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Mixed or average reviews- based on 303 Ratings

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  1. RobynL
    Sep 27, 2006
    I enjoy each and every song, and enjoy the sampling of earlier music. I hear nothing forced about feeling. Good Job!
  2. TurkRocks
    Nov 15, 2006
    Yanno what I noticed? We get alot of inconsiderate, anti social, unrealistic people out here now a days. Seems like some people go places just to try and start stuff about people and the type of music they like. Me? Im an all around person and Fergie fits in my All around. Rap, techno, rock, hip hop, R&B, Jazz, and fade - I love it all. Fergie - Im going to give you a 10 just because you Yanno what I noticed? We get alot of inconsiderate, anti social, unrealistic people out here now a days. Seems like some people go places just to try and start stuff about people and the type of music they like. Me? Im an all around person and Fergie fits in my All around. Rap, techno, rock, hip hop, R&B, Jazz, and fade - I love it all. Fergie - Im going to give you a 10 just because you are simply awesome. Your voice is great, your album shows it, and you have got some wicked talent. Expand
  3. Jan 6, 2015
    uma porcaria, fergie é uma botocada horrorosa que tenta fazer esse pop falado que nem rap pode ser chamado e um som repetitivo, só não é pior que L.A. LOVE
  4. xsassysays
    Jun 19, 2008
    The mixed reviews show how controversial Fergie's music and image are, which is part of its appeal. Exceptionally unique album. Fergie is too edgy to be written off as a mere pop princess.
  5. Oct 8, 2017
    This album is pop, is rock, is reggae, is RnB, is TALENT. Fergie managed to show everybody that she isn't just the "female one" of The Black Eye Pease. She's an artist. A wonderful album. Beautiful lyrics and really really good music. A little masterpiece.
  6. Sep 23, 2017
    The album has a lot of different sound, like R&B, hip hop, rock, soul, electro pop and gives Fergie a new image. It express what she wants, and makes a funny and light album to listen. In my opinion, one of the best albums of the last decade.
  7. aLck
    Sep 19, 2006
  8. JennB
    Sep 24, 2006
    2 least we don't have to worry about Gwen Stefani putting out a record of crap leftover sounding music. Fergie apparently took all the tripe Stefani scrapped for LoveAngelMusicBabay and tried to pass it off as her own.... yawn.
  9. JohnnysmugF*ck
    Dec 10, 2006
    Umm, For all you fanboyz/fangrrlz. Listen to "Fuck the pain away" off The Teaches of Peaches from Peaches (2000). Fergilicious is a straight ripoff of that track. Hey I'll give her 5 for being hot.
  10. CaleW
    Dec 27, 2006
    Fergie deserves capital punishment for this filth.
  11. Feb 23, 2014
  12. Aug 6, 2013
    Why all the hate? The Dutchess is an amazing album and Fergie is a better solo singer than in a group singing. A large range of beats and vocals, and exceptional guests like Ludacris.
  13. Oct 11, 2016
    Bem mediano, faixas típicas ao da época, o que não tira seu valor, desnecessárias faixas Finally e Velvet. as melhores Big Girls Don't Cry, Clumsy e London Bridge.
  14. Apr 17, 2015
    PT (BR): Eu não consigo enxergar o porque de tanto ódio em todas essas críticas a um álbum tão maravilhoso de se ouvir enquanto tantos outros ruins a parte lançados na mesma época são aclamados e rasgados em elogios pela crítica. Uma harmonia perfeita entre cada música tornando o álbum nada enjoativo, enquanto faixas como os singles e 'Mary Jane Shoes', 'Here I Come' e 'Losing My Ground'PT (BR): Eu não consigo enxergar o porque de tanto ódio em todas essas críticas a um álbum tão maravilhoso de se ouvir enquanto tantos outros ruins a parte lançados na mesma época são aclamados e rasgados em elogios pela crítica. Uma harmonia perfeita entre cada música tornando o álbum nada enjoativo, enquanto faixas como os singles e 'Mary Jane Shoes', 'Here I Come' e 'Losing My Ground' te levam a querer mais. Um álbum super bem produzido e ótimo na escolha de singles, Fergie com certeza nos trará um sucessor deste pelo ouvir da viciante faixa 'L.A Love' lançada em 2014 que me lembra o single 'Glamorous'. Com certeza e sem dúvidas, não importa sua média, um ótimo projeto.

    EN (US): I can't see why so much hatred in all this criticism to such a wonderful album to listen to while so many other bad part released at the same time are acclaimed and torn to critical acclaim. A perfect harmony between each song making the album nothing cloying, while tracks such as the singles and 'Mary Jane Shoes', 'Here I Come' and 'Losing My Ground' take you to want more. A super album well produced and great in the choice of singles, Fergie will certainly bring us a successor by hearing the addictive track 'LA Love' released in 2014 reminds me of the single 'Glamorous'. Certainly and undoubtedly, no matter your average, a great project.
  15. AhmedS
    Oct 9, 2006
    It has some fun songs, put the overall in not that good
  16. ToddW
    Sep 21, 2006
    Fergie, your prince is a frog. This album is uglier. When the cover is a pin-up, you know the album is a stinker. A black eye which does not ap-peas.
  17. [Anonymous]
    Sep 20, 2006
    Its a great CD ! Great range and vocals.
  18. Peeee
    Oct 9, 2006
    The CD makes a great weed plate...something nice to look at as you roll it, so you can lite it and listen to anything else but this crap.
  19. GreggM
    May 6, 2007
    Terrific album with songs ranging from hip-hop gems ("Glamorous", "London Bridge") to gorgeous ballads ("Finally"). 10/10 for the Ferg.
  20. MrK
    Dec 21, 2006
    Well what you have heard on the radio is all you really need to here off this album. Most songs have a pop reggae sound, a couple jazz tunes and a cover of Here I come. which was kind of refreshing to here. I most likely will not listen to it ever again.
  21. AndrewG
    Dec 20, 2006
    A 10 for Fergilicious - record of the year.
  22. StevenH
    Oct 3, 2006
  23. MarcD
    Oct 3, 2006
    Heard it. Trash it.
  24. ianm
    Sep 19, 2006
    bad music, actually worse than kelis.
  25. Bentley
    Sep 19, 2006
    Make her stop. Please.
  26. taylorf
    Sep 20, 2006
    why is she still making music
  27. SUnderwood
    Sep 20, 2006
    nauseating minstrel show sow
  28. JaceC
    Sep 20, 2006
    I'd certainly give her one!
  29. ChrisW
    Sep 23, 2006
    ...not all is bad here. There is some great studio work by the production teams. But the main problem is that Fergie doe not have enough talent to carry a solo project. And please Fergie... stop rapping! The only real white female rapper is, and always will be... Tarrie B.
  30. FussyLaRue
    Sep 20, 2006
    I hate Black Eyed Peas, but this album ain't half bad. It's derivative, but more artists today should be channeling the fun and sexy rap and pop groups of the past (JJ Fad, Mary Jane Girls) than doing whatever the hell it is Beyonce thinks she's doing.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Mildly entertaining but tremendously taxing.
  2. Though not every track is a gem, The Dutchess reaches further than most albums by contemporary divas.
  3. Los Angeles Times
    The problem is the Duchess herself. Fergie exudes earthy charm, but can't keep up with the breakneck music. She forces emotion on the slower show-stoppers, and she's all cartoon kitten on the come-ons. [17 Sep 2006]