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Universal acclaim- based on 1674 Ratings

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  1. Aug 14, 2011
    Even though she has 6-7 uber-mega hits, a different personality and different fashion, I cannot see anything more. Yes, I'm a gaga fan but next to fame monster and BTW, this just bubbly pop. I love 3-4 of the songs but rest, nah.
  2. Mar 17, 2012
    Strengths: compelling listen, great for working out, perfect for dance parties etc.

    Weaknesses: too suggestive, overly dirty, can't relate much, repetitive and contrived sound after a while, etc.
  3. Mar 23, 2012
    A brilliant pop album. It's been over three years since I got this album and I still love it.
  4. Mar 26, 2012
    The Fame, despite having quite a lot of filler, is a good debut album from Lady Gaga. It's full of happy tracks which make you want to dance your butt to all night long. It's not perfect, far from it. Gaga does it better when she extended it, but it's quite a good start nonetheless
  5. Apr 2, 2012
    She is The Queen of POP Music. a Title she deserves. She has the most followers on Twitter, was the first on Facebook, Was the first to reach 1 billion, then 2 billion views on YouTube, with World records under her belt (or high heels) she is what pop music lacked. .
  6. Apr 7, 2012
    Love this album, Lady GaGa was amazing, the singles was amazing, Poker Face was epic, LOVE this album. So, Born This Way is my favorite. The Fame Monster so amazing too.
  7. Apr 26, 2012
    Gaga made a great first album. All of her singles were solid hits. I had the Fame Monster which was really good. Her songs are poppy, yet creative. She has a great voice to back it all up with.
  8. May 28, 2012
    One Of The Greatest Debut Albums Of All Time!
    Amazing Style Of Music!
  9. Jun 15, 2012
    Inspired by dancing rhythms of the disco, the album became a hit of 2008. The star became a star. Poker Face is most popular song EVER. Album of 2000's.
  10. Jun 25, 2012
    This album is full of "catchy" songs about fame. Its influential, but in the wrong direction. Highlights: Eh Eh Nothing That I Can Say

    Lowlights: Gaga's autotuned/robotic vocals

  11. Nov 20, 2012
    Come on people, you can't think that this album is actually good! The lyrics don't tell the listener anything and the music is only electronic music, which is, however, not so bad. But The Fame is just another stupid pop album. The idea of catchy dance pop songs only adds up three times. The rest is quite poor stuff and you really don't have to listen to this album.
  12. Mar 16, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the most enjoyable albums I ever heard, sounds different and variable, "Brown Eyes" surprised me, a simple and touching song, I never expected that from Gaga, but she did it, "Poker Face", "Just Dance" and "LoveGame" are the most dancing musics ever, and tracks like "Paper Gangsta", "Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" keep the album balanced and highlighting. Expand
  13. Sep 3, 2012
    Is there any thing that's not on this disc from heaven. Surpassing other artists suck as Britney Spears and Beyonce, GaGa has outdone The Beatles and Queen with uptempo grooves like Just Dance and Poker Face alongside the most touching song ever: Brown Eyes. Is there something she can't do?
  14. Nov 14, 2012
    The first album of Lady Gaga shows how good musician she is, even being a young woman. It shows her great voice and performances, i like each song because all are so great and lively and the lyrics are so funny and intertesting.
  15. Dec 5, 2012
    I like this record but I think this is not the best record from her ( i think it's the """"""worst""""" she only got great records ). Gummy songs and Gaga has growed up and i think ARTPOP will smash others
  16. Mar 11, 2013
    She is one of the artists who is redefining pop music. This album is all about "the fame", which can be taken literally or sarcastically, depending on how you look at it. Her voice is phenomenal and she blends many decades into one record pretty perfectly.
  17. Mar 24, 2013
    Just A Amazing Debut! The Best Album Of 2008 Along With Katy Perry's One Of The Boys!
  18. Mar 28, 2013
    This album was fine. "Poker Face" and "LoveGame" stood out above the rest of the tracks.
  19. Dec 3, 2013
    A half electropop album mouth that piggybacked on the Blackout by Britney Spears. Gaga tries to get influences from David Bowie to merge with their pop music, but fails in the attempt. The Fame is showing a frustrating and extremely pretentious debut.
  20. May 4, 2015
    JT's best album so far hands down and better than part 1 without any doubts .
    Give me what i dont know Murder True Blood Amnesia are the kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  21. Mar 26, 2017
    Extremely shallow, even for a pop record. The production is fine in a few tracks, that's why I gave it 1 point. The lyrics, the themes, the voice... Just bad.

