity.
    "Dark Necessities" was a good choice for the first single, but with that I come to maybe the biggest flaw that's not really a flaw of the album. I'm convinced that there aren't any pop stand out tracks like they always had in the past. So there won't be a new ''Snow'' or ''Californication'' born in this song cycle.
    But as I said before that's not really a flaw. In my opinion that's a sign that they are maturing as artists. That shows mostly in their arrangements. They are better then ever.
    To conclude all of this I would have to say that this album shows them maturing both as people and artists. Maybe they aren't at the peak of their career. But they never used their potential as well as in this album.
  27. Jun 18, 2016
    New RHCP ? Great! But this album is..not what funs they could expect. This is regress, another after Im With You retreat from funk-rock style ? BSSM was progress! OHM other, new, heavier, a little darker style, but still there was a funk, now given in a different way.
    After first song i think where is classic good rock-funk style ? Ok, there was Fight Like a Brave, Give It Away, Shallow
    New RHCP ? Great! But this album is..not what funs they could expect. This is regress, another after Im With You retreat from funk-rock style ? BSSM was progress! OHM other, new, heavier, a little darker style, but still there was a funk, now given in a different way.
    After first song i think where is classic good rock-funk style ? Ok, there was Fight Like a Brave, Give It Away, Shallow Be Thy Game but maybe only 1st track is like that...whole album will be better.
    When I heard the rest of the presented songs, maybe they fu(c)nk wiht us ? Maybe they show worst album tracks at the beginning ?
    Structure of the songs make them boredom, now almost all are too soft, slow with too much sleepy choruses, too much squeaky backing vocals. Female vocal is Ok, but if almoast all are same ? Its greats songs for all pop commercial radio stations.
    30-60 seconds solo ? Maybe in one song but in most older stuff we have much more guitars in the first plan. Now with Josh we dont habe guitars or they are push on third plan.
    Where are funk, trumpet ?
    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Yertle the Turtle - nozems-a-gogo -- to check on YT (links prohibited) ?
    The Greeting Song - soft Anthony vocal but look on tempo of the song...
    Sir Psycho Sexy - 7/25/1999 - Woodstock 99 East Stage - to check on YT (links prohibited) ? 7-8 min song!
    And no...Dreams of a Samurai is not the same! Anthony vocal style in Sir Psycho Sexy is muuch mooore funky and fun.
    Anthony vocal still has old style even on Californication but The Getaway ? OMG so boring.
    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Purple Stain (Album Version) - to check on YT
    "Red Hot Chili Peppers - Minor Thing - Live at MTV Jammed" - to check on YT
    but the newer album less good interesting, diverse of Anthony vocal style. Where shouts,rappin, sings a different timbre ?! So here we have much regress, nothing new (like some fun of new style try to sell their stuff to us).
    New album, new songs are so conventional. Refrain in nearly all songs are and soft, lulling ? Rock, funk-rock songs should have sometimes same or even faster/stronger/havier refrain.
    There are no more crazy guitar riffs like Hillel, John or even Navarro created in the past. No more Flea faster/heavier bass part. Sometimes bass appear, but not accompanied by enough fast drums, interesting riff.
    No more louder Chad drums. More expressive Anthony vocal ? Good joke. Trumpet, saxophone ? Sly and the Family Stone, James Brown, George Clinton..funk ?
    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Good God live in 2000 - to check on YT
    Where is Jimi Hendrix ?!
    Red Hot Chili Peppers Foxy Lady at Jimi Hendrix Tribute Show 1987 - to check on YT
    John Frusciante and Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Jimi Hendrix Experience" Jam to check YT

    Of course not all songs must be like No Chump Love Sucker, Warped, By the Way, Minor Thing, Sex Rap,
    (Red Hot Chili Peppers - Sex Rap - Live at La Cigale - to check on YT) Around The World but...But they have lost their old style, someting magic. There is no more funk energy, rock kick with great riffs, solos. Even Yertle The Turtle or Purple Stain wasnt fast and heavy but was cool, isnt it ?
    I was hoping for something new, not new poprock stuff. Maybe they should take to produce with Michael Beinhorn ? Buddies form Fishbone ? For eg last Pearl Jam, FNM or Black Sabbath albums still bring sth good music.
    Now almost all tracks are extremely soft, slow, sleepy choruses. No more guitars in the first plan, solos, miss funky style, craziness, varied songs.Probably some people (certain people are bieber sub/fans on YT) will like it, especially if they arent interested in their funk-rock style (Brown, Clinton, guitars like Hendrix), they like all pop songs, a shame to waste their style for crap like creativity.
  28. Jun 23, 2016
    The boys have come through again. This album is unique!! They have evolved with time and I agree Josh comes into his own on this album which he needed too. I think Anthony, Flea and Chad needed to trust Josh more and this album proves they have. There are at least 9 great songs on this album, the other 4 also very good. There are signs of One Hot minute, Californication, By the Way andThe boys have come through again. This album is unique!! They have evolved with time and I agree Josh comes into his own on this album which he needed too. I think Anthony, Flea and Chad needed to trust Josh more and this album proves they have. There are at least 9 great songs on this album, the other 4 also very good. There are signs of One Hot minute, Californication, By the Way and Stadium spread through the 13 songs which make it a sensational album. For the detractors listen to it 3-4 times and you'll be hooked. Expand
  29. Jul 11, 2016
    An excellent album, as with a lot of Chili Peppers albums this one took a little while to grow on me but once it did the depth and quality of the album revealed itself. There are no real weak spots on this album, the songwriting is very mature and there are some truely beautiful songs on here (The Hunter). I would say this is one of the most consistant and mature albums that the RHCPs haveAn excellent album, as with a lot of Chili Peppers albums this one took a little while to grow on me but once it did the depth and quality of the album revealed itself. There are no real weak spots on this album, the songwriting is very mature and there are some truely beautiful songs on here (The Hunter). I would say this is one of the most consistant and mature albums that the RHCPs have ever done.
    This is also a very interesting and experimental album which deviates from the chili peppers usual funk rock fusion sound into piano driven ballards and prog. I wrote this off as boring at first listen but boy was I wrong! Now I can't stop listening to it.
  30. Jul 23, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Really bad and boring album, sounds like an improvised work of constrution as they were recording a demo, with various kind of mellows from the beginning to the end which give a general sense of frustration, following the usual repetitive style of their last records. They were probably attempting to create some different music even if they got pretty much old now, but they just obtained another mockery from people who dislike the band. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 21, 2016
    The Getaway is generally a surprising success--the sound of a band having the intelligence to know when the time has come to move on and having the skill to actually achieve it.
  2. Jul 1, 2016
    They’re an easy punchline, in fairness--perennial whipping boys, probably deserving of a break at some point--but when they continue to churn out nonsensical self-parody, Red Hot Chili Peppers’ continued stratospheric success is nothing short of baffling.
  3. Q Magazine
    Jun 29, 2016
    An odd, deliberately unpunchy comeback. [Aug 2016, p.114]