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Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 29
  2. Negative: 3 out of 29
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  1. Oct 16, 2015
    A transformative experience for Coheed and Cambria and fans alike, gone is the conceptual shroud used to blunt the emotional significance of earlier albums. Coheed and Cambria compose an album that makes them naked and exposed, and what we find there is relatable and magnificent. There are pop-punk highs and acoustic sullen lows, and The Color Before the Sun meshes together to become aA transformative experience for Coheed and Cambria and fans alike, gone is the conceptual shroud used to blunt the emotional significance of earlier albums. Coheed and Cambria compose an album that makes them naked and exposed, and what we find there is relatable and magnificent. There are pop-punk highs and acoustic sullen lows, and The Color Before the Sun meshes together to become a grand result from what happens when a veteran band experiments with their sound and pops their comfort bubble. That's the magic of Coheed and Cambria, who have been around in some shape or form (namely as the earlier "Shabutie") since 1995. They're never static, they're always evolving and trying new things. This is a harvest of that evolutionary drive, and it's damn near flawless. Save your tissues for "Peace to the Mountain", you'll need them. So brilliant, so magnificent a composition. The horns and strings really kill it.

    However, I'm still patiently waiting to find out what happens to Sirius Amory as he seeks to redeem his love Meri in The Fence. Don't have us wait too long, Claudio.
  2. Oct 22, 2015
    This is the most accessible album by Coheed yet, but it still super enjoyable for their longtime fans as well. Some are worried that this signals a departure from The Amory Wars, but I really don't think it is.
  3. Oct 16, 2015
    Really pleasantly surprised at the songwriting capability outside the realm of the Amory Wars. This is a very adult journey into what it means to age and grow. At 28, recently married and with my first child, the ideas and concepts presented in these songs truly resonate with my present state. The only thing this album is lacking for me is... the Amory Wars - but it still manages to findReally pleasantly surprised at the songwriting capability outside the realm of the Amory Wars. This is a very adult journey into what it means to age and grow. At 28, recently married and with my first child, the ideas and concepts presented in these songs truly resonate with my present state. The only thing this album is lacking for me is... the Amory Wars - but it still manages to find its own voice. Expand
  4. Oct 16, 2015
    From the first track to the last, this album pushed Coheed and Cambria musically, emotionally, and creatively. For the first time, listen to this band without the shear of speculation over Claudio's lyrics and truly see through his eyes and feel from his heart. This album demonstrates how Coheed and Cambria transcend genres and possess the ability to write and create any sound their heartFrom the first track to the last, this album pushed Coheed and Cambria musically, emotionally, and creatively. For the first time, listen to this band without the shear of speculation over Claudio's lyrics and truly see through his eyes and feel from his heart. This album demonstrates how Coheed and Cambria transcend genres and possess the ability to write and create any sound their heart desires. Coheed captured my attention over ten years ago with their release of In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 and have continued to make music that's moving, intriguing, genuine, evolving, and unique. Kudos to the band for completing their 8th studio album, a feat many bands fall much short of. Expand
  5. Oct 16, 2015
    Shifting away from their usual sci-fi backdrop, as well as some of their musical roots, Coheed and Cambria delivers a masterpiece once again. From the soothing and ethereal vibrations of "Colors", "Ghost", and "Peace to the Mountain", to the heart-pounding post-hardcore rock anthems found in "Island", "The Audience", and "You Got Spirit, Kid", it's clear that hopping genre lines neverShifting away from their usual sci-fi backdrop, as well as some of their musical roots, Coheed and Cambria delivers a masterpiece once again. From the soothing and ethereal vibrations of "Colors", "Ghost", and "Peace to the Mountain", to the heart-pounding post-hardcore rock anthems found in "Island", "The Audience", and "You Got Spirit, Kid", it's clear that hopping genre lines never slows this band down.

    The content of the songs this time are largely based on the personal experiences of lead singer and guitarist Claudio Sanchez, and his family. While this makes "The Color Before The Sun" feel unlike almost any other work the band has done, the result is a refreshing and very personal album that is surprisingly tight and inspiring.
  6. Oct 16, 2015
    The reason i give them a 9 for this album is because I feel as though this isnt Coheed's best album, but dont get me wrong, its incredible! Coheed hasnt disappointed me yet and they are one of those bands that can continue to dish out amazing new songs. Heres more of my opinion. This music is going to be around for a long time, its not a temporary fix like a lot of mainstream music thatThe reason i give them a 9 for this album is because I feel as though this isnt Coheed's best album, but dont get me wrong, its incredible! Coheed hasnt disappointed me yet and they are one of those bands that can continue to dish out amazing new songs. Heres more of my opinion. This music is going to be around for a long time, its not a temporary fix like a lot of mainstream music that gets replaced every other day. I believe Coheed will be a legend. But of course, this is my biased opinion. I have so much respect for these guys, and if youre new to their music, check all of their albums. I can guarantee that you'll find songs you like. Every album is like a new adventure that leaves you wanting more. Expand
  7. Sep 29, 2016
    This album is a great one if you know the meanings behind the songs or can determine them yourself. Some songs have little depth but great lyrics.
    This album showcases a more pop rock version of coheed than before. I think it is a welcome change.
  8. Oct 16, 2015
    I've been a die-hard fan for years. Even have my own dragonfly tattoo to show my support. TCBtS is a great standalone album that anyone can pickup and enjoy. That being said, I can't give the album more than an "8". Coheed is known for their very personal acoustic songs, and I just didn't get that feeling here. I will say that "Atlas" is beautiful. Every bit of love Claudio has for his sonI've been a die-hard fan for years. Even have my own dragonfly tattoo to show my support. TCBtS is a great standalone album that anyone can pickup and enjoy. That being said, I can't give the album more than an "8". Coheed is known for their very personal acoustic songs, and I just didn't get that feeling here. I will say that "Atlas" is beautiful. Every bit of love Claudio has for his son is all wrapped up in the song and you can feel it. All in all, a very solid album and a bold move to step away from the concept. Can't wait to hear some of these songs live. Expand
  9. Mar 8, 2020
    The band used this album to show that they could make an album without it being a concept album. They did just that. While it's not their best album, The Color Before The Sun is something unique and over time, I think will be deeply appreciated by fans. I honestly would love to see them do another album like this.
  10. Dec 4, 2015
    Coheed and Cambria is finally addressing the real world. After a long series of proggy science-fiction concept albums, Claudio Sanchez, the band’s singer-songwriter, writes about his own life: new fatherhood, self-doubt, and recent moves around the country. There’s more to like than dislike, but this is by no means the masterpiece some early reviews suggested. On the plus side are theCoheed and Cambria is finally addressing the real world. After a long series of proggy science-fiction concept albums, Claudio Sanchez, the band’s singer-songwriter, writes about his own life: new fatherhood, self-doubt, and recent moves around the country. There’s more to like than dislike, but this is by no means the masterpiece some early reviews suggested. On the plus side are the acoustic drone of “Ghost” — Sanchez feeling “broken” by his parents and hoping he’ll do better with his new son, Atlas — and opening rocker “Island,” where he questions his future. On the negative side, though, are the corny love song “Here to Mars” and the eerie “Young Love,” where he apologizes to his old house in New York’s Hudson Valley for renting it to pot growers who trashed it (“You believed in us, and we broke your trust”). But overall, the consistency is not what it could be. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Nov 5, 2015
    Pop rock rather than space prog, The Color Before the Sun is akin to his beloved Rush's permanent wave goodbye to fantasy epics in favor of radio-friendly AOR.
  2. Oct 16, 2015
    The music was recorded in a Nashville studio with few overdubs, which lends a welcome organic crunch at times. But overall, the consistency is not what it could be.
  3. Oct 16, 2015
    The Color Before the Sun is not the band's best record, but it is utterly inspired and almost nakedly sincere. It will likely play well to fans, but even more importantly, perhaps attract new ones.