• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Sonic Youth's freedom to follow their bliss is what holds The Eternal together; just as paradoxically, the changes they make on this album not only bring excitement to their music, they reaffirm just how consistently good the band has been--and continues to be--over the years.
  2. Alternative Press
    They're still delivering more aural discovery and attitude than both their weary, uninspired colleagues and the legion of fumbling neophyte upstarts combined. [Jul 2009, p.130]
  3. The three-guitar interplay, moderated by bassist Mark Ibold and Steve Shelley on drums, is confident if briefly indulgent ('Walkin Blue'), but Sonic Youth reigns in those tendencies for the most part, making The Eternal its most straightforward album yet.
  4. Hitting a second stride with "Murray Street" in 2002, the band maintains its leadership position among melodic noise-makers with The Eternal, which is so chock-full of hummable pop hooks you'd think a hit doctor lent a hand.
  5. Ingredients from those progressive forays ensure that the new tunes sound fresh even as the album is marked with such Sonic signatures as artful contrasts and angular arrangements.
  6. Really, everything is utterly in its right place on The Eternal, which is also its most glaring flaw, and its this lack of the new that makes it kind of a bummer, though, at the least, a pleasant one.
  7. It's well-built, yes, but almost too well built, many parts sounding like they've been lifted directly from SY's vast back catalogue and slotted into place, like a jigsaw that needed completing, rather than the sprawling documents of noise and confusion this band's name is built upon.
  8. Yes, The Eternal is “Another Sonic Youth Record” but it’s also “Another Good Sonic Youth record”, revealing its finer details gradually, even if there’s no fundamentally new approach, arrangement, or message, in any of the songs.
  9. The Eternal is a rock group playing at the peak of their powers: assured but not ‘comfortable,’ and free with each other.
  10. The Eternal offers a sort of survey course in SY history, careering from their early art-school atonality to the more melodically sophisticated compositions of later years. The problem is, none of it looks forward; in spelunking through the past, the band seems to have forgotten to unearth anything new.
  11. Filter
    All the things you love about Sonic Youth are here, just a little fewer and further between than you'd like. [Spring 2009, p.93]
  12. It's Sonic Youth's most compelling album in years.
  13. The music remains ageless and weird, fueled on chaos and clarity, but these are songs, not sound experiments for their own sake.
  14. The Eternal is absorbing and raw, from the slower, affable 'Antenna' to the pounding 'Poison Arrow.'
  15. Mojo
    Almost three decades into their journey, age has only emboldened them. [Jul 2009, p.99]
  16. Over Thurston and Lee's combustible tunings and Steve's strong beat, they've long since learned to construct memorable tunes track in and track out.
  17. Ultimately, The Eternal acts as a fitting and timeless aide-memoire of everything this mighty band has ever achieved.
  18. Both cerebral and corporeal, sacred and profane, The Eternal sees this band approach the level of The Velvet Underground, where chaos and beauty ravish each other within the same song. Clever old sods.
  19. It's certainly heavier, but it's tuneful and heavy at the same time.
  20. The band’s put together one of their more accessible albums, full of immediate thrills instead of drawn-out weirdness.
  21. Still sounding like an evening in your company will encompass discussions of Yves Klein and Lindsay Lohan? Check, check, check. But still cool.
  22. These songs aren’t purely doom and gloom; they’re not tons of fun either, but hope and curiosity abound, even if they’re not easy to spot on first listen.
  23. At the very least, some excellent songs lurk among these 12 tracks, and there's enough potential for debate about which are which to make The Eternal worthy of Sonic Youth's singular canon.
  24. Its indulgent length--just shy of the ten-minute mark--reflects The Eternal’s most glaring weakness: a lengthy running time that undermines its focus on careening, punkish abandon over measured songwriting.
  25. Q Magazine
    Refreshingly, nothing outstays its welcome, not even nine-minute closer 'Massage The History.' [Jul 2009, p.124]
  26. The irony is that The Eternal might be their most concise record ever. It's also a rock & roll ass-kicker.
  27. Married since 1984, the couple has reached a level of easy rapport that makes their collaborations feel warmly alive. Hopefully the band's sound won't continue to settle into the same kind of comfortable informality.
  28. The Eternal is simply just another confirmation that Sonic Youth is one of the most essential---if not the most essential---indie collectives of the past thirty years.
  29. The songs on The Eternal are more conventionally rock-oriented than any in Sonic Youth’s career, yet the album doesn’t really sound like a departure.
  30. The Eternal is a fun, superficial tangent, disappointing in its regressiveness but enjoyable as long you don't examine it too closely.
  31. There is an excitable, almost naive quality to its visceral riffs and enthusiastic name-checks of artists, poets and countercultural figures.
  32. So here’s a Sonic Youth record in which Ms. Gordon sings all the best stuff.
  33. The Eternal is accessible, listenable, and all the rest: another consistent album from the consistent rock band Sonic Youth.
  34. 60
    Good, but the exciting notion of a genuine career left turn feels increasingly unlikely.
  35. Under The Radar
    This is the sound of a band at its most self-aware, tuggging gently at the boundaries of their trademark sound to gorgeous effect. [Summer 2009, p.68]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 78 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 58 out of 78
  2. Negative: 17 out of 78
  1. Aug 20, 2013
    Pitchfork can keep their 6.8 and 2009 obsession with the glo-fi fad; this ranks (and rocks) just as well as any of SY's excellent 2000s albumsPitchfork can keep their 6.8 and 2009 obsession with the glo-fi fad; this ranks (and rocks) just as well as any of SY's excellent 2000s albums and their late 80s triptych. It will likely remain underrated for years to come because it lacks some of the hazy production techniques of their three prior albums; especially the tuneful (and excellent in its own right) Rather Ripped. Full Review »
  2. FelipeRS
    Mar 11, 2010
  3. FelipeRS
    Jul 9, 2009