
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Nov 20, 2017
    Clarke sounds reinvigorated here. It's clear he feels he has nothing to prove to anyone but himself.
  2. Q Magazine
    Nov 8, 2017
    A roster of guest vocalists elevate his noir-shaded take in Detroit techno and '80s "dark-wave" synth-pop. [Dec 2017, p.102]
  3. 85
    Each of his records could have come from any year from the past twenty five, to the next twenty five. There is the sound of now, the sound of then, and the sound of Dave Clarke.
  4. Nov 8, 2017
    All in all, this is a welcome return for Dave Clarke and an album declaring his rightful place at the helm of electronica.
  5. Nov 8, 2017
    Desecration of Desire is still built on everything that Dave Clarke has created to date, but the hardness is gone; and if you look close enough, you might be able to find the soft exterior he’s trying to show.

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