    Papparazzi is a very nice song and Just Dance is ok. The rest of it... nah.
  22. Sep 4, 2020
    Flojisimo, de tantas canciones, todas salvo Just Dance y Paparazzi, son olvidables.
  23. Nov 24, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference...
  24. Feb 13, 2017
    Eu amo a gaga, mas esse album é horrivel, minha casa explodiu, só presta os singles, serio muito ruim aaaaaaaaaaaa, gaga rainha mas nao da pra defender esse e o seu pior trabalho
  25. Dec 16, 2020
    A estreia dela ate começou bem, mas copiou os looks da Gwen Stefani e Kylie Minogue, como sempre a Lady Xerox.
  26. Jul 25, 2020
    Asco. Urge cancelación para ella y sus fans que son unas ratas. Urge exterminarla
  27. Aug 29, 2020
    Coragem ter que ter para ouvir algo tão ruim. As poucas faixas boas foram as que ficaram conhecidas.
  28. Jan 10, 2021
    Me encanta este album las mejores canciones de Lady Gaga y la mejor artista del mundo es la reina del pop si que lo es
  29. Mar 19, 2021
    Listen a little closer to the sly, snarky lyrics and glam grooves on this feisty debut and you'll hear that this former downtown New York spice girl has at least a few things on her dirty mind.
  30. Nov 27, 2011
    Just Dance 10/10 Great Opener!
    Lovegame 9/10 I Fell This Song Is Magic... But Its Just Lacking A Little Peter Pan...
    Paparazzi 10/10 Great Great! Poker Face 10/10 Magical! Eh Eh (Nothng Else I Can Say) 10/10 Honestly I Love This Track Critic's Said "What Happed?" And Slammed The Song... Beautiful, Dirty, Rich 10/10 It Sounds Like A Song From The 90's! The Fame 8/10 Its Good.. Its
    Just Dance 10/10 Great Opener!
    Lovegame 9/10 I Fell This Song Is Magic... But Its Just Lacking A Little Peter Pan...
    Paparazzi 10/10 Great Great!
    Poker Face 10/10 Magical!
    Eh Eh (Nothng Else I Can Say) 10/10 Honestly I Love This Track Critic's Said "What Happed?" And Slammed The Song...
    Beautiful, Dirty, Rich 10/10 It Sounds Like A Song From The 90's! The Fame 8/10 Its Good.. Its Just Not Eh Eh Good...
    Money Honey 10/10
    Starstruck 8/10 Its Still A Good Song...It Just Never Stuck Out To Me.. Although It Did To Others..
    Boys Boys Boys 10/10 Sounds Like A Song From The 90's!
    Paper Gangsta 10/10 One Of My Favorite Tracks Off The Album... Because This Song Is Not Her Type Of Music! Its Different...
    Brown Eyes 8/10 The Most "Slow Dance" Song On The Album
    I Like It Rough 8/10 I Think Its A Filler Summer Boy 7/10 Its Not Bad.. But Its NOT GAGA At All.... To Pop....... I Smell A Filler!
    Disco Heaven 10/10 The Magic Starts Again!
    Again Again 10/10 Great!
    Retro Dance Freak 10/10 Its Great, But It Sounds Like Gwen Stefani.. But Thats Not Bad!

    OK The Worst Songs On The Album ARE:
    I Like It Rough & Summer Boys

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Fueled by heavy dance tracks and popping electronic beats, The Fame, the first album by the glamorous Lady Gaga, is a well-crafted sampling of feisty anti-pop in high quality.
  2. The full-length The Fame proves she's more than one hit and a bag of stage tricks.
  3. Listen a little closer to the sly, snarky lyrics and glam grooves on this feisty debut and you'll hear that this former downtown New York spice girl has at least a few things on her dirty mind